Employment Agreements in Private Equity owned Companies verses in Public Companies – Jamieson (2024)

Michael Sirkin, US Chairman & Managing Director

Michael Sirkin, US Chairman & Managing Director

Employment Agreements in Private Equity owned Companies verses in Public Companies

Employment Agreements in Private Equity owned Companies verse in Public Companies

Recognizing the difference in the ownership and goals, we are often asked by executives joining a private equity portfolio company for the first time about the differences in compensation, severance, benefits and other core compensation issues between public companies and private equity owned companies. Executives coming from public companies and having felt constrained by the oversight of proxy advisory firms, such as Institutional Shareholder Services (commonly known as ISS) and Glass Lewis, as well as the governance views of institutional investors, often are hopeful of more “creativity” in arrangements. Many are surprised when it turns out that the differences, other than with regard to long term equity, are generally limited, although still important to recognize when discussing employment arrangements with private equity owned companies.

We have in previous articles discussed how equity incentives in private equity owned companies differ from those in public companies. Private and public companies both utilize equity incentives to try and align the interests of investors and management. However, the equity arrangements by necessity differ due to ownership structure and anticipated time frame of the investment. Private equity firms use front-loaded grants intended to cover multiple years, compared to public companies’ annual grant approach. Discussions of the differences in long term equity incentives between public and private equity owned companies can be found at www.jamiesoncf.com/perspectives.

This article discusses compensation items other than long term equity.


Employment contracts are probably equally common at top levels in public and private equity owned companies, but public companies more often use severance plans instead below the chief executive officer level (and, sometimes, even at the chief executive officer level). When employment agreements exist in private equity owned companies, they are usually evergreen or indefinite in length so they cover from acquisition to exit. In public companies, the evergreen or indefinite employment term contract is also heavily used; but, because of governance pressures, some companies use fixed term contracts with no severance on non-renewal.

A private equity buyer will often want to replace existing employment agreements with new ones in its standard form to have consistency across its portfolio companies and, thereby, make them easier for the private equity firm to administer. However, if the private equity firm believes the existing form favors the employer, it may well leave the employment agreements in place with only minor changes. The public company will generally have its own standard form for executives joining the company if it does not use the severance plan approach. The severance plan usually would give the public company the ability to amend the terms on notice without employee approval and avoid the need to negotiate severance with every new hire through his or her lawyer.


Base salaries in private equity owned portfolio companies are generally in the same range as in public companies for the same size company, although, at the top of the market place, they are often slightly lower. The one area where an executive’s base salary generally increases when moving to a private equity owned portfolio company from a public company is when a Division is sold and the executive is promoted from Division head to chief executive officer of the portfolio company. In this case, there is usually an increase in base salary to recognize the added responsibilities.


Target annual bonus levels as a percentage of base salary are generally similar in public and private equity owned companies. There is often less of a specified maximum built into the private equity owned company plan and usually more discretion. This is expected since, rather than public shareholders, the portfolio company board is composed of employees of the financial sponsor who report only to the financial sponsor. The recent promulgated SEC regulations under Dodd Frank with regard to clawbacks, emphasize that public company employment agreements usually provide for clawbacks of annual bonuses and incentive equity based on financial restatements or cross reference the company policy on clawbacks. The private equity owned company employment agreement does not usually provide for clawbacks based on financial restatements. Of course, at least half of the incentive equity will be at risk until exit on any termination and all equity is forfeited on a cause termination in the private equity owned company.


The private equity owned company will have the same basic benefits of healthcare, life insurance, 401(k) and disability benefits as the public company, but often will not have all of the ancillary benefit programs. The larger the private equity owned company, the more likely they will have public company type benefits.


The private equity owned company will likely have less perks and fringe benefits than a public company because of the desire to limit expenses. Use of aircraft will occur where necessary for business use, but not often for private use.


Severance levels are generally similar pre change in control in public and private equity owned companies. However, the common increase in severance multiples found in public companies in connection with a change in control is generally not found in private equity owned companies. It is increased in public companies because executives may well be terminated in such situations through no fault of their own, but, instead, because there is no role for them. Therefore, arguably, they need and deserve a bigger cushion. In private equity owned companies there is not usually a step up in severance on a change in control. The reason is that the expectation when management joins the company is that it is going to be sold within a couple of years and that management will be adequately compensated at that time by the vesting and sale of their equity.


280g is a section of the tax code that imposes an excise tax on executives in the case of a change in control where management receives significant payments. At one point this excise tax was commonly grossed up by the company so that the executive would have no cost for it. The gross up has not existed for a number of years because ISS, Glass Lewis and governance advocates treat it as a very bad pay practice and penalize the board for authorizing it. Instead the employment contracts provide a “better of” provision where the executive retains the greater of the amount he can receive without being subject to the excise tax and the amount he would retain if he received the full amount and paid the excise tax. You often see the same “better of” provisions in private equity owned company employment agreements for the top people, but it does not often come into play because there is an exemption from 280g for privately owned companies if the executive waives the excess parachute payments unless reapproved at the time of the deal by 75% of the ownership interests. So there is commonly a provision that provides the Company will seek the approval in good faith if the executive waives.


While the basic provisions on indemnification and insurance are generally the same in employment contracts in both types of companies, there are differences that need to be considered. The level of insurance coverage in a private equity owned company is usually less than in a public company because there are no public shareholders and, unless public debt is utilized, no securities law filings. Therefore, both the probability of a lawsuit and the amounts involved will be less. In the private equity owned company, there usually is a very broad indemnity in the organizational documents to cover the directors and sponsor employees. Depending on wording, it may or may not cover the executives of the operating company. If it does not, this protection needs to be provided through the employment agreement. In a public company, the certificate of incorporation or bylaws usually includes protection for the officers and directors. In both cases, the employment agreement usually has provisions assuring post-employment continued coverage for actions while employed. In all cases this coverage is usually just for officers and directors, and any coverage of non-officer employees is not covered by the bylaws beyond being discretionary.


The private equity owned company often has restrictive covenants in three agreements—the employment agreement, the equity grant agreement and the purchase agreement. The first two usually continue for one to two years after termination of employment, while the one in the purchase agreement, if provided, usually runs 3 to 5 years from the purchase. They all should generally be coordinated as to the restrictions and limitations. The public company will generally have one in an employment agreement or a separate restrictive covenant agreement. Some public companies, but not all, will include them in their equity grants. While the private equity owned company equity grant will almost always provide for clawbacks for violations, the public company remedy provisions vary greatly.


Employment arrangements, in addition to equity, are important in the private equity setting and must be carefully reviewed and negotiated. This is especially true, as is most often the case, when the definition of cause and good reason are being carried over from the employment agreement to the equity plan. But, in all cases, the executive is signing on for a package and the employment agreement is an important part of it.

Jamieson Corporate Finance US, LLC is a member of FINRA/SIPC

Recognizing the difference in the ownership and goals, we are often asked by executives joining a private equity portfolio company for the first time about the differences in compensation, severance, benefits and other core compensation issues between public companies and private equity owned companies. Executives coming from public companies and having felt constrained by the oversight of proxy advisory firms, such as Institutional Shareholder Services (commonly known as ISS) and Glass Lewis, as well as the governance views of institutional investors, often are hopeful of more “creativity” in arrangements. Many are surprised when it turns out that the differences, other than with regard to long term equity, are generally limited, although still important to recognize when discussing employment arrangements with private equity owned companies.

We have in previous articles discussed how equity incentives in private equity owned companies differ from those in public companies. Private and public companies both utilize equity incentives to try and align the interests of investors and management. However, the equity arrangements by necessity differ due to ownership structure and anticipated time frame of the investment. Private equity firms use front-loaded grants intended to cover multiple years, compared to public companies’ annual grant approach. Discussions of the differences in long term equity incentives between public and private equity owned companies can be found at www.jamiesoncf.com/perspectives.

This article discusses compensation items other than long term equity.


Employment contracts are probably equally common at top levels in public and private equity owned companies, but public companies more often use severance plans instead below the chief executive officer level (and, sometimes, even at the chief executive officer level). When employment agreements exist in private equity owned companies, they are usually evergreen or indefinite in length so they cover from acquisition to exit. In public companies, the evergreen or indefinite employment term contract is also heavily used; but, because of governance pressures, some companies use fixed term contracts with no severance on non-renewal.

A private equity buyer will often want to replace existing employment agreements with new ones in its standard form to have consistency across its portfolio companies and, thereby, make them easier for the private equity firm to administer. However, if the private equity firm believes the existing form favors the employer, it may well leave the employment agreements in place with only minor changes. The public company will generally have its own standard form for executives joining the company if it does not use the severance plan approach. The severance plan usually would give the public company the ability to amend the terms on notice without employee approval and avoid the need to negotiate severance with every new hire through his or her lawyer.


Base salaries in private equity owned portfolio companies are generally in the same range as in public companies for the same size company, although, at the top of the market place, they are often slightly lower. The one area where an executive’s base salary generally increases when moving to a private equity owned portfolio company from a public company is when a Division is sold and the executive is promoted from Division head to chief executive officer of the portfolio company. In this case, there is usually an increase in base salary to recognize the added responsibilities.


Target annual bonus levels as a percentage of base salary are generally similar in public and private equity owned companies. There is often less of a specified maximum built into the private equity owned company plan and usually more discretion. This is expected since, rather than public shareholders, the portfolio company board is composed of employees of the financial sponsor who report only to the financial sponsor. The recent promulgated SEC regulations under Dodd Frank with regard to clawbacks, emphasize that public company employment agreements usually provide for clawbacks of annual bonuses and incentive equity based on financial restatements or cross reference the company policy on clawbacks. The private equity owned company employment agreement does not usually provide for clawbacks based on financial restatements. Of course, at least half of the incentive equity will be at risk until exit on any termination and all equity is forfeited on a cause termination in the private equity owned company.


The private equity owned company will have the same basic benefits of healthcare, life insurance, 401(k) and disability benefits as the public company, but often will not have all of the ancillary benefit programs. The larger the private equity owned company, the more likely they will have public company type benefits.


The private equity owned company will likely have less perks and fringe benefits than a public company because of the desire to limit expenses. Use of aircraft will occur where necessary for business use, but not often for private use.


Severance levels are generally similar pre change in control in public and private equity owned companies. However, the common increase in severance multiples found in public companies in connection with a change in control is generally not found in private equity owned companies. It is increased in public companies because executives may well be terminated in such situations through no fault of their own, but, instead, because there is no role for them. Therefore, arguably, they need and deserve a bigger cushion. In private equity owned companies there is not usually a step up in severance on a change in control. The reason is that the expectation when management joins the company is that it is going to be sold within a couple of years and that management will be adequately compensated at that time by the vesting and sale of their equity.


280g is a section of the tax code that imposes an excise tax on executives in the case of a change in control where management receives significant payments. At one point this excise tax was commonly grossed up by the company so that the executive would have no cost for it. The gross up has not existed for a number of years because ISS, Glass Lewis and governance advocates treat it as a very bad pay practice and penalize the board for authorizing it. Instead the employment contracts provide a “better of” provision where the executive retains the greater of the amount he can receive without being subject to the excise tax and the amount he would retain if he received the full amount and paid the excise tax. You often see the same “better of” provisions in private equity owned company employment agreements for the top people, but it does not often come into play because there is an exemption from 280g for privately owned companies if the executive waives the excess parachute payments unless reapproved at the time of the deal by 75% of the ownership interests. So there is commonly a provision that provides the Company will seek the approval in good faith if the executive waives.


While the basic provisions on indemnification and insurance are generally the same in employment contracts in both types of companies, there are differences that need to be considered. The level of insurance coverage in a private equity owned company is usually less than in a public company because there are no public shareholders and, unless public debt is utilized, no securities law filings. Therefore, both the probability of a lawsuit and the amounts involved will be less. In the private equity owned company, there usually is a very broad indemnity in the organizational documents to cover the directors and sponsor employees. Depending on wording, it may or may not cover the executives of the operating company. If it does not, this protection needs to be provided through the employment agreement. In a public company, the certificate of incorporation or bylaws usually includes protection for the officers and directors. In both cases, the employment agreement usually has provisions assuring post-employment continued coverage for actions while employed. In all cases this coverage is usually just for officers and directors, and any coverage of non-officer employees is not covered by the bylaws beyond being discretionary.


The private equity owned company often has restrictive covenants in three agreements—the employment agreement, the equity grant agreement and the purchase agreement. The first two usually continue for one to two years after termination of employment, while the one in the purchase agreement, if provided, usually runs 3 to 5 years from the purchase. They all should generally be coordinated as to the restrictions and limitations. The public company will generally have one in an employment agreement or a separate restrictive covenant agreement. Some public companies, but not all, will include them in their equity grants. While the private equity owned company equity grant will almost always provide for clawbacks for violations, the public company remedy provisions vary greatly.


Employment arrangements, in addition to equity, are important in the private equity setting and must be carefully reviewed and negotiated. This is especially true, as is most often the case, when the definition of cause and good reason are being carried over from the employment agreement to the equity plan. But, in all cases, the executive is signing on for a package and the employment agreement is an important part of it.

Jamieson Corporate Finance US, LLC is a member of FINRA/SIPC

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Employment Agreements in Private Equity owned Companies verses in Public Companies – Jamieson (2024)


Is it good to work for a company owned by private equity? ›

Smaller PE owned firms offer a lot of authority and freedom as opposed to a larger organisation, but they may offer a slower career path from a title and potential responsibility perspective.

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The median equity pool reserved by PE firms for grants to their PortCo executives and key employees was 10% of total shares outstanding (TSO) (undiluted).

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Job Security and Layoffs

To summarize, when a private equity firm acquires a company, employees may face immediate effects such as changes in leadership and management, as well as concerns regarding job security and possible layoffs. These changes can create uncertainties and cause anxiety in the workplace.

How much does a VP in private equity make? ›

Vice President Private Equity Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$244,500$20,375
75th Percentile$190,000$15,833
25th Percentile$115,000$9,583

What are the disadvantages of working in private equity? ›

Private equity comes with a few disadvantages. These include increased risk in the types of transactions, the difficulty to acquire a business, the difficulty to grow a business, and the difficulty to sell a business.

Is it risky to work for a private equity owned company? ›

Founder at Collaborative Gain; Author, "Never… This is a warning to all the job seekers in the Never Search Alone community and beyond: be careful in taking a job at private-equity owned companies. Why? Many (though not all!) have too much debt on their balance sheets creating increased risk for bankruptcy.

What is the 2 20 rule in private equity? ›

The 2 and 20 is a hedge fund compensation structure consisting of a management fee and a performance fee. 2% represents a management fee which is applied to the total assets under management. A 20% performance fee is charged on the profits that the hedge fund generates, beyond a specified minimum threshold.

What is the average management fee for private equity firms? ›

Private equity firms normally charge annual management fees of around 2% of the committed capital of the fund.

What percentage of equity does the CEO of a private equity company get? ›

(2022) 2020 survey of more than 200 PE general partners. The PE investors report giving the CEO an average of 10.9% (median of 5%) of the fully diluted equity. Investors with above median assets under management (who likely do larger deals) report the CEO receives an average of 7% of the fully diluted equity.

Do private equity firms lay off employees? ›

Private-equity firms typically run leaner operations than banks and so have less need to cut jobs during slowdowns. But some have laid off about 5% to 15% of their staff, said Sasha Jensen, founder and chief executive of Jensen Partners, an executive-search firm for alternative-asset managers.

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You can ask for more here, but it's hard to do too much here. Most acquirers have a general set of rules with what they want to do here. The CEO of the startup being acquired can try to rejigger things with the acquirer before the deal is signed.

How do private equity employees make money? ›

Private equity employees are compensated for making good investment decisions. The larger and more successful the investment, the more money there is to go around. Mega funds offer large salaries in part because they manage large quantities of money.

How much does the CEO of a private equity firm make? ›

How much does a Private Equity Ceo make? As of Apr 29, 2024, the average annual pay for a Private Equity Ceo in the United States is $82,146 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $39.49 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,579/week or $6,845/month.

What is the highest salary in private equity? ›

Private Equity Associate salary in India ranges between ₹ 3.0 Lakhs to ₹ 45.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 11.1 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 139 latest salaries received from Private Equity Associates. 0 - 5 years exp. 0 - 5 years exp.

How much do senior principals make in private equity? ›

On average, Principals at mid-sized-to-large firms in the U.S. earn in the $500K – $800K range in terms of base salary + year-end bonus. These numbers will be lower in other regions, such as Europe and Asia, and at smaller funds, such as a startup PE firm with $100 million under management.

What is it like to work for a private equity owned company? ›

In return for this large investment, PE firms expect the value of the acquired company to steadily grow, so they can eventually exit by selling their equity stake for a profit. This means that working for a PE-backed business can be a rewarding, yet demanding, experience.

What does it mean if a company is owned by private equity? ›

Private equity describes investment partnerships that buy and manage companies before selling them. Private equity firms operate these investment funds on behalf of institutional and accredited investors.

Do private equity jobs pay well? ›

For the vast majority of first-year private equity associates, the base salary is around $135k to $155k. Then, based on fund performance, bonuses tend to range from 100% to 150% of the base salary.

Why is it good to work in private equity? ›

Private equity investors work with portfolio companies over the long-run, often 5-8 years. Hedge funds investments can be as short as a few weeks. So private equity teaches you the art of long-term view. Private equity also gives you the ability to work closely with the company over an extended period of time.

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