Erin Burnett OutFront : CNNW : August 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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i pulled over and i picked up the bear and put him in the back of my van because i was gonna skin the bear and it was very good condition and i was just go ahead the beef, my refrigerator. i said let's go put the bear in central park and we'll make it look like i didn't play for everybody thought that's a great idea we did that and we would be amusing for whoever found it or something he says he thought it would be fun. >> he found the bear after it was hit on the road. he didn't have time to bring it to his house, so he left it in the park. he says, turns out that he could have been fined $250 had they discovered it was him. you can't dispose a dead bear is like that, but the statute of limitations ran out after one year. >> he thought it would be amusing if someone were to find it it's remarkable, john berman. thanks so much for explaining

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>> explaining, i'm jim sciutto in the situation situation room. thanks so much for watching tonight. erin burnett out front starts. now outfront. next, will it be shapiro or wall for vp harris said to be focusing on two candidates in the final hours before her major announcement. >> as sources insist, she still hasn't made up her mind. plus former house speaker nancy pelosi is my guest live here tonight. her first primetime interview since kamala harris became her party's nominee. she has a new book out where she spills some serious tea about private conversations with donald trump and jd vance's wife is coming to his defense why the trump team is eager for usha vance to speak out. >> let's go outfront good evening. >> i'm dana bash in for erin burnett out front tonight. pelosi live and in-person in her first primetime interview since president biden stepped aside and former house speaker

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nancy pelosi will speak out and tonight, vice president kamala harris is on the cusp of making one of the biggest decisions of her career that is her running mate, which could be announced at any moment. you're looking at new pictures of harris returning to the vice president's residence moments ago as cnn is told, she still has not decided on, which meant it will be, we are learning that harris is focused though on to of the contenders. you see them there josh shapiro of pennsylvania, governor tim walz of minnesota. harris is preparing to hold a rally with her new pick in less than 24 hours and major fears tonight, in addition to that, about a looming global recession, a threat would undoubtedly way down harris's campaign in the crucial months before the election today, the u.s. stock markets saw its biggest drop in nearly two years. the dow down over 1,000 points because of concerns about a slowing us economy, the economy of course,

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is issue number one in this election. i'm going to talk to former house speaker nancy pelosi about all of this in just a moment. but first i want to go to philadelphia mj haley is outfront there. that is where kamala harris is going to be holding her first rally with whomever she picks as her running mate tomorrow, mj, you've been talking to sources all day. what are you learning? >> well dana we are absolutely in the final final stages of this process. as of this late afternoon, that campaign was saying that the vice president had not yet made a decision, but it is a decision that we are going to learn about in the coming hours now, we have of course, been discussing three names in particular cuellar as being the final contenders. tim walz, josh shapiro, and mark kelly. we did learn earlier tonight that in the final hours of the selection process, the vice president has been training her focus on two of those names in particular, that is shapiro walz, now, to be clear, based on our

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conversations earlier mark kelly had not been exactly taken off the table. he was according to our sources, still one of the final three finalists and all three of them, of course, had met in person with the vice president over the weekend in washington, dc. now, this waiting process may feel long for some of us tracking this very closely, but it is worth noting that all of this has actually moved at extraordinary speed. it was only 15 days ago that president biden dropped out of the race, forcing kamala harris to make this decision in just a matter of days and some of the biggest questions dana, as you know very well that she has been weighing include questions like who is going to be a strong governing? in partner who can help her win, who does she have the strongest chemistry with that, of course is one factor that only the vice president, of course, can weigh in on answer that question two, we know that she of course, has also been presented with a ton of data. a lot of polling and other information about each of

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the contenders but again, if everything goes according to plan, we should find out very shortly before that philadelphia joint rally tomorrow night, who exactly kamala harris has chosen, of course, one of the most consequential political decisions that she has made mj. >> thank you so much for that reporting outfront. now, former house speaker nancy pelosi, author of the new book the art of power. >> you see it there. >> i have it here. terrific book read it all. i highly recommend it. i want to start before we get to the book though, about what we just heard from mj kamala harris, is it seems as though choosing between governor minnesota governor tim walz, pennsylvania governor josh piero, you served with the now governor walz when he was house member for about a decade as he a good pick in your in your view he is a good pick but she had six good picks, as i said, any one of them would have made a great vice president but, only she

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would be able to judge who she had the best you have a politico now, i think they're all great and new ever he takes on for and tim walz is wonderful. >> it was chaired of our veterans affairs committee, governor of pennsylvania, is remarkable and a real star. and i understand mark kelly they may still be in the running from what mj said, but as she said, it's a question of who she feels the most comfort level with in terms of governance, people say, well, who can help us win, but it's about who can help us govern more than that. >> you think. so it's about that electability isn't as much of a factor, shouldn't be as much of a factor in your view? >> no no, the electability it's about carl harris and she has to win. >> that's for sure. but any one of them would have been a great vice premier. >> want to ask you about something that's been going on with regard to josh shapiro, the really has been a camp pain. it seems against him by progressive groups inside the

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democratic party because of his stance on israel, because of his stance on college protests. but if you look at it, his stance really isn't different from mark kelly or tim walz, congressman jake auchincloss said today that there is a strong undercurrent of anti-war i semitism to the fight against shapiro. do you think that's true? >> well, i certainly hope not know. i think it's probably more about policy but the decision will be made by our candidate for president of the united states. and its important for people to weigh in as they think. i think that it would be better if they weighed in more privately rather than having a building up something out there. but that's their that's their choice. that's their choice. >> i want to show you some video of you and kamala harris standing together in a history making moment. >> you we're still are always will be the first female house speaker. she the first female vice president. you're both san franciscans.

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>> what's your relationship like? >> our relationship is fine. we're very excited and proud of her proud of the i've said personally adjust have so much esteem for her. she's a person of deep faith and deep commitment to public service officially, she's strong. she, as you see in her positions now that she's out there and you'll see more but most recently how strongly she has stood up for woman's right to choose. and that's democracy issue of freedom, issue. politically, she's very astute you don't win the government. >> the attorney general schiff of california, are many primary and and she pulled that off because of her astuteness and i can go more into that. >> but the fact is, you've seen in the past three weeks how she has managed the opportunity that is there and what she started in politics, you were already very well well-established. i mean, you wouldn't been an activist.

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california stage chair, a member of congress. and i could go on and on and on as somebody coming up in san francisco politics and then more broadly, california politics, did she ask you for mentorship? did you know give her advice? >> the fact is in that first race, i was for the incumbent and i was for him because i respected him and his family so established very progressive family and san francisco and they supported me and if anybody knows anything about me, i'm loyal. she understood that. she understood i had a past relationship and then she went on to be the district and that was over once that primary was over, so what i'm saying once it was over, did she reach out to you for for any advice or mentorship? >> well, that isn't that we're in we all have our own. i always say to people, be yourself, go out there and do yourself. i loved to mentor people if they want to be mentored, but i don't i always say to people you may respect somebody, but what they are

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doing and how they do but the eu, it's about you and that's what i say to her as running for president of the united states, there's no going back 25 years or a long, long time ago. as to when this happened, what we're talking about is the future and we're all very proud of her. have confidence in her and again, just want to put one good day in front of another. >> let's talk about some of the things that you write about in this book, the art of power. you write about throughout it, it's about several key moments in history, in us history. which you were an integral part of? >> yes. >> a couple of those moments were impeaching the former president and the house of representatives. and you write in detail about a call that donald trump, then president made to you before the first impeachment. he said, this is according to your book quote, there's no reason to impeach me this back-and-forth continued with the president becoming increasingly whiny by the end. i've done a great job as president, he said and he

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kept repeating, it's very, very unfair you don't talk about your private conversations with presidents very much, but you did hear why. >> well, because it was the basis for how we go forward. he was saying it was a perfect call, it was a perfect call. and i was saying it was a perfectly clear call. and we will be going forward. but before we get to that, this book was not supposed much about him, was about four places where i was in the room where it happened to word domestic. one was horrible care act. another, the tarp the meltdown of on wall street in 2008. the other was global, one was the iraq war, which i've opposed and the relationship with china, that was the purpose of the book i didn't have time to write it until i wasn't speaker anymore, but then i was told well, you have to put something about trump. you have to put something about january 6 and you have to put something about the attack on your husband and that's that

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i'll brighten another book about what's been happening the last few months. and even more on ukraine and give us a preview. ukraine i have my notes. >> okay. >> well, it's not an end. it is not certainly not all about donald trump do you say in there that it's and striking to you about how much people have come up to you. you've done so much in public life, in public service and people want to know about donald trump, which will they won't. >> they congratulate me for my applause, my tearing up a speech, my pointing out to him his that all roads lead to the putin with him yeah. that's that's what amazes me. is that the more thing is anecdotal rather than someone there's anecdotal. >> there was one other thing you write about it, write about a funeral that you attended for dr. david hamburg, a well-known psychiatrist, and you wrote quote, at the service doctors and other their mental health professionals came up to me unsolicited to tell me that they were deeply concerned that

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there was something seriously wrong with the president and that his mental and psychological help, there isn't make president trump. president trump. thank you that is mental health. mental and psychological health was in decline. i am not a doctor, but i did find his be behaviors difficult to understand. why did you include that anecdote well, because i think that you know, the fact is, how do you explain a president of the united states going before an audience and saying if you beat up the press, i'll pay for your legal fees is that saying is that the sane thing to say? >> of course, nobody made as much of a fuss how do you say when you see what's happening in charlottesville, there were good people on both sides. i think that his presidency was a danger to our country and that's why he cannot be re-elected. but the fact is what pure to talk about the future, i could be president

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again. well, we have to make sure that he isn't and that's what my purpose was to say we need a campaign that will win and will win not only the white house, but the house, the senate, and all the way down the line into our local races as well. there's so much at stake. let's talk about this. >> joe biden is great president of great consequence to our country 15 million jobs created on his watch trump has the worst record since herbert hoover again, unemployment down, wages up. >> we're talking about saving the planet with our legislation. he's talking about getting 1 billion from the fossil fuel industry to provide for that policy and the pharmaceutical industry diverse the policy to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, which is also in that same legislature. we can we can go down the line. we're talking about project 2025, which would abolish the department of education. there

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already trying to do it in congress now, this isn't hypothetical it's real the list goes on about the contrast in this election that relates to the kitchen table issues of the american people, the education of their children the jobs that they want to have you. hear their. children breeze. forgive me. you just started that by saying something that i've heard you say a few times, which is we needed a campaign that we can win and i do want to ask about president biden, because you said that you did not put anybody up to pressuring him to step aside? i did not want things. i've been wanting to ask you about. it the lawmakers who came out 123 are some of the lawmakers who are closest to you adam schiff, jamie raskin, zoe lofgren, with statements saying that they respectfully, i thought it was time for the president to step aside. i've had people say to me and i just as a longtime observer of you, sought thought, oh, wow, those are all

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pelosi allies who had nothing to do with that i have hundreds of allies in the congress of the united states. oh, i know but they're among know, i had nothing to do with that if you ask them it's almost insulting to them because there medieval figures in the congress of the united states, they make their own judgment and their own states booked into president biden since he dropped out? no, i have not. >> do you hope to guess when i hope to yeah. we're all visit is everything okay with your relationship? >> you'd have to ask him, but i hope but he knows. look, i love joe biden, respected him for over 40 years. we have i was party chair in california then i became number of calm congress and then one thing that house white house member, house speaker working with him all along. i think he has made one of the biggest contributions to our country in the shortest period of time of any president. you can name whether it's job creation,

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whether it is. well, if the first bill the first built protect our assault, they'll covid shots in the arm, money in the pockets, children in school, people that work the infrastructure bill, building, building a way that is respectful of communities chips science to take us into the future and make us self-reliant as a country of the pact act to help our veterans. the ira to save the environment and lower the cost of prescription drugs. this is an a two-year period of time. yeah. this is a remarkable agenda. he's been a great president with a vision for our country based on values at knowledge and judgment and a heart full of love for the american people were, forgive me before i let you go really quickly, i want to ask you about j.d. vance. he's gotten a lot of attention, more insulting democrats as a bunch of childless cat ladies because

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people are in charge who don't have kids and don't have in his words it's stake in this country. your mantra in this book and an every time i hear you speak is everything you do is for the children the children, yes. so given that, what do you make of what he said well, i think as i had said when. >> people said, oh, do you approve of what's his name selection for vice president? i said, yes you put it out there? put it out there. i think that that have gone as a mother of five, myself, and six years and seven days he's talking about. but our family does love the cat daisy, and i don't think he knows what he's talking about, but again, we'll see as the campaign goes on. but as a summit said trump has made himself i mean, he's appointed even a worse appointment that he's made in the past with this, what we'll see, it's up to the public. we we don't agonize over what they say. we

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organize around, what we're doing for america's working families, for the children under leadership of kamala harris, who's again person of faith, a person of effectiveness person who knows how to do the politics to lead us to victory and so it's pretty exciting time. so we'll put one good day in front of another to mobilize at the grassroots level, to own the ground, getting out the vote with a message that is bold and progressive, but not medicine. and with the resources to get the job done and the best part of that is the candidate and we'll see who the vice presidential candidate is. >> madam speaker. thank you so much for being here and congratulations on the book. >> thank you, my pleasure. thank thank you for your attention to it. >> and outfront next, a global selloff, the dow suffering its worst day in nearly two years. donald trump it's blaming the migrant surge, is that really what is going on here? plus j.d vance's wife, usha, is downplaying her husband's comment about that childless

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cat the reality is, jake, he made a quote he made a quip and he made a quip in service of making a point that he wanted to make that was substantive problems. cat lady, i should say. now, we are also following breaking news out of the middle east where the u.s. is sending two destroyers closer to israel over fears or ron is about to launch an attack at any moment. and the source just told me the us is now preparing for the worst he's thinking i'm thinking about her honeymoon but what africa so far, hot air balloon ride, swim with elephants, wait, 34 to safari, great question. >> like everything takes a little planning for what the mind towards a down payment on a ranch in montana with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. >> jpmorgan wealth management has advisors and chase branches and tools like wealth plan to

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help keep you on track when you're planning for it all the answer is jp morgan wealth manager. >> we go again with jon stewart as he makes of this election stewart host monday's on comedy central, your next day or fair amount plus when i was diagnosed with hiv, i didn't know who i would be, but here i am being me. keep being you and ask your health care provider about the number one prescribed hiv treatment, big tarver the garvey is a complete one pill once a day treatment and used for hiv and many people, whether you're 18 or any with one small pill, pick derby fights hiv to help you get to undetectable and stay there. whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking hiv treatment as prescribed, getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting hiv through sex serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure, rare life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems to not take the tarver. if you take

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recession it's 92 days before the election. i want to go straight now to richard quest, who is right here and following all of this, richard, these investors are obviously spooked. we are just a few hours away from the nikkei opening in japan. why are they melting down? why are these markets melting down? >> because they all wanted that the fed is behind the has left it too late to cut interest rates and therefore is pushing the u.s. economy to slow down to the point of recession. this is to be expected. this was entirely predictable bearing in mind we had 11 increases in interest rates in barely two years. a phenomenal amount of tightening it crushed inflation exactly as it was supposed to but then of course you've got the other side. eventually, unemployment starts to rise. now the academic question in a sense, we won't know until for a few more months has the fed left it too late? the consensus is probably yes. >> now, i want you to listen to what former president trump

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said. he is appearing to blame immigrants undocumented immigrants for the sell off today. listen to what he said they coming out of mental institutions, step pouring into the united states and they're hurting and damaging our country fact check, please. >> does the border crisis have anything to do? i'm going to quote the former president's exact words back to him. >> i have no idea what he is talking about and i suspect he doesn't either there is no serious economist that is suggesting that this fall in markets, all the problems in the economy is a direct result of immigration far from it, every statistic shows the u.s. economy needs higher and more legal or other guest worker just to keep the economy moving. everything from mowing lawns to agriculture, to jobs that americans don't want to do. >> one of the really interesting things about what's going on in the economy is in tech. and specifically ai

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and the ai boom that seems to be among the most hit hard by hit hardest, i should say so is betting on ai right now, not looking as good speculatively, probably no longer term, absolutely no problem whatsoever. boom and bust, those of us who remember the 1990s i was going to ask so,, they got swept away, but amazon and cisco, intel, they all regrouped reforms and carried on what you are seeing is massive speculation on generative ai. that's not going to be as profitable as people thought in the timescale, people thought, but nobody, that nobody that i know of is suggesting that ai is not going to be a major benefit to the u.s economy. it's just not going to be profitable as the share prices had assumed. as a result froth off the top and more we'll talk about what it means for the human race another time. >> thank you so much. thank you

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for breaking it all down. appreciate it, richard outfront next, former president trump the sharing some surprising remarks about one of his leading democratic critics, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez she's got her spark. >> that's pretty amazing. actually, got a good spark and we're following several breaking stories out of the middle east, including an attack on an airbase in iraq that has left several us personnel injured violent earth with me in freiburg back-to-back episodes sunday at nine on cnn if you're living with hiv imagine being good to go with them. daley hiv pills good to go unscripted. >> good to go on a whim with kevin uva. there's no pausing for daley hiv pills for adults were undetectable cabinet who was the only complete long-acting hiv treatment. you can get every other month. it's two injections from a health care provider just six

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prostate, find it at walmart tonight, usha vance, the wife of republican vice presidential candidate, j.d. vance, is coming to her husbands defense, trying to soften his comments about childless cat ladies who want to make the country quote miserable. and apologizing to those she offended jd absolutely. >> at the time. and today would never, ever ever want to say something to hurt someone who was trying to have a family who really struggling with that the possible future second lady tonight is making it clear that she is firmly in her husband's corner. tom foreman is outfront

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the reality is, he made a quip in service of making a point that he wanted to make sure vance is on the trail and on defense for her husband some jd, or republican vice presidential nominee under sharp fire for in 2021, calling democratic leaders a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made. >> and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable. to what he was really saying is that it can be really hard to be a parent in this country. >> and sometimes our policies are designed in a way that make it even harder team trump has been eager for usha to speak up for the republican ticket and share her story ever since her husband's stumbled out of the gate born to indian hindu parents in california yes. >> we'll show studied law at yale, clerked for supreme court justices, and met jd who wrote in his memoir, after a single date i told her that i was in law of they married, started a family with three kids. and

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even though usha was once a registered democrat, she is now firmly on message for for the republicans, the jd i knew then is the same jd you see today, except for that beard? >> it's been rough as emails have emerged from years ago of jd saying, i hate the police, i hate trump and what he represents. i really see the racially offensive views of trump's supporters and old friends have question the couple's integrity. >> why don't think anyone knows what jd or usha belief because they have literally changed their principles and every imaginable issue. >> i love you. i wouldn't be here without you and i will never forget where i came from through it. >> all usha vance has dug in for her husband or donald trump and for whatever that may bring, if i didn't feel that the ticket you know, the trump-vance ticket was able to do some real good for the country then i wouldn't be here supporting him and jd wouldn't have done this this

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could be a tricky spot. it's very clearly campaign wants her help particularly with women voters by having her walk back, things like this cat lady comment. but as you know, dana, one of the problems is there's another part of the trump base that just loves comments like that. and could want more dana yeah. that's a really good point, tom. thank you so much for that going to bring in my panel now ashley allison. first, let's just start with what you heard from tom and that story about usha vance speaking out like this can undo any of the damage at that her husband has potentially done, and it can i guess the answer is no. okay. so let me atlanta that, but but let's just kind of look at it from a dispassionate point of view. she's a good spokesperson for him sure. >> i mean, perhaps for them or that he didn't really move me you know, no one's going to move you to be fair.

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>> moved. moved. if you make a compelling argument the thing about what she said though, is there's an assumption that and the republican maga base, there aren't women that don't have children that are single. it's so unnecessarily isolating and what i would recommend, who should tell her husband, jd vance's to pivot and walk away and stop doubling down on this, but it's this inability to just acknowledge shouldn't have said it. keep moving on things as simple as childless cat ladies, but also on much more extreme in terms of policies. and i think that that is why she sure. can speak to their base, but it's not going to convince those independent moderate voters that you would hope your spouse, your usha vance might be able to do. she just not going to speak to them while i have you here. >> former congressman charlie dent, you're governor, different party, but same commonwealth. i won't say state pennsylvania is being seriously

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considered to be kamala harris is running mate as is your former colleague, tim walz, governor of minnesota, was in the house. what are your thoughts line are both. >> well i served with tim and i know josh my mic quick reaction is that there's no path to victory for kamala harris without pennsylvania. josh shapiro, i think adds more value because he was very strong, particularly in the philadelphia market i philadelphia the collar counties in lehigh valley, accountable harris knew the run up the numbers there. he can actually help her there on the margins. it's all about the margins. nobody votes for number two, but, but he might be able to pull over enough folks. i think so without without pennsylvania, she's done and i think this is a simple choice. it's an obvious choice, shapiro, i just think brings more value and i liked him also, lai is a good man, but i just see the value in shapiro and you can also help maybe bring some of the jewish vote back. it's eroding a little bit democratic party because of the israel-gaza war and the anti-semitism that

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we've seen throughout the country. so i think he provides a lot of valuator. actually at dan, i want to bring you in here, you know, vice president harris. well, you were her communications director i just mentioned two names, josh shapiro, tim walz. there is of course another who was interviewed then that is senator mark kelly of arizona but just generally speaking, you understand her decision-making process. can you take us into that process right now when she's making the most important decision of her career yeah. >> i can tell you that. i think what's going to also matter to her is the non tangibles. what i know about her as her ethos is that i see you, she sees she has the ability to see people to identify what their plight with their struggles. because she represents all community she grew up in a multi racial multi ethnic community. she again was a child in a stroller fighting for the rights of all

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people. so i think she's going to be also looking for those non-tangible in those in the candidate that you select someone who can identify and have a harford, the least of these, someone who's going to have a hard for them but the struggles of the american people who can actually speak to them in ways that they can identify with. i think that gives governor walz and advantage. he's got that midwestern sensibility that i think if you take him into any state from nevada to michigan, i think he's going to have a really broad appeal so but i'm also putting my money on mark kelly. i think mark kelly represents that theme of her campaign, which is the promise of america being a naval officer and an astronaut, he's sort of embodies that. but also you've got his wife who has a story of the challenges that are facing the nation from the political violence to also what we can do in a bi-pop partisan way, congress to came together and pass gun legislation. so i'm also, you know, i wouldn't i wouldn't rule him out. i think he's he's got an

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incredible story that again, i think it would have broad resonance with that one to 2%. that's going to make the difference in this election. >> scott jennings, i want to turn to something that donald trump said today about out kamala harris as she is weighing her vp options all of the people that she's looking at are considered much better than her. >> these were people that were thinking about running. they would have run except that they didn't want to go through this roadblock with her and, you know, because here the vice president so they wanted to go pick them and i think virtually every one of them is considered better, smarter would be a better president than are better smarter is that the kind of campaign strategy you would advise i mean, he's, he's finding new and interesting ways to denigrate kamala harris, who by the way, most republicans think has not done a very good job as vice president and therefore would not do a do a good job as

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president either. so i thought it was a sly and salton i mean, it's going to be a rough campaign, guys. i hate i hate to tell you this, but it is. >> were their race it's got to be it's going to be, it's going to be a rough one both campaigns for the rest of the year actually, i want to ask action about what the former house speaker, nancy pelosi just said to me at the beginning of this program, when i asked her about her relationship right now with president biden have you spoken to president biden since he dropped out? no, i have not do you hope to? >> yes when? i hope to yeah. >> we're all visit is everything okay with your relationship? >> you'd have to ask him, but i hope what does that tell you the last month and democratic

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politics was tough and to pretend like it wasn't would be dishonest to you and to the american people sometimes relationships take a pause and they become stronger when you circle back around just because they haven't spoken in the last couple of weeks he was actually helping to free people who are prisoners of war in russia. so he's been a little busy still being the president united states. i am sure that speaker pelosi and president biden and we'll whatever the relationship they have will be stronger in after november through this campaign. because at the end of the day, what they believe is that we are fighting for the american people. sometimes you can disagree on approaches, but doesn't, i don't think there's any love lost there at the end of the day. >> no, it's scott jennings. i can't tell well, if your last lab or if you're coughing. >> oh god. >> i was listening to your interview. i was listening to your interview because that was ice friggin cold. i mean, to

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say that she hasn't spoken to him after she defenestrated him from the white house. lord, have mercy, ice cold. i thought it was a great interview, by the way, but that was that was the eyebrow raising moment for me that she just dumped joe biden out of his own campaign. and as she hasn't even picked up the phone to say sorry about thought that was amazing. anyway, good question on your part ashley etienne yeah no. >> you're not used to work for the speaker's one of her senior advisers and a communications director. and i will tell you there's one thing i do know about her. she's ruthless when it comes to winning, and she's ruthless when it comes to protecting the interests of this country. so i think what i noticed and what kind of gave her a away is when you asked her how vault she was with the president's decision, she kind of gave you a little bit of a smile, smirk, and i think that says it all. but the reality is, is to ashley's point, both of these leaders are committed, dedicated patriots in public servants who love their country. and pelosi

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is one of those they'd like. no one is beyond reproach when it comes to protecting the interests of nations. so i wasn't surprised by it before we go, congressman dent, former congressman there was another really interesting moment that happened i want you to talk about it. your former colleague, congresswoman alexandra ocasio-cortez, was praised by an unlikely plea person shake, but it all fairness look, but she knows she's got the thing going it's a good thing. she's good thing for her but there's a certain something she's got, she's got a spark that's pretty amazing actually, he's got a good spark so i'll change it. i'll say spark well, sparks monkey. she has a presence. i think he's, i think he's actually trying to pay her a compliment that she has a presence, that she is effective even though he disagrees with her and so i think that what he's saying that she is a

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she's a formidable figure and she has appeal. i think that's what he was trying to say. i don't think i would have used it term spark, but as donald trump, you know, he has trouble with the english language sometimes. >> thank you all great conversation up next we do have breaking news, new reporting tonight that the u.s. is now preparing for the worst as fears grow that iran could strike israel. president biden just was briefed in the situation room plus multiple states declare an emergency as tropical storm debby and makes its way north and tonight, forecasters are warning of catastrophic flooding excuse me. >> can i get this? >> i mean, i mean, i know oh me. and my people. who advise him driving with fast sides,

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the killing of a senior hamas leader inside iran meanwhile two us destroyers are moving closer to israel from the gulf of oman to the red sea. president biden and vice president harris were briefed by national security officials in the situation room. today, all of this is coming as we're learning that several us personnel were injured in a suspected rocket attack in iraq today outfront. now, barak ravid, axios reporter and cnn political and global affairs analyst. thank you so much for being here what i was told is that they're not sure what they're not sure exactly when inside the u.s intelligence community, but they believe it is going to happen soon. so they are preparing, i know you have new reporting about this meeting tonight. what are you hearing yes, dana, i think i hear more or less the same thing. >> so in the meeting today that biden-harris ahead with their

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national security team one thing was a bit more clear, and this is does that us intelligence thinks that it's gonna be a two wave attack. one way will be hezbollah, the other wave will be run its proxies, but it's not clear who will go first and what each of them is going to do and win. so there are lots of question marks here, much, much many more question mark because an exclamation marks, which is very different than the previous attack in april when us intelligence had, i think, much clearer idea of what was going on. >> yeah. and they were able to rally so many of israel's allies in the region, not just america's allies in the region as all of this is happening, you are also getting reporting about tensions in israel between prime minister netanyahu and his top security officials who are according to your reporting, urging him to take the hostage and ceasefire

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deal? give us more information about that so i think the main point the minister of defense gallant, head of mossad barnea, the head of shin bet ronen bar, and the idf chief of staff, herzi halevi, the main thing that they're telling netanyahu is that it's not only the right thing to do because we need to bring them hostages back home. >> they're telling him that it's the right thing to do in order to avoid on the one hand, missing the deal and on the other hand deteriorating are drifting, are getting dragged into a regional war which is something that is not in israel's interest. so they're telling him that getting this hostage deal it's not only important for, you know, for the moral idea of bringing back the hostages, but also to prevent israel from getting into a much, much bigger war. >> yeah, which unfortunately it seems as though could happen very soon, given aransas stance and determination to retaliate.

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in addition to hezbollah and other proxies. barack. thank you so much for being here. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> and outfront next breaking news, tropical storm debby is making its way north as officials warned of potentially historic flooding across the south there's not a good hit and that's what i heard and tough monsters of amid. this is your team unequivocally. we have the right set of individuals that's what we do take. us to the next level hard knocks training camp with the chicago bears, streaming exclusively on max maya knows how quality care can bring out a smile but it's been a few dog years since she was able to enjoy a smile of her own. good

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in florida where floodwaters are rising and the aftermath of hurricane debby, at least five people are dead et across the southeast where the storm dumped a month's worth of rain in just hours, the storm system is moving its way up the east coast. >> elisa rafah. elisa rafah, forgive me, is outfront for us in florida. elisa. what are you seeing there? >> so incredibly storm in florida after hurricane debby made landfall as a category one storm two of the dead are a teen who was crushed by a tree that fell on his moment well, home and a tractor trailer driver who was control on the wet roadway near tampa plunging off a bridge and into a canal debby is pounding rain and howling winds, hammering the big bend area of florida when

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it made landfall this morning. >> he's going to be a lot of water that's going to be dumped throughout the state and we're going to see effects of that. not just today, but in the ensuing days. >> the storm flooded neighborhoods throughout florida with more than a month's worth of rain, triggering at least ten flash flood warnings and as debby moves up the coast in its wake, even more danger sarasota police rescuing stranded residents from the high waters. >> we have seen significant storm surge. we have seen inundation. we have seen and we'll continue to see flooding in various parts of the state of florida though rain will likely be deadly these biggest danger, strong winds and possible tornadoes will continue to be a threat in coastal georgia, city leaders had a stark warning for residents who could see more than 20 inches of rain in the next few days or area. this is a once in a thousand-year potential rain fall of this

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type of rain hovering over coming with the intensity that they tell us that it's coming it's going kept a whole lot of people by surprise and we have elisa back now, elisa, what do you expect next there? we are looking at a very slow moving storm. so heavy rain like this is going to continue to be a problem specifically in the low country of georgia and south carolina. we're up to 20 to 30 inches of rain possible, but just looking at what happened here today, we've got a trash can. you can barely see the top we have 15 inches of rainfall in just a couple of hours here. this is a community town center where they usually hold public events. it totally an undated all of that water making it to the doors of these businesses, taking debris with it in the streets. so much of this community looks like this. and again, the fear is that more communities will look like this in the coming days. dana just horrible. elisa, thank you so much for that report. thank you for joining us. ac360 starts

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