commissions are now closed! @fewrites - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)

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♡ plum, 22. a blog for headcanons and fics. | askbox: only open for chatting. requests: 49. | rules + masterlist | buy me a ko-fi? ♡



Aug 24, 2020


Hi all! How have you guys been! My family has been able to stay healthy for the most part, but financially things have been a bit rough for the last few months. It also seems that my laptop is starting to die on me, and I'm looking to replace it. After looking into it here and there, I decided to build a gaming pc as its more cost efficient and offers the chance to improve over time. If things go well for me, I could open commissions again starting mid-September (no promises yet), but in the mean time it'd be amazing if anybody could donate some money on my ko-fi or on my paypal to support me!

#personal#Self reblog


Aug 23, 2020

Hi all! How have you guys been! My family has been able to stay healthy for the most part, but financially things have been a bit rough for the last few months. It also seems that my laptop is starting to die on me, and I'm looking to replace it. After looking into it here and there, I decided to build a gaming pc as its more cost efficient and offers the chance to improve over time. If things go well for me, I could open commissions again starting mid-September (no promises yet), but in the mean time it'd be amazing if anybody could donate some money on my ko-fi or on my paypal to support me!

#personal#not writing#if u see this feel free to send in an ask to gush about your fave fe characters 🤩💕


Mar 1, 2020

Valentine’s love letter commission

Thank you @destinationdesignation for commissioning me to write this letter for you, and thank you so much for your kind words! This turned out shorter than I wanted it to, but I do think I managed to get his voice right -- I hope you enjoy the letter! ♡

Love letter commissions are now CLOSED !

My beloved Prince,

Perhaps I should refrain from writing letters in the middle of the night, and yet, it seems that sleep has chosen to evade me. Whether this letter will ever find it’s way into your hands, I do not know – I may wake in the morning and find it to be unworthy of your attention. Why am I writing a letter in the first place, then? It just so happens that thinking of you, my love, soothes my heart. Were it not the middle of the night, I would come to see you this very moment!

Alas, I do not want to disturb your slumber. I imagine that you are having peaceful dreams tonight, and as long as one of us gets their rest, I shall be content. I ought to ask you about your dreams in the morning. Few things bring me more joy than listening to you talk, paired with your breathtaking smile…

Thanks to you, I find myself looking forward to each morning, every new day that I get to spend with you. You bring me peace when my mind and heart have known nothing but war for many years. Never would I have hoped… Believed myself to be able to be at peace again.

But then I met you, Prince, and my world changed. Where there were hatred and rage before, your kind heart reminded me of love and patience. I know I am not an easy man to be with, and yet you never seemed to regret being by my side. You ever even questioned it, did you? Words cannot describe how grateful I am for you. Even when the sky was overhung with thick, black clouds, you reminded me that the sun was still there. That it always will be.

I should tell you all of these things in person, and yet I don’t know if I will be able to remember the words should I stand before you. There is something about you that makes my mind go blank and my heartbeat with joy. Will I ever be able to put my gratitude into words, or will I have to rely on pen and paper to let you know what you make me feel? I should hope to find the courage to tell you all of this soon – someone with a heart as kind as yours should know the impact you’ve had on me. But until then, I’m afraid I’ll have to rely on letters to practice what to say.

Though I may have a guess about what your answer would be… I would like to ask you to stay by my side until then. I yearn for you the way a flower learns for the sun, and I dare not think about what life would be like without you. Will you stay with me, my love?

Yours eternally,Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd

#valentine's commission


Feb 26, 2020





It’s finally February, and only two weeks until Valentine’s day! I consider myself to be somebody who just adores romance, so it’s among one of my favourite holidays – and to celebrate, I’d like to open up Ko-Fi commissions.

Whether you have somebody to celebrate Valentine’s day with or not, I would like to send out as much love as I possibly can. And to do so, I’ll be offering personalised in-character love letters from the Fire Emblem characters. Each of the letters will be between 300 - 600 words – more or less one page in word. Examples of what these love letters could look like can be found HERE and HERE.

If you’d be interested in receiving such a love letter, follow these two steps:

1. Buy me a ko-fi over here and leave a message with your (main) tumblr url so I can contact and recognise you.2. Fill out the following form and submit it to this blog. (You can only submit things from your main blog, so please remember to leave the correct url in your ko-fi message!)Your name / alias : what do you want the character to address you as?Preferred pronouns : which pronouns do you feel most comfortable with?Pet names : are you okay with pet names? If yes, do you have any preferred pet names to be called?Which FE character do you want to receive a love letter from? : please choose a character from either AWAKENING, FATES, SHADOWS OF VALENTIA or THREE HOUSES – I am not familiar enough with the other games and therefore can’t write for them! You may leave more than one character in this place, but if you do so, I’ll randomly choose ONE to write the love letter from. (Please note that with the 3H DLC being so new, I haven’t got a grasp on the new characters yet – I would appreciate it if you didn’t ask for them just yet! Thank you.)How do you want to receive the love letter? : can I post the love letter on this blog and tag your blog, would you rather receive it via e-mail, or a link to a google doc?Do you have a preferred genre?: would you like the letter to be pure fluff, sorta angsty, or maybe leaning more towards the spicy* side? (you may leave this blank, in which case you will receive a SFW letter of a genre that I’ll pick myself)Any additional notes? : is there anything else you’d like me to know before I write the letter for you?* : i will refrain from writing anything explicit / overly graphic! the most you can get for a spicy letter would be hints and references.

I will be doing these love letters all throughout February, should there be enough interest in them! I will try to finish any commissions received before the 12th (CET timezone!) before Valentine’s day. In general, I want to try and finish each commission within roughly ~3-4 days of receiving it – if I think I’ll take longer than that, I will message you to let you know.

Hey guys, I added a little something for the characters you can request: as I haven’t gotten around to finishing the new DLC just yet, I won’t be accepting them for these love letters – I don’t have a proper grasp on their voice just yet, and don’t want to write something I wouldn’t be happy with.

That being said, these commissions are still open until the end of February! I will accept all of the commissions I receive by February 29, 23:59 CET (17:59 EST). ♡

#self reblog


Feb 20, 2020

Valentine’s Love Letter commission

Thank you so much @saberspedigree for commissioning me to write you this letter, and sorry that I wasn’t able to write for your first choice of character -- I hope you still like the letter! ♡

If you’re interested in receiving a love letter such as this, please refer to this post!

Dear Marcus,

Lately, I have been doing a lot of thinking – well, more than usual, I’d say. Have I ever thanked you?

When I first met you, I was a total wreck. I couldn’t leave my room without terror in each step back then. The fear of having to talk to total strangers petrified me every single time. It feels a bit awkward admitting this now, but talking to you also scared me. For some reason, the idea of you judging me was worse than anything else!

But we did end up talking, didn’t we? And it wasn’t difficult at all. Okay, well – maybe a little difficult. But it was not as scary as I anticipated, and you managed to make me feel… safe. I have no idea how you managed to do it, but even so, I’m grateful that you did. I even found myself looking forward to those hours that I had to spend outside of my room because it meant I could talk to you.

Don’t get me wrong, I still need the comfort of my own four walls to feel completely at ease. On some days I just need to be alone – and you understand that, don’t you? You’ve never once judged me when I felt overwhelmed. Instead, you offered me your patience and encouragement. Some nights, I wanted to distrust you. What reason did you have to be so kind to me, I wondered, but the more time we spent together, the more I realised that you didn’t have an ulterior motive. You were, and still are, one of the kindest people I have ever met.

With that, I want to thank you, my love. For helping me grow past the restraints my upbringing created. For being patient when I needed time for myself, and for understanding the things I didn’t know how to put into words. But most importantly, I want to thank you for teaching me what real love feels like. Thanks to you, I no longer feel frightened when I think about the future – I look forward to it because I know that you’ll be with me through the good and the bad times.


PS.: I know it may seem ridiculous after writing down how I feel, but I may need some time to myself after writing down my feelings and knowing you read about them. I’m sorry! I just get so flustered thinking about seeing you in person right now, so… Please give me one day to myself before we talk! Thank you for understanding!

#valentine's commission#saberspedigree


Feb 20, 2020





It’s finally February, and only two weeks until Valentine’s day! I consider myself to be somebody who just adores romance, so it’s among one of my favourite holidays – and to celebrate, I’d like to open up Ko-Fi commissions.

Whether you have somebody to celebrate Valentine’s day with or not, I would like to send out as much love as I possibly can. And to do so, I’ll be offering personalised in-character love letters from the Fire Emblem characters. Each of the letters will be between 300 - 600 words – more or less one page in word. Examples of what these love letters could look like can be found HERE and HERE.

If you’d be interested in receiving such a love letter, follow these two steps:

1. Buy me a ko-fi over here and leave a message with your (main) tumblr url so I can contact and recognise you.2. Fill out the following form and submit it to this blog. (You can only submit things from your main blog, so please remember to leave the correct url in your ko-fi message!)Your name / alias : what do you want the character to address you as?Preferred pronouns : which pronouns do you feel most comfortable with?Pet names : are you okay with pet names? If yes, do you have any preferred pet names to be called?Which FE character do you want to receive a love letter from? : please choose a character from either AWAKENING, FATES, SHADOWS OF VALENTIA or THREE HOUSES – I am not familiar enough with the other games and therefore can’t write for them! You may leave more than one character in this place, but if you do so, I’ll randomly choose ONE to write the love letter from. (Please note that with the 3H DLC being so new, I haven’t got a grasp on the new characters yet -- I would appreciate it if you didn’t ask for them just yet! Thank you.)How do you want to receive the love letter? : can I post the love letter on this blog and tag your blog, would you rather receive it via e-mail, or a link to a google doc?Do you have a preferred genre?: would you like the letter to be pure fluff, sorta angsty, or maybe leaning more towards the spicy* side? (you may leave this blank, in which case you will receive a SFW letter of a genre that I’ll pick myself)Any additional notes? : is there anything else you’d like me to know before I write the letter for you?* : i will refrain from writing anything explicit / overly graphic! the most you can get for a spicy letter would be hints and references.

I will be doing these love letters all throughout February, should there be enough interest in them! I will try to finish any commissions received before the 12th (CET timezone!) before Valentine’s day. In general, I want to try and finish each commission within roughly ~3-4 days of receiving it – if I think I’ll take longer than that, I will message you to let you know.

Hey guys, I added a little something for the characters you can request: as I haven’t gotten around to finishing the new DLC just yet, I won’t be accepting them for these love letters -- I don’t have a proper grasp on their voice just yet, and don’t want to write something I wouldn’t be happy with.

That being said, these commissions are still open until the end of February! I will accept all of the commissions I receive by February 29, 23:59 CET (17:59 EST). ♡

#self reblog#i am currently finishing up the last commission i have rn so i wont have much on my plate after that


Feb 16, 2020


My family it's on short cash to pay my surgery so I going to help them , I will had surgery in this 2 weeks. I had tumor ,I'm shock when doctor said this ,but he say he could remove this since it's still not dangerous. I realized why my body keep getting weak and weaker so this little devil keep draining my life . I also open Kofi page . Sorry I always asking for help !

#if you have the means to please consider supporting this artist!#psa


Feb 14, 2020


I want to send all of you my deepest affection and gratitude for following this blog, and sending in such lovely messages! I started this blog because I wanted to be able to give back to such a great community, and I haven’t regretted it even once. It brings a smile to my face when I get notifications that somebody liked or reblogged one of my posts -- and I will admit to squealing with joy when people leave comments in the tags or on the post itself. It’s these little things that add up and warm my heart, and I would like to thank you all for the support you have given me since I first started this blog.

Whether you have somebody to spend Valentine’s day with or not, please do remember that you are loved and appreciated. Every single one of you makes my heart flutter with joy, and you deserve to experience the same feeling as often as possible. I love all of you a ton, and I hope I’ll be able to bring moresmiles to you in the future! ♡

If you want to spread the love today, but aren’t quite sure how, how about we do a little Valentine’s challenge?

If you have any content creators that you enjoy seeing on your timeline, whether it be writers or artists, consider reblogging their content with some nice tags, or leaving them a nice message in their ask! Even if it’s an anon ask that says‘I love your stuff, thank you for sharing it with us’, I can assure you that people will appreciate it more than you can imagine. It generally doesn’t take long to think of something to comment on, but it will make the creator’s day!

I know that it can be a bit intimidating at first, I’ve been there too -- there’s something inherently scary about voicing your opinion to a virtual stranger, even if it’s praise. It’s very easy to get in over your head and overthink a simple compliment, and then decide to keep it to yourself. But I have yet to see a content creator dislike receiving comments! As somebody who’s been on both sides, I think I can speak for a majority of all content creators when I say that sometimes, even the most simple comment can keep us going. The thought that somebody would reblog your writing/art because they enjoyed it so much they want others to see it to is nothing less than heartwarming.

Once more, happy valentine’s day to all of you lovely people who have decided to stick around -- I hope that you receive all the love that you deserve, and that your days are filled with nothing but sunshine and smiles. ♡

#not writing#valentine's day appreciation#the same goes for any other platform where creators share their content: instagram; twitter; ao3 - don't be shy and share some love♡


Feb 14, 2020

Valentine’s Love Letter commission

Thank you so much @seaweedsallyandhercacklingturtle for commissioning me to write you this letter! Happy Valentine’s Day. ♡

If you’re interested in receiving a love letter such as this, please refer to this post!

My beloved Maddie,I write this letter to you in hopes of it reaching your heart. Truly, I do not know whether my words have the power to move you in the way yours move me, and yet I must try.

Have you noticed the way my eyes linger on you when you are not beside me? It took me some time, but I have finally realised the reason for this: I cannot get enough of you.

Now, please do forgive me for such a bold statement – it is unbecoming for a crown prince such as myself, I’m aware. And yet I would like to share all of my thoughts and feelings with you, even if they might bring shame to my name. With you, I want to be able to bare it all.

I find myself yearning for you more and more each day. Holding you in my arms each night just doesn’t seem to be enough for me, and it worries me. What if my overbearing longing for you drives you away? I struggle to find the perfect balance of pulling you close and giving you enough space. Am I doing the right thing, my love?

The duty of being the crown prince is a burden I have learned to carry well over the years. I wonder, would you recognise a younger version of me? There must be worlds apart between who I used to be as a boy and who I am now. If you had known me then, would you still have fallen in love with me? I was weak, then; shy and inexperienced. I wished to become a better son to my father, someone who could earn his respect, and I wished to become a better person for our people. I set myself up for multiple failures on the way, expecting to see change overnight.

You must be wondering why I’m writing all of this down… I would like to ask for your help. I try to be a better man for you, someone who deserves your love and affection, but… I keep expecting to see results overnight. ‘Some habits are hard to break’, that is how the saying goes, yes?

When I look at you, my love, I see the most wonderful woman to walk this earth: strong, capable, intelligent, and breathtakingly beautiful – with a heart as kind as an angel, and a smile as brilliant as one thousand sunsets. How could I not love you? How could anybody look at you and not see how wonderful you are?

I believe that loving you has given me the opportunity to grow further, and for that, I cannot thank you enough. But as selfish as I am, I’m afraid I have another favour to ask of you: would you allow me to stay by your side forevermore?Please allow to me share in your spoils as in your sorrows, to hold your hand when you seek guidance, and to begin every morning with you by my side. And in return, I want to give you all the love you could ever ask for, reassurance and warmth to keep you content, and to shield you from dark days.

I know that I have many things to learn when it comes to being the perfect partner for you, my love, but there is nobody I would like to experience these lessons with more than you. Your patience and your love are the most perfect gifts I could receive, and I’m afraid my gratitude cannot be expressed with words… Therefore, I have planned to take you on a romantic retreat. Rest assured, our destination is outside of Nohrian borders – I reckon a warmer, sunnier climate compliments a romantic retreat much better than what we are used to here.

I hope I don’t sound too forward when I say this, but I believe taking off one whole week to enjoy a vacation with you would help me ease my constant longing for you. Thinking about having you all to myself, with no interruptions… excites me greatly, my dear. Perhaps I ought to apologise for another bold statement like this, but I can’t help but think about how difficult it is to find enough time to be alone with you. It seems that there’s always something threatening to happen when we find ourselves alone in a room, only for somebody to burst in and require our attention.

I have to wonder – do you miss me when I am preoccupied with royal duties? I know that I miss you. Sometimes I even find myself thinking about forgoing whatever task I have at hand just to be with you. Oh, but don’t worry, I realise my position does not allow me to do so. A man can dream, however, and when I dream it’s about you.I must end this letter now and find somebody to deliver it to you. Please, do take your time and consider whether you would like to join me on a romantic retreat and let me know whenever you have made up your mind. I would be happy to take time off just for the two of us – why, the very thought of it brings a smile to my face! For once, I am glad to be alone right now. What would somebody think if they saw me smiling like a fool as I write this letter?My heart and thoughts are always with you,Xander

#valentine's commission#seaweedsallyandhercacklingturtle


Feb 7, 2020

Valentine’s Love Letter commission

Thank you so much @rathgir for commissioning me to write this letter for you -- I hope you enjoy it! I wanted to make sure to use your primary character option for this. Happy early Valentine’s day! ♡

If you’re interested in receiving a love letter such as this, please refer to this post!

Dear Bobby,

I am a lot better at writing than I am at talking, and I think you already noticed... But this way, I can take my time and pick out the right words. No panicking involved! Writing is just great like that. And if I don't like the way something sounds, I can just start all over again! This is the fourth time I'm trying to write this letter. That... wasn't weird to write, was it? No, I'll keep it as it is!

I think you understand where I am coming from though, right? I've seen you freeze up talking to others the way I do… But it's not like I was trying to spy on you! I just happened to notice it now and then! Maybe I should try and get to the point…

You know when you have a big task ahead of you, and it's so intimidating that it robs you of sleep at night? None of your preparations ever feel good enough, and before you know it, the mere thought of that task chokes you up? Maybe you even feel as if there's a heavy rock inside your chest. I know that's what it feels like for me, most of the time… I hope you've never experienced that feeling – it's the worst! And, well, you deserve better!

But what I was trying to say… Writing this letter is a daunting task for me. You can't tell while reading this, but I have to keep taking breaks every few sentences to collect myself and talk myself into finishing this letter. I never thought it would be this nerve-wracking! However, there's also another feeling involved. It's as if these words are caught inside of me, begging to escape… To be heard. That's, well – that's where you come in, Bobby.

These words want to be heard by you. I don't think I could ever say – or write – them for anybody else but you. Okay, here goes!

I really like you, Bobby.

You somehow manage to make the bad feelings inside of me disappear and replace them with butterflies. Nobody else has ever been able to make me feel like this! When I first realised it, I was confused. Aren't butterflies in your stomach something that only happens in romance novels? But then I found my thoughts wandering to you, again and again, before it dawned on me. They always say 'write what you know', but for some reason, I used to disregard that… I never thought I'd ever experience the same feelings as the main characters in a love story. But then you came, and somehow… Somehow I feel like I may be the main character in my own romance novel. Maybe even alongside you…

I hope that you don't mind me writing this letter instead of telling you in person – I think if I had to say these words out loud, I would beg the goddess to open up a hole in the ground and make me vanish instantly. But if I wrote them down and had you read them before we talk… I thought that would be a better idea for both of us. So, if you happen to feel like it… You could write your response in a letter! Or… not. You don't have to if you don't want to, of course!

Okay, I've said what I wanted to say and now I'll have to hide in my room for the next couple of days. But if you decide to write a letter… You could always slip it under my door.

Please reply soon,Bernie

#fire emblem three houses#bernadetta von varley#bernadetta x reader#fe3h#fe3h commission#valentine's commission


Feb 2, 2020



It’s finally February, and only two weeks until Valentine’s day! I consider myself to be somebody who just adores romance, so it’s among one of my favourite holidays – and to celebrate, I’d like to open up Ko-Fi commissions.

Whether you have somebody to celebrate Valentine’s day with or not, I would like to send out as much love as I possibly can. And to do so, I’ll be offering personalised in-character love letters from the Fire Emblem characters. Each of the letters will be between 300 - 600 words – more or less one page in word. Examples of what these love letters could look like can be found HERE and HERE.

If you’d be interested in receiving such a love letter, follow these two steps:

1. Buy me a ko-fi over here and leave a message with your (main) tumblr url so I can contact and recognise you.2. Fill out the following form and submit it to this blog. (You can only submit things from your main blog, so please remember to leave the correct url in your ko-fi message!)Your name / alias : what do you want the character to address you as?Preferred pronouns : which pronouns do you feel most comfortable with?Pet names : are you okay with pet names? If yes, do you have any preferred pet names to be called?Which FE character do you want to receive a love letter from? : please choose a character from either AWAKENING, FATES, SHADOWS OF VALENTIA or THREE HOUSES – I am not familiar enough with the other games and therefore can’t write for them! You may leave more than one character in this place, but if you do so, I’ll randomly choose ONE to write the love letter from.How do you want to receive the love letter? : can I post the love letter on this blog and tag your blog, would you rather receive it via e-mail, or a link to a google doc?Do you have a preferred genre?: would you like the letter to be pure fluff, sorta angsty, or maybe leaning more towards the spicy* side? (you may leave this blank, in which case you will receive a SFW letter of a genre that I’ll pick myself)Any additional notes? : is there anything else you’d like me to know before I write the letter for you?* : i will refrain from writing anything explicit / overly graphic! the most you can get for a spicy letter would be hints and references.

I will be doing these love letters all throughout February, should there be enough interest in them! I will try to finish any commissions received before the 12th (CET timezone!) before Valentine’s day. In general, I want to try and finish each commission within roughly ~3-4 days of receiving it – if I think I’ll take longer than that, I will message you to let you know.

#reblogging once more because i just finished drafting the first commission!#letting it rest for a while before i go to edit it :)#feel free to send any questions my way if you have some!


Feb 2, 2020



It’s finally February, and only two weeks until Valentine’s day! I consider myself to be somebody who just adores romance, so it’s among one of my favourite holidays – and to celebrate, I’d like to open up Ko-Fi commissions.

Whether you have somebody to celebrate Valentine’s day with or not, I would like to send out as much love as I possibly can. And to do so, I’ll be offering personalised in-character love letters from the Fire Emblem characters. Each of the letters will be between 300 - 600 words – more or less one page in word. Examples of what these love letters could look like can be found HERE and HERE.

If you’d be interested in receiving such a love letter, follow these two steps:

1. Buy me a ko-fi over here and leave a message with your (main) tumblr url so I can contact and recognise you.2. Fill out the following form and submit it to this blog. (You can only submit things from your main blog, so please remember to leave the correct url in your ko-fi message!)Your name / alias : what do you want the character to address you as?Preferred pronouns : which pronouns do you feel most comfortable with?Pet names : are you okay with pet names? If yes, do you have any preferred pet names to be called?Which FE character do you want to receive a love letter from? : please choose a character from either AWAKENING, FATES, SHADOWS OF VALENTIA or THREE HOUSES – I am not familiar enough with the other games and therefore can’t write for them! You may leave more than one character in this place, but if you do so, I’ll randomly choose ONE to write the love letter from.How do you want to receive the love letter? : can I post the love letter on this blog and tag your blog, would you rather receive it via e-mail, or a link to a google doc?Do you have a preferred genre?: would you like the letter to be pure fluff, sorta angsty, or maybe leaning more towards the spicy* side? (you may leave this blank, in which case you will receive a SFW letter of a genre that I’ll pick myself)Any additional notes? : is there anything else you’d like me to know before I write the letter for you?* : i will refrain from writing anything explicit / overly graphic! the most you can get for a spicy letter would be hints and references.

I will be doing these love letters all throughout February, should there be enough interest in them! I will try to finish any commissions received before the 12th (CET timezone!) before Valentine’s day. In general, I want to try and finish each commission within roughly ~3-4 days of receiving it – if I think I’ll take longer than that, I will message you to let you know.

#not writing#timezone reblog


Feb 1, 2020


It’s finally February, and only two weeks until Valentine’s day! I consider myself to be somebody who just adores romance, so it’s among one of my favourite holidays -- and to celebrate, I’d like to open up Ko-Fi commissions.

Whether you have somebody to celebrate Valentine’s day with or not, I would like to send out as much love as I possibly can. And to do so, I’ll be offering personalised in-character love letters from the Fire Emblem characters. Each of the letters will be between 300 - 600 words -- more or less one page in word. Examples of what these love letters could look like can be found HERE and HERE.

If you’d be interested in receiving such a love letter, follow these two steps:

1. Buy me a ko-fi over here and leave a message with your (main) tumblr url so I can contact and recognise you.2. Fill out the following form and submit it to this blog. (You can only submit things from your main blog, so please remember to leave the correct url in your ko-fi message!)Your name / alias : what do you want the character to address you as?Preferred pronouns : which pronouns do you feel most comfortable with?Pet names : are you okay with pet names? If yes, do you have any preferred pet names to be called?Which FE character do you want to receive a love letter from? : please choose a character from either AWAKENING, FATES, SHADOWS OF VALENTIA or THREE HOUSES -- I am not familiar enough with the other games and therefore can’t write for them! You may leave more than one character in this place, but if you do so, I’ll randomly choose ONE to write the love letter from.How do you want to receive the love letter? : can I post the love letter on this blog and tag your blog, would you rather receive it via e-mail, or a link to a google doc?Do you have a preferred genre?: would you like the letter to be pure fluff, sorta angsty, or maybe leaning more towards the spicy* side? (you may leave this blank, in which case you will receive a SFW letter of a genre that I’ll pick myself)Any additional notes? : is there anything else you’d like me to know before I write the letter for you?* : i will refrain from writing anything explicit / overly graphic! the most you can get for a spicy letter would be hints and references.

I will be doing these love letters all throughout February, should there be enough interest in them! I will try to finish any commissions received before the 12th (CET timezone!) before Valentine’s day. In general, I want to try and finish each commission within roughly ~3-4 days of receiving it -- if I think I’ll take longer than that, I will message you to let you know.

#not writing#plums valentines commissions


Jan 31, 2020

Ashe Ubert + finding out his s/o is pregnant

some more self indulgent headcanons to get back into the swing of things :)

You had not been trying to get pregnant, so when you realised that your period was overdue, panic began to settle within you.

You’ve been with Ashe for a while now, long enough that the two of you already talked about having children -- at some point in the future. He seemed very receptive to the idea of starting a family with you, but you were unsure if he’d feel the same way now.

You rarely find yourself shy around him; if anything, he used to be shy around you! But now you’re having a difficult time trying to keep your conversations nonchalant, and it doesn’t take long for Ashe to ask why you’re acting so weird.

You wave your hand, trying to come up with an excuse. Sensing your discomfort, Ashe decides not to push further for the time being, but he does keep a close eye on you. If you take too long to talk to him, he’ll begin to wonder if he did something wrong: did he hurt you in any way? Were you mad at him?

You tell yourself that you’re waiting, making sure it’s no false alarm, but with each passing day you grow more certain that you’re carrying his child within you.

Finally, you muster the courage to approach Ashe with the intent on telling him the truth. Spending the day in the kitchen, you prepare his favourite meal -- as a way of apologising for acting so weird these past few days.

When he comes back home that day to find the table already set, he’s surprised. He never wants you to do all the housework all by yourself, helping wherever he can.“Y/n? What’s going on?” He’d warily call out, making his presence known.

You rush to meet him, a quick peck on the lips to welcome him back home.“I want to apologise for how I’ve been acting lately...” Those words seem to surprise him.

“I... You’re not mad at me?” He asks sheepishly, his green eyes starring right into yours.

“No! Oh goddess, not at all!” Guilt settles within your chest now for making him worry that he somehow had upset you -- you couldn’t think of a single thing he’d do that could make you mad.

You see relief washing over him as his expression begins to relax.

“In fact, I have... I have an announcement to make, Ashe.”

He tenses up again, curious eyes looking at you, as if to figure out what you’re going to tell him.

“I am with child, Ashe.”

He doesn’t seem to realise it himself, but tears begin to well up in his eyes upon hearing those words.“You... you are?”

A nod is enough for him to pull you into a tight hug, resting his head on your shoulder. Then, almost as quickly as he wrapped his arms around you, he lets go.“I’m not hurting you, am I?”

His concern makes your chest feel warm, shaking your head to let him know you’re okay.

“You are going to be such a great mother...” You hear him whisper before he cups your face in his hands, kissing you with all the love he has. His loving reaction makes you feel silly for ever worrying about what he’d say to you.

“We should sit down and eat before the food gets cold, don’t you think?” You eventually say, and a soft blush rises to his cheeks as he nods.

“Yes, we should, love. Especially now that you’re eating for two...”

#fire emblem three houses#ashe ubert#ashe ubert headcanons#three houses headcanons#ashe ubert x reader#ashe ubert imagine#fire emblem three houses imagine#three houses imagine#fire emblem#fe3h#fe3h headcanons#headcanons


Jan 27, 2020

with valentines day coming up, i was wondering if anybody would be interested in some small commissioned works? perhaps personalised love letters from the characters?

if you see this and think you'd be interested in it, let me know!! or send me other suggestions instead of personalised love letters if you like 💞

#not writing#throwing out some thoughts for now#i'm torn about this as I've never done commissions before#but I'd like to do something special for valentines day!#and some extra money would help my family out a lot tbh


Jan 22, 2020

expect me to return to this blog once the final dlc wave drops! i'm really excited and i've missed being on here + writing! 💞

#not writing#it's been way to long since I've been on here!


Oct 7, 2019

Hi, idk if I’m too late and if you’re still open for request, but if you are: could I get one of those anonymous love letter headcanons for Claude 😅 I hope that’s not weird haha

Hey, it’s all good - you’ve sent this just in time! It’s not weird at all, I’d love to write these for you~ ♡

This one was a bit trickier to write, just because of how Claude is as a person... but that also made it really interesting to explore this scenario. I hope you enjoy it!

Under the cut due to length~

Anonymous love letter headcanons

Let’s be real here - the idea of confessing your feelings is scary enough, but to confess to somebody as unpredictable as Claude? If only you could read his mannerisms, his body language around you to figure out how he feels towards you, but you know no matter what he shows you, it may be just that: a show.

But keeping your feelings to yourself isn’t a good idea either, and you know that.

So what’s the next best thing to do? Write a letter - preferably without your name, to spare yourself the potential embarrassment from being rejected.

Then again… this is Claude we’re talking about.

As soon as he gets the note and reads it, he’s working on figuring out who wrote it.

He’s analysing it strategically: how familiar is the handwriting? Are there any phrases he’s heard his fellow students saying in person? If he could, he’d probably try to take fingerprints off of the letter. And who seems to have taken a liking to him, based on previous interactions?

Before he does more, he manages to get down to less than a handful of subjects - with you among them, of course.

In the following days, Claude spends some time with the people he considered as senders, tries to get a glance at their handwriting to compare it to that of the love letter.

His behaviour doesn’t escape you, and you suddenly start to worry whether it was such a smart idea to send him a love letter after all.

When he asks to talk to you after two days, both of you know that he’s figured it out by himself.

And yet, he makes sure to invite you for tea, wants you to feel comfortable around him before he mentioned the letter.

You try your best to calm your nerves, but keep thinking about how foolish you must seem to him - hiding behind an anonymous note instead of facing him?

Claude waits for you to finish drinking your tea before he speaks up. “So, the letter… you wrote it, right?”

Averting your eyes, you can only nod - it’s difficult to find the right words to say, especially when you’ve been caught red-handed.

“Hey, no need to worry - we all get crushes. And I’m honoured to be yours! Hah, really, it makes things so much easier for me!”

You’ve braced yourself for rejection, so those words leave you… more than just confused.

“Easier? What do you mean?”

“Come on, y/n - I wouldn’t have put in so much effort to figure out who wrote the letter if I hadn’t hoped it was from you.” He sounds so carefree when he says that, so casual, that it’s a little difficult to believe him - though you know that Claude would never play a trick as cruel as lying to you about this.

“Claude, you don’t- you don’t need to spare my feelings with… a joke, okay?” You want to hear him say it out loud, instead of just implying things and letting you pick what you want to hear. No, if he really means it, then you want him to be upright about it - even if you weren’t.

“It’s not a joke, y/n. You’ve got a crush on me, and I’ve got a crush on you. Simple as that.”

You demanded to hear that, and yet his casual confession made you blush and look away.“Oh, okay, well… Then…” A bit at a loss for words, you look back up at him.

“By the way, here’s a little tip: the next time you want to remain anonymous, you should write with your non-dominant hand. Makes it more difficult to track down.”

#claude von riegan#fire emblem three houses#claude von riegan headcanons#claude von riegan x reader#fire emblem three houses imagines#three houses imagines#three houses imagine#three houses headcanons#fire emblem imagine#fe3h#fe3h headcanons#fe3h imagine#headcanons#request

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.