Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

PAGEIi--PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTS: March 28. 1945 19 Kelp WantedMen Death Notices Death Kotleei 18 Help Wanted Men Alleghany Offers Plan On Control of C. O. MEN Earn extra money. Prepare mi BEACON On March 25.

1945. Elizabeth (or a part time or fun tssie position in Speer, in her SOth year, beloved wife of the electric appliance field free training the late Frank Eapper Beacon. Coraopolia, CONSULTANTS. Sonotone will send men to training school for Consultants: semi-professional, essential. Sales experience, card required.

Salary or commission. AT. 1122. mother of Mrs. Margaret Beacon SPENCER At her home.

305 Winter New CasUe, on Tuesday, March 27, 1945, Mary aged S3 years, wife of the late Edward Spencer, mother of Evelyn M. Spencer and Mrs, Harry Ferguson, of New Castle: Mrs. C. M. Wallace, of Baltimore: C.

Herbert, of and William Washington, March 27. VP 13 Hf'p Wanted Spring burgh. Pa. 't, -detail, "o--eph Home o- 'V; "111, CI.KRKCi,,;-,,- in radio, refrigeration and general appli ance service to men with ahil itv: No interference with ur present em nlovment. Apply or telephone.

AT. 1111 Barton of Coraopoiis. Pa. Friends received at the Russell L. Troxell (formerly Armour's Funeral Home.

S67 Fifth Alleghany Corporation today pro- DEEP Gap Riveters for sides and ends for steel box cars. We require the serv posed a compromise settlement of 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.

EieC'ric Leagu of K. Spencer, of Gibsoma, Friends received ices of 2 canes for steady work. lHi' Coraopoiis, where services will be held Wednesday, March 28 at 2:30 p. m. In- Western William; i'enn Hotel, its Chesapeake Ohio control at McDonald's Funeral Home, 529 Cali government work.

Postwar future. Take tcrniest v-oraopoiis cemetery. fornia Avalon. Services on Thursday case. cars 23-25 at Penn stanwix sst.

Appiy at plant daily. Phone FE. 0740. Apply Room fts. Club floor, iowirownt j-kTi.

MEN for new shell liHi'i Government work. Steady employment How Leaders Closed York, Mmrrh IT in Sales. rinsing price and net change of tb 1 most arrive storks today: 24.000 Inl Tel Tei 2-V- 21.409 22i A 18.800 Hudson Mat 2i 1 14.7WI Graham-Paige aj Baltimore 14 11.000 Packard Motor 14 10,000 Mo Km Tex 9.800 Continental 9'm 9.8O0 Modebaker tsag xm 8,100 Southern Pacific. 39V aiiernoon ai ciock. evenings 7-9 p.

Mondav. Wednesday ntrr-uo Tuesday. Alarcn 27. 1945 at U. S.

8 referral requited. Greyhound Friday at 1104 Island avenue. Pressed 1003 Constance 1 I'ly Kraft Ohw; CLERK, I the borne of her daughter, Mrs. Marv Kloppenburg. Glenneld.

Mary Ella In a petition to the ICC Alleghany suggested that in lieu of further litigation to determine if Alleghany is in illegal control of two or more carriers, including bug to Crucibla Steel or America, Midland. Pa. Steei Car McKees Rocks, Pa. DELIVERY SuwrltTtendetit with experl River Neivs Move to Split River Work Control Scored Record of Splendid Service Credited To Army Engineers By George A. Zerr Post-Gaxette River Editor BtKiLEK At Hollywood, Friday.

March 23. 1945, William 8., beloved husband of Mary Nichols; father of William Mercy Waiter T5 George E. Bogler, S. A. (Germany): brother of Mrs.

Margaret B. Herman; also survived bv five grandchildren. Friends received at MeCabe's 5300 Pens where services will be held Thursday afternoon, March 29, at 2 p. m. Friends Invited.

MOLDERS for bencn and! floor moldlnc. ence routing, loading and maintenance of nd filing; Mcvrory, wiie ot the late jonn tr. stepp. mother of Jamea, Edgar, John, George. Wilson and Mrs.

Kloppenburg. Funeral services at the Grav Funeral Home. 328 Postwar security. A-l Isbor priority for truck. Write, giving age and experience.

H-176, Post-Gaiette. vomer Write stating R- vital war work, see Mr. pmoia. The the C. that Alleghany limit Beaver gewichley, on Friday 3:30 p.

m. us control to the c. O. and af DENTIST for Downtown office. Call GR.

4110. COOK" Second Piy Bogcs A filiated earners. ha in sewickiey. on March 27, 1945. Nellie Year taw, wife of William van Steeden.

Friends received DESIGNERS with steel mill experience, for mechanical detailins and layout, 30 miles from Pittsburgh. State age, experience In full, education, salary expected and ietier of availability to Lr-1005, at the Marlatt Funeral Home, 702 Beaver New York Bond Market Calorizing Company, Hill and Titt Streets, Wilkinsburg. OPERATORS, men. stampiilg presses: viral war work; davturn. Acme Stamping Mfg.

201 Corliss West End. ORDERLIES and Attendants For local hospital. Apply 9 a. m. to! 3 p.

Room 102, SL FranciaJHospital, 45th St. ORNAMENTAL Iror Workers 'Experienced, any age. 551 Way, Homestead. HO. 2636; HO.

64S5. 6-7 ik m. PART-TIME Workers This Pennsylvania sewiokiey. until 11a. m.

Thursday Interment private. er fourth floor dren, white. Penn Ave city COOK, second Bhr fourth ttnor. BBI NING on Monday morning, March 2, 1945, John son of the late Kath-erine M. Liftman and John H.

Bruning, 813, Rural E. brother of George Robert and Bertha M. Bruning, at nome, and T. Bruning of Wiikinsburg. Pa.

Services at the Raymond C. Waples Funeral Home, Baum Bird, at Graham E. E-, Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Pittsburgh Market For Foodstuffs Candled and graded egrs In 30-doi. cases (jobbing prices to retailers, rejitanranm.

DIE setter operators or learners on up setting machine. Very essential war work. Top hourly rate Job will carry Resolutions favoring the reten ZAPF On Tuesday. March' 27, 1945, Fdna Geyer. of 216 Monroe Drive, North Hills.

of Charles daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob H. Gyer of North Side, sister of Mrs. Kari E. Graver of Cleveland, Ohio.

Friends received at the Edward Daugherty Funeral Home, 366 Ltncoln Beiivue. Services Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. incentive. Apply U. S.

E. S. fittsourgn Sates. Tuesday, March S7.260.0O0. CMTED STATES GOVERNMENT BONOS Grade A A and extra large, 43.5-45.5c; Grade A.

large, 41.5-4t.c; Grade COOK' in good wages, pr machine 1 or New Castle or West Pittsburgh plant tion or United States Army engine? rs on flood control and ether Oliver iron and Steel Corporation, (Dollars ana Thirty-Seconds Treasury uraae small, 35 5c; Grade B. large. 37.6-38. 5c: Grade dirties and checks, 31-34. 5c; DIE Setter Operator Punch press.

Good warehouse. Gh raie plus incentive. Apply Kmptoymeni CARSON On Tuesday, March 27, 1945. at 11:45 a. at her residence, 410 south Craig Margaret A.

Carson, -wife of the late Charles A. Carson, mother of Pfc. Herbert Dale Carson. Friend received at H. Samson's.

537 Neville St. where services win be held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. High Lew Close Chge. Railroad needs part-time workers. Applv 1013 Penn Room 300.

between a. m. and5 p. m. darty, iexcept Sunday, PACKERS--Plea'san'w'orkiing conditions, day or afternoon shift.

APjily Employment Oliver Iron St Stejl Corporation, South 11th and Muriel Streit. A PERU A NGE Also nmn to oTwfat Ai, ''4'l current receipts, 32.6c; V. S. graded and sealed eggs in cartons, Grade A. extra Fiorists-r inert! Designs IV Makers-' w- w.r w-irn; riPnn Office, Oliver Iron Steel Corporation, South llth Muriel Streets.

113 25 113.24 113.24 .1 fiK-S3 101.15 101.15 101.15 .5 Millvale. 2s '70-65 101.10 10110 101.10 .4 DISCHARGED Veteran To learn window trimming. Aonlv dailv. to 4: Sun Drug. 2s 71-.

.101.14 101.10 101.12 .4 GiDAS Sprays, Basleti, $5 MA. -SC. 130O Lt'BIN A SMALLEY, FLORISTS! 128 Fifth Ave. GR. 2200.

DICT APHOXK 7,,,,, large, to. tic; tirade A. large, FHCITS A NO VEGETABLES Prices quoted helow represent sales In large lots and wholesale prica in original 505 Market Pittsburgh. steamer for removing paperj WA. 6417 DRAFTSMEN Mechanical.

needed with PENNSYLVANIA Railroad has openings detail and layout experience on machin for Brakemen and Firemen, In the Pitts rivers and harbors works, passed by the Mississippi Valley Association, the Ohio Valley Irapr ovement Association, the Allegheny River Improvement Association and the Propeller Club of the United Monuments-Cemetery Lots receivers at the local produce yards and CHARN ES Suddenly, at her home407 (vevJIWiimr3'ng, on Monday. Cill8- 1945' Anns Thompson, wife of vS hiDd mother of Albert and Edward 3C and Thomas 2C (overseas). Friends received at the Joseph Lndercoffer Funeral Home. 200 Caldwe'i Wiimerding. Blessing sen-ices at burgh District.

Apply 8 n. m. to 4:30 CORPORATION BONDS Sales in $1000 High. Low. Close.

14 tjAbtt PP 5i '53st 101 100 100 17 5s 2030.. 99 99 99 15 Am TT 38 120 120 4 120 5 i's '75 1024 102' 33 ACL 1st 4s 1085, 10S 108 35 do 4-3 64 106 106 106 48 A 1st 102 102 102 p. Room 200, 1013 Penrt Ave. ALLEGHENY Memorial Park-6g7aVe lot. finest location, $300.

Leaving state. picasant wcrkmg appointment, downtown, 4 4-hour wppk Conrstnga builditig. 7 1 ELEVATOR EM. (F938. PENNSYLVANIA optometrist, near Pittsburgh, private practice, modern equip SIMON WHITE'S SOM Church on Friday morning! ment, exceiiem opportunity, osi-uazette.

F-9S6. 22 do '95 A 78 T7W "Cemetery Memorials of Distinction 63 W. Maiden WASHINGTON (556 86 85 8S PORTERS Moving picture theaters, white or colored, for work in downtown ana 17 31 13 imtrmens su josepn Cemetery, E. McKeesport. CHATLOS his 57th year.

John Chatlos of 13 PriscHla Duquesne. beloved husband of Theresa Solters Chatlos. Fri.nrf Lost and Fsund neighborhood theaters. Apply in person edge of downtown office, terview. EXPERIENCED Hon do '95 do 2000 do '96 tdo cv '60 do 4s '48 do SW '50 do TC 4a '59 mornings only.

Employment Office, 2217 States, were George A. Zerr supported by Congrsesman Over Clark Building. 17S 29 38 38 ceived at the Malay Funeral Home, 915 co*ckER Spaniel Male, blonde, Carrick district; reward. CA. 50S3.

CHOW Red, agedemale, vicinity Wimv huidle Harriet, Sunday. Reward. MA. PRESSED Steel Car McKees ery; location East Pittsburgh or Pittsburgh. Give full information as to experience, education, age and salary expected.

Write Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Office Industrial Relations, 4-N-17. East Pittsburgh. or phone BFL15(HL Extersif 329, DlUFTSMN needed with lia-gram experience; location East Pittsburgh Give full Information as to experience, education, age and salary expected. Write Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Office Industrial relations, 4-N-17, East Fittshureh, or phone BR.15O0. Extension329.

DRAFTSMAN For general roffl deifgn preferably with tube mill experience though not essential. Apply Employment Office, Spang Chalfant Division of National Supply 23rd St. Dusa Ambridge, Pa. DRAFTSMEN Experienced for products design work by essential local manufac-i turer. Call CH.

S400. extension 226 Mdn-day for Interview. reporTea py me war rood AdmiristraUon. APPLES Bu. bskts.

Pa. U. S. No. 1, 2V4 In.

min Etaymans. best, showing scald, Fme-Beautys showing scald. Ohio V. S. No.

1, 2Vi in. mill. Starks, Romes. 2 CABBAGE 50 ib, sks. Domestic round type Texas, Fla.

red type, $2.00. ONIONS U. S. No. 1 Mich, yellows, 50 b.

10 lb. 10-25c; N. Y. 50 lb. sks.

yellows, Col. 3w-et Spanish, 50 large, small, POTATOES Old stock, unwashed. Maine Kathadins, 100 lb. sks. U.

S. No. 1, S3.50-3.75; U. S. 50 lb.

pager V. S. No. 15 lb. paper 57-60c: Green Mountains, 54c; Idaho Russet Burbanks S.

No. 1, 100 lb. new stock, 50 lb. paper sks. Bliss Triumphs U.

S. No. 1. $2.72 STRAWBERRIES La. Klondike.

24 ton Brooks, Louisiana. He said it operators. Apply in Rocks. require the sendees of steel wrumuy iuquesne, runeral services Friday, March 30, at St. Joseph Church, Duquesne, at 1 p.

m. Interment 70. 22 tBost Me 4 Us would be a serious mistake if the car builders; machinists, all! kinds: she! 78 77 77 78 76 77 66 65 66 103 102 103 93 92 93 99 98 99 74 73 74 77 76 76 34 33 34 101 103 100 40 39 40 10fi 106 106 36 35 36 72 72 72 85 83 85 20 19 20 machine set-up men and laborers. Take oi.josepn uemetery, Duquesne. FACTORY worker's h-, -Essential mduslry.

a Son, 120 Boulevard n'; army engineers should be shorn of co*ckER Spaniel, black, red collar with un Tuesday afternoon. March cars 23-25 at lJenn and SfanWix St. Apply at plant daily. Phone O740. Eve mivvr Tiaimeaas, Xhursday.

March 22 Pftt- Reward. Sewikley M. 4i, into, uavin uiarK, his 65th vear. husband of Elizabeth Calrnev of 53S Can. nings Monday, Weonefrtay and Friday 48 But RAP 57st.

12 BCRN 5s 22 Cen Pat 5s '60 20 tCRR NJ 5s '87. 10 3H 8 58 tChiA 5s ''9 52 tCEI inc. 97 244 tCM SPP 5a their peacetime authority in postwar days. It had been argued that others FILE Clerk work, steady AT. S135.

uvu vvnite, large, young part Collie appiy 1104 island lromi 7 to p. fornia Avalon, father of Mrs. Gladys uu4 poi ubck; oiack ears; one PRINTER'S Helper Experienced In pad iavia umcii eye. ewaM. Montrose' 903.

should perhaps be given authority ding, cutting, wrapping, etc. Able to FOOD factory glrfs" g-work In food rrancej, uaill of Brnokline and Norman Clark at home. Friends re. LOST $21 in small brown operate the multlgranh. Application sub 244 tdo 5s 2000 Woolworths, Hberty-6th; reward.

FA. 0172 Office, H. J. Heinz Co. ceived at McDonald's Funeral Home.

529 ject to approval of W. Apply Spear tdo 4s '89 110 110 110 35 iMirirtsirie. vaiuurun Avaion. jvotlce of time 58 tdo gte '89 i-Aftu watch Yellow gold. initialed; utter.

FOOD SalesrlerkS standard and display $6.64. second floor. RAILROAXS need bralTOen, flfemeff freight handlers, skilled mechanics, helpers, jjviwmown-nomesteaa keepsake. Re ward. HO.

4183. lusiAiUiSS ria. lug boxes, U. S. No.

1, green, 6x6 pack and lareer. s4.ka.ji no- io i1 106 im 91 89 90 104 104 104 56 55 56 14 14 14 83 82 83 working conditions. Ar-- 149 tCANW 4Ha 20 do 4s 89 54 tSCRIP 4 '52A. 18 tdo '60 51 tdo '88 CLEVENGER On Tuesday, March 27. 1945, Edwin S.

(Ted) Clevenger of 20S Fifth Oakmont. husband of Olive laborers and trackmen. Apply to U. 8. LOST Lyceum gold wristwatch; Oakland DRIVER Steady.

good wages. Apply Manhattan Bakery, 600 Evans Mc-Kewport McKeesport 439. DRUGGIST store! Call Mr. Daniels, LE. SSS3.

Ferry Diamond Pts 'I tuemci. AX. 1715. Railroad Retirement Board, fc'tarr Building, Third Ave. Grant St.

i 6x7 pack, green, ripe and turning, unwrapped, 6x6 pack and larger, J5.75-6.00 6x7 pack, wrapped Hess Clevenger. Friends may call at the 51 50 50 379 tdo 4s '34 WALLET Black; vicinity Western-Galves-ton. Reward. Call CO. 9651.

RIGGERS and structural steel workers for funeral Home of Charles L. Gordon, 210 Allegheny River Oakmont, Serv 49 CCC SL 4VjS '77. "'J aw larger, w.zts. 90 89 90 107 106 106 24 CI 5s '73 fountain Gb-u vsn, rifflit. hours; wiii Apply Miss Heinz' Market FOUNTAIN or'wa'itrev, Ross A- ''-'4w shop work; steady employment; U.

S. E. referral required. Apply Crujcible Steel Co. Special notices ices nday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Inter ment Mt. Royal Cemetery. 5S 116 116 116 10 Com 7 1 34 EARN while you learn. National firm of heating and air-conditioning; $200 monthly guarantee. Essential work.

Ex-service men given preference to work in Beaver County. Call Beaver Falls 29S9 between of America, Midland, Pa. i i E.R.C., C.E.P., Call Office. 108 108 108 1 do 3 over some flood control or river and harbor development projects. Such action, he said, would not be a reward for the splendid service rendered in the past and it most assuredly would not be a reward for a superlative job done under exacting conditions in this war.

May Report to Seaports The offices of the recruitment and manning organization, War Shipping Administration in the Freehold building. Fourth avenue, will be closed Saturday. Those applying for service on merchant marine ships must go to the nearest seaport, it was said. When CRAIGHEAD On Tuesday. March 27.

ROLL NecKers. Apply employment office. HELENA'S Reducing Studio Complete 27 Dp! ft iiUd 4s 10314 103 103 17 5s 9 9 or 505 Market, 194n, Grace Hodge Craighead of 564 East End Pittsburgh, wife of the late open daily; isunaay iq a. to p. TO PAY SEMI-ANNTALIY V.

S. Hoffman Machinery will declare semi-anjual dividends on common this year and may begin with 40 or 50 cents around mid-year, said President Bruce at the stockholders meeting. 9-10. vi.iu. nnc jeeaie vapor and Infra-Red Cabinet Baths.

Speciaziling in heavy legs Lewis Foundry Machinej, Division n( GTRLS for George Van Kirk Craighead, mother of 25 tdo 5s '55 a. 8 8j 59 iErie 4 4 2015 95 95t ior development work on Mrs. Julia Craighead Brown of Pitts Blaw-Knox Groveton, Route 51. Phone FE. 3311 daily.

Coraopoiis 20, aim anKies. "women Exclusively." Ap pointments. MO. 29J5. 60 do 4s '95 105 105 105 Sunday.

i 19 TFla 5 '74. 66 64 66 equipment, processes and methods: electrical manufacturer, Has postwar future. Replies confidential. Write Box C-'941. FoFt-Gasette.

ptanaarn can Cn at Fenna. R. R.r GIRL (or drv ciran-: Hills. Sales abllitv 5400. 11 Goodrich 4s 105 105 105 111 111 111 MEN REDUCE No starvation diet, drugs, exercises, heat.

Free demonstration booklet. Dobbs Health Salon, 202 Grogan Cor. Wood 6th. Phone AT. 4635.

burgh, Samuel Judson Craighead of Uniontown, and George Van Kirk Craighead of South Bend, Ind. sister of Miss Elizabeth and Miss Marv Hodge of Greeosburg, Pa. Funeral services will be held at the Freeman-Ferguson Funeral Home, Blairsville, at 3" p. m. Thursday, March 29, Interment Blairsville SOCTHERX RAILWAY Business of Southern Railway is con-anulng to show gains over a vear ago, Ernest a.

Ncrris. president, said. SALESMAN main with car. Old established firm call on iregular trade, open new accounts retail jgrooery, fruit store, nurseries: mostly rural towns Pennsylvania and Ohio. Interesting sales and 105 105 105 95 95 Vi 95 GIRL, in to 2), it ut Nor AS 18 do '67 15 iae 2015.

23 Hud Coal 5s '62 A 20 HM 5s '57 30 tdo inc 5s '57. EXCELLENT opportunity for 2 men. college education preferred, to secure appoint-mnts by telephone for representatives of a nationally known organization see no 75 75 75 71 70 701. factunnE concern, 5 Write stating brp, B-910. Post-Gazrtlr, 1 good postwar future.

Straight salary plus Legal Notices 37 36 37 Cemetery. deterrent; drawing account. AT. 755S. SUSPICION.

WORRY. SUSPENSE Can Be Cleared Know the Truth Troubled Domestic Problems Analvzed. Remove all doubt. It can be done. "NICK CARTER." MANAGER Points the way to the Future, DETECTIVE AID BTTRF.ATT expenses uan or write J.

tiofert, 624 East Carson St. EV. 6649.1 74 Illinois Cent 4s '66 81 80 80 42 ICCSL 5s '63 89 88 88. CROOKS on Monday. Marci 26, 1945, Ira brother of Misses Hilda and Venia EX-SERVICEMAN with good character for alternate truck driving and utilitv GIRL Out of vmiTtwTimri of these tds numbers by writmg Service Bureau, Tint i JSt 6S 02 72 70 71 29 Int 6s '44 79 78 79 Crooks, Mrs.

Clara Miller, Mrs. Rosa By Authority of Bureau of Customs approval of March 22, 1945. the name of the steam stern wheel J. L. Perry, official number 2172:2, gross tons 342, is hereby changed to A-l.

V. Beadiing, Collector of Customs. work with essential and old established SALESMEN You can help essential permanent work, youth development, school provides leads. No canvass, i $100 to $200 weekly commission. Write 1 Box A-953, Post-Gazette.

anytime. GR. 1708, 18 Int TAT 4s 101 100 100 rm; permanent job with poas'hilitfes for 104 103 103 Petersen and J. Koy Crooks. Friends will be received at the late residence, R.D.

1. Apollo. Pa. -where services will be held on Thursday, March 29, at 2 p. m.

right man. Call before noon, 3434 Fifth Oakland. GIRLS For produo wn-'h rpnceville. Pav ply at employment nfn- n-iv 8S 87 88 101 101 101 SUPERFLUOUS hair removed successfully by Electrolysis approved bv medical science, leaving no scars, no Irritations. Cost is moderate.

For appointment, write or phone Miss Lucie Cardeur. 505 End Penn and Highland. MO. 4493. 81 91 91 10 a p.

excent Fat nOCGLASS On Tuesday afternoon, EXPERT shoemaker, $50 week, guaranteed steady job. City Electric Shoe Repairing, 504 Sinclair McKeesport. SALESMAN wanted to smlV construction and industrial equipment; 'Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio; nationally advertised lines: answer giving experience If no '5a 23 tKCFtS 4s '36 13 Sou 5s '50. 35 Leh VHT 5s '54. 20 Leh, VNT 4s 50.

15 Leh 5ii 2003 St. 39 do 4s 2003 108 do 4s 2003 17 Lou A A 5s '69. Marcn it, io, at, p. May tiuitz. beloved wife of Samuel F.

Douelass of nBi 5hrlty.LB'ireau of Customs ap-ffr. al of. March 22' 194S- tbe "am ct the steam stern wheel Homestead, official cLmnbP', gross tons Si2- hereby E- BeadUn- 61 60 61 any. Write Box J-975, Post -Gazette. EXPRESS Haodlerji Age 21-45; steady employment; good wages.

Apply Railway 10 Help Wanted Men GIRLS, dry plant; exrwnenre no, 64 55 53 52 53 104 104 104 McMurray mother of Mrs Ruth Valentine. Friends received at Beinhauer, 2630 W. Liberty Aye. Notice of funeral later. Express Agency, 26th St.

and Liberty Ave. SLATE roofers ard tinners nied not apply unless experienced; top wiiges. steadv rtnuiiton Road car. 16 MSFASSMarie 4s '91 75 74 Meeting Notices No '1, 44 Al-K-T 5 '62 91 90 91 rl War Manpower Commission has rulttl that all malts in this area mav be hired solely upon referral ol the United States Employment Service or designated FACTORY Workers No experience necessary, high priority war work; convenient transportation. O.

Hommel Phone Mr. work. Call Mr. Fischer, CEj. 5000.

TIME Study Observer "Kxie'(-ienr'ed. Re GIRLS White. Westinghouse Electric MmillfnMtn.1110 Mr. O'Brien. Captain Dwight R.

Timmons, port representative here, who has been in charge since the office was opened in 1913, was asked, he said he could neither affirm nor deny the report. It is undehstood that the offices at St. Louis would also be closed Saturday. Two applicants were sent to San Francisco, J. Daniels, oiler, and E.

Johnson, radio operator. Three firemen, Joseph Milco, Donald Tate and T. Leach, left for Norfolk, and James Loring, first assistant engineer, went to New York, where he will board his ship. Captain B. Jordan, district coast guard officer, St.

Louis, notified navigators that all shore aids to navigation which were destroyed or misplaced by high water have been restored to normal status, with the exception of Little Grave Creek Bar Light, Mile 102.0, and Java Run Light, Mile 149.5, Ohio river. Skoff. WA. 1195. Company, East Pittsburgh, Pa.

Notice of 86 85 85 85 84 85 89 87 88 77 76 77 velt Hotel. FARMER Experienced with poultry; good GIRLS ft 77 76 77 ply giving details, education, experience and- salary expected. Write Industrial Engineer, H. H. Robertson AimhridKe, Pa STEWARD with hotel experience to take charge of liquor and food sryir and all kitchen operations.

See Bell, 9-5, Hotel flchenlev. April 11 1945 scBiers De neI(j To the Stockholders: Meeting of the stockholders wages; private modern 5-room house. Write Thomas Viviano. 1 Imperial, Pa-Phone Murdocksville 20. 11(4 7S 77 77 77 77 77 76 77 FOOD Store Manager Chain store experi too aj as 67.., 26 do 4s 43 do 1st 4s 28 tMo 5s '65 A 62 tdo 5s '77 42 tdo 5.t '78 G.

25 tdo 5 '80 60 tdo 58 "81 138 1do 4s It MWPP3 '60. 29 Mor A 4as '55 25 do 3s 2000 10 5s '52 43 NYC 5s 2013. 170 do 4n 2013 A 60 do cn 4s '98. ence desirable. Downtown location, good opportunity, replies confidential.

Write A JOB with postwar future for bovs, men, women, girls. Federal Enameling A Stamp-lnj McKees Rocks AN Experienced time study man is needed immediately to fill a permanent position now open In our standard Department. There is ample opportunity for advancement as this work will expand after the war. Apply at your nearest United States Employment Office for a referal card Scaife Company, Oakmont, Penna 34 33 34 108 107 108 STRUCTURAL Steel designers! estimators, and draftsmen. H.

H. Rodertson Ambridge- Box H-S90, Post-Gazette. or wetingBouse Electric Manufacturing Company will be held at the chief office of the Company in the Borough of East County, Pennsvlvania. on Wednesday, April 11, 1945, at 10:00 oclcck A. for (1) the election of directors, 2) the election of Independent accountant a to the financial report KENNEDY On Monday morning.

March 26, 1945, at 8:30 a. Thomas Jefferson, beloved husband of Emma A. Kennedy (nee Donavan) of 1519 Dormont Dormont; father of Sara Jane Johnston, one granddaughtef, Sally Jane Johnston. Friends received at the Beinhauer Mortuary, 2030 W. Liberty until Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock.

Requiem high mass at St. Bernard's Church at o'clock. Friends invited KNOX On Tuesday, March 27, 1945. Alfred E. Knox, son ot Walter F.

and Mary M. Fry Knox, and brother of Raymond Knox. Services and interment at East Liverpool, Friday afternoon. MAiF.RK;iled in action In France, February 16, 1945, Pfc. Richard son of Horace and Elizabeth C.

Mager. 121 Main Entrance Drive, Mt, Lebanon, brother of Nancy Mager McQuiliin and Jack N. Mager. 68 66 67 68 67 67 114 11 114 92 92 92 FOREMAN for warehouse Expanding scientific firm; must be capable of directing supervising; receiving stockroom and shipping departments. Write A-1S3, Post-Gazette.

TELEPHONE Excellent opportunity for 2 men. college education preferred, securing appointments by telephone fori representatives of a nationally known tjirgsntratton 84 83 83 86 851 se onaiciiuiuers ior tne nscal year 1945, (3) the consideration of a nroDosed monu ASSISTANT manager, salesman; salary and bonus; excellent opportunity for FOUNDRY Workers Cranemen. chlnners. i age no deterrent; drawing account. AT.

-a'l 1 essential tndusir', Bros, cn tin Jv GIRL 'B-iokkeeping' at figures, to rhfck prurs 'ire i'. GIRLS wanted "at" "co'cV eery and meat department work: free Insursnre, vacation with fi-av 5l.iry to start ager of any Ap Tr-n Vi 4ii00, Pjttshurgh if, I'a GR1LT, V.M, rcrrnam nt Ply Kmplnymrnt (Rice, br.f,-i" Joseph Home Co. IlItlH srhonl nff antl r.rt work frrl i' Dietitian. Vei r- nn t8, 4v.ft Avemie d.nner Knrtr-loymrpt Otiice, Mn'nrni A 21 NYChSL 4s '78. 103 103 103 ment to the articles of Incorporation of yancement.

Apply Standard Pants Stores 12 tNYNHF 6s 48 64 Vi 64 64 Knnaers, laoorers. run or part-time. Also i. street, Pittsburgh, or 337 62 61 61 ooys over 16. American Steel Foundries, Verona, or nearest U.

S. E. S. Jcveesport. ALTO mechanics.

World War II veterans oiners. steady work. Wages, bonus' Raise Sunken Barge as i as V4 59 26 25 Vs 25 Mi 20 191 20 25 25 4 25 '4 106 Vi 106 106 14 48 tdo 4V.S '67 35 tdo 4 '55 IS trio 4i '57 37 tNYOW 4s '92 14 ItNYWB 4 Vi '64. 53 Nor I' 2047. 59 do 4Hs 2047 3S' do 3s 2047 10 4s '48.

Mondav. nV" r. MALLARD At Altoona, Pa. TWO elderly men with experience In tire and battery business. 500 Bnddock Avenue, Braddock.

i ETERA "or- MC xenrjp1for' rv cleaners' helpers; full good pay. Apply 625 Paulson HI. I 0100. WALLWASHERS White;" 'full -lime "work; Schenly Apartments. Apply Assistant Manager's Of lice.

I ni. Mlonl I'lfir March 26. 1945. Elwood beloved hus 58.15 Pi band of Elizabeth Shea, father of Mary FURNITURE Movers Experienced. Shan-ahan Transfer Storage 3460 Ftft'n Ave.

FURNACE Mechanics Hi'lperiWanted Highest wages paid to work in Beaver County. Call Beaver Falls, 29R9 between 9-10. GARAGE and-dust company, cnangir.g the authorized capital stock from 4,000,000 shares (consisting of SO. 000 shares of preferred etock and 3,920.000 shares of common stock of the par value of $50 each, to 18,000,000 shares (consisting of 320.000 shares of preferred stock and 15.680.000 shares of common stock) of the par value of $12.50 each, on the bams of four shares of capital stock (preferred or common, as the case may be) of the par value of $12.50 each for each share of capital stock of the same class of the par value of $50, (4) the consideration of proposed amendment to the articles of incorooration of the AUTOMOBILE mechanics Apply Otto The United States derrick boat Monallo tended by the United States towboat Tennessee are at Racoon Creek, Ohio river, where they started work to raise a 97 Va 97- 971-j 77 76 Vi 77 22 '-i 22 Vs 22 65 122S 122 122 104 104 104 jjauj- tjmp Morn Gail, son of Thomas and the late Edith Evans Mallard, brother of Earl A. Mallard.

Remains may be viewed at MeCabe's, 5300 Penn after 7 p. m. Wednesday. Time funeral later. 11 PennRR 4K 15 do 3 70 34 PhRdgCAF 6s '64 WANTED World's largest imamifartur of office ruoplies needs man; between 225 221 225 cars and to fire boilers.

Midnight to 8 auiu Mechanics To dependable offer permanent jobs, essential industry (motor trucks); top y-ag-s, excellent work- sunken barge loaded with coal ft I ill (1 Pltlsliliign. LAUNDI1Y won- i.f!itni!,.i li'ime nrjlt. Blind, Il- Avcmi- M( and 40. High school graotiHt! at Ichhi as salesm.m Pittsburgh. Permanent nnd promotion to right man.

Salsjrv and com It is expected to begin work today to repair the emptying 'a umuiuuns. veterans welcome International Harvester 936 S. Millvale Company, changing the name of the Com McCOY On Monday, March 26. 1945. at 12:45 p.

Grant U. McCoy, beloved husband of Elizabeth Wright McCoy, formerly of Elfinwild, Pa. Friends and members of William Thaw Council No. 396. 12 Port '60.

103 4 103 Vi 103 '4 30 Rdg '97 A 106 105 105 30 fRio 4s 71 i 71 71V. 35 StRl AS 44s '34 53 52 52 20 tPRutl lKt 4Hs 20 20 31 tPLIM S4sRG '33. 102H 102 102 61 tSt LSF 5s '50 B. 56W 56 kau. mission.

All training WriteBox N-264, Pnst-Gazet e. r. uainraith. pany to Westinghouse Electric Corporation. (5) the consideration of the nroDosed valves on the middle wall, river AUTOMATIC Screw machine operatoF'also WAR II Veteran Salesman ismiliar with amendments of the By-laws eet forth in a.

m. Arlington Apartments. SC. 7000. GENERAL foreman to take "charge-of "die and tool manufacturing for small hut rapidly expanding commercial die and tool shop; must have at least 15 years' experience In precision die and tool work; unusual postwar opportunity for a man with necessary experience and executive ability; location Pittsburgh area.

Writ Box L-sgSPost-Gazette. GRINDERS "-Hour! fate and bonus O. of I. received at Oakley's. 1501 v-ruieai industry.

Call chamber of Lock No. 4, Mononga-hela river, opposite Charleroi refrigerator display equipment; splendid ir.e proxy statement, and (6) the transaction of such other business as mav nron- Monterey N. S. Funeral services opportunity for aggressive person; good 40 39 40 531 52 63 Thursday, March 29. at 2 p.

m. earnings. ir). i This work is expected to be com AUTOMATIC Screw Machine" industry; steady erly come before the meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof. The Board of Directors has fixed the close of MFrKESOKIt't Girls 1R sM wrf Kmplin mct-t office, 11 .1 (' Progress v-inhrir'r NATION Al.l!v" kn-w severs middir-agrd wirn campaign.

Ni s. k. g.y.d sit a' bonus, Apply 917 i.u-rt Ave. ii a. m.

OFFICEictrlV'(i nted" bv" m' moving picture i.rsantiwn-n 'h" knowledge s'-i'i ij; expenenrr. Frr.pnt '-pfw-irtu'-'U' vnnrement. Apply in r-tvon tn- rv employment, oflire 1 7 CIik. F. wki.ding Engineer famillajr with spot pleted In six days.

This chamber McKEE Suddenly, at Caldwell, N. on Monday, March 26, 1945. James Herbert wcniiuB ana otner resiFiance iWeinmg ma rrt rWT m. writme conditions. Stand-HlPiL M'K- 201 East Carson St.

will be closed to all craft business on March 2. 1945. as the record chines and controls. Toyad Corporation, McKee, husband of Bess Barris McKee, formerly of 224 Marshall N. steady employment.

U. S. E. 8. referral date for the determination of the stockholders entitled to vote at said annual required.

Take Greyhound bus to Crucible father of Robert C. McKee. Funeral serv The following stages were reported last night: Lock No. 5, Steel Co. of America, Midland.

Pa. WINDOW Cleaners and Waljl Washers ices at the residence of Mrs. Robert Bar onu MIO 5 13 3W tdo 45 '50 13 tSea A c6s '45. 5 ftdo rf 4s '59. 11 tdo 6a '35 10 So Pac 4Vs SI d0 28 do 4Vis 69 34 do rf 4s "55 62 do 4H Or 14 Sou Ry 5s "94.

8S do 4s '56 10 Tex Corp 3s "65.. 30 tTh Ave 5s '60 10 JWab 4 11 do 4s 'St 27 Sh 4 2361 ris. 316 Marshall N. Wednesday Allegheny river, 20.3 feet, falling meeting, and, accordingly, only stockholders of record at the close of business on such date will be entitled to vote at said 60Vs 60i 60V, 44 44 V4 44i 37Vi 37 3714 92 91 91 92 Vs 91 92 92 91H 91 106 105 106VS 98 98 130 1, 130 130' 98 97 97 107'i 107 107 52 51 52 Vi 88 88 .88 99 93 99V-J uil or part-time, good wageli, experience urmeressarv. General Cleaning Cnntrartnrs nitron ror appointment.

AUTO body and fender rewirmeFTvTlake over operation of the best equipped and busiest shop in Pittsburgh on percentage basis No investment required. Squirrel HANDY man, must know how to uce tools. Statement of availability required. See afternoon at 3 clock. meeting.

The transfer books of the Com Lock No. 7, Monongahela rive-, 15.8 feet, rising; Montgomery mr. numpnreys, iionanoe's, 242 Fifth Ave. HEALD grinder tor die and tool work. Ap prtirs, uu Murray Ave.

pany will not be closed. A copy of the annual report for the year 1944 was sent Dam, 17.7 feet, falling; Lock No. ply employment Office. Oliver Iron Steel Corporation, South 11th and Muriel sta. to stockholders on March 12, 1945.

A -T, Genera; Motors dealer, S1.25 ppr hour. Factorv 10, Ohio river, 20.3 feet, falling, proxy statement was sent to stockholders OFFICE Clerk flxrcllent conscicntjous An in Ff Tlirift Rnv Drug Co, 13 crosfrnm Boggs Butt'. PICK your own hun; or afternoon or evening st-v '( parlmrnts. Fort Imquirr-s St. train on hydraulic transmission; 44 hours on March 13, 1945, setting forth (among HOUSEMAN-forIIofeVAppl-MrsTPottelr 5th floor HotelHenry, 8 a.

m. to 4 p. 79 4, jMcneesport 714s. other thingsi the proposed amendments to 16 Westn Fae 4Vts2014 101H lnoi 100 12 West Un 5s 107 107', 107V the articles of incorporation and the INDUSTRIAL engineers for all tvnea of MICHAELS On Tuesday, March 27, 1945, Fred son of the late Frederick and Anna Michaels (nee Alf) and brother of Bertha Carlisle, Ella Gaffnev, Elsie. Anne.

Walter J. and Ralph J. Michaels. Friends received at the family home. 12 Hickory Etna.

Blessing services in church Friday, March 3fl, at 3:30 p. m. OLIVER On MemdayTMal'ch2(C 1945. Perry E. husband of the late Bessie Mc-Connell Oliver of 442 Ross Wlikins-burg.

Friends received at the Funeral Home of T. D. Turner, 729 Wallace Wilkinshurg. Services Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Please omit flowers.

PinVGBAOn Monday. March 28. 1945. ot FtttsbtirghJiOO SeconcVAvei CO. 2629.

$200 Monthly guarantee-aa'aipst Essential work. Ex-service men preference. Salesmen; solicitors, canvassers. Apply at Holland Furnace 321 BjddockAve, Braddock. 12 Help iJWantetJ Men Women A JOB with postwar future bv! Women.

Girls. Federal Enameling ft Stamping Thompson MuKees Rocks. 1 CARBIDE a'ndCARBON "CHEMICALS CORPORATION, near Knoxvilile. Tennessee, needs Electricians, Produntion Trainees, female 1, Chemical Operators; Typists. Chemists.

Radio Repairmen, Analysts, Physicists, Stenographers. Tool 00 engineering work, no conversion problem; Mechanics General Motors Dealer. 1.2a per hour guarantee, factory engineer will train on hydramatic transmission; 44 hours per week McKeesport 7148. AUTOMOBILE MecJnanlcGood wages postwar security, preference to BR. 1331.

POWER sewing perienced 15 nnsltiois wn ft.r 4' Dated: March 13, 1945. C. W. POMEROY. Secretary.

rvMr luiure; essennai industry. Write Box R-S96, Post-Gazette. night shifts; fssentir! wpr fTY. NOTTCE TO ALL POLICY HOLDERS is vrn Mi 79 80 32 ts SD 28 27 28 12 Young FT '60. 105, 105 105V4 Sales, $7,160,000: year ago, $12,896,600 wd-With declaration; xin-Ex-interest; ct-Certificates.

tSeiling flat on account of default of principal or interest or both (Selling flat, for reasons other than default JMamrcd bonds. Negotiability impaired by maturity. Keedsdaie N. REi-'INED colorfd W'tnen '0 JANITORS White, steadv work, night cleaning. Union wages.

Applv MoCsmn Ferry ft Diamond "Pittsburgh OF THE FIDELITY MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA. part-time work in our pr- AXLE Turners and Wheel Rollers For wheel axle shon. Prwwcd stool The annual meeting of the Company will Apply sl week Gramont lire's Off JANITOR Full-time work in modern apartment building. Apply 541 Wood be held on April 2S. 1945.

at n. 235 Fifth Ave. Koom 000. at the office of the Company, 410 Park McKees Rocks, Pa. 100 Government work.

Postwar future. Take cars 23-25 at Penn and Stanwix St. Applv at plant daily. Pnon- FE. 0740.

Evenincs SALES Clerks-see Mr." Unrnvf, JANITORS White, steady work, nicht James Albert, husband of Jessie Dailey Pengra of 238 Alice St. Also survived by 2 daughters, Mrs. Crcighton F. Murphy. Mrs.

Pauline Pengra Miller, and 1 son. rsuiiaing, nttsnurgn, Pennsylvania, for me purpose of electing a board of diretcors. cleaning. Union wages. Applv McCann Ferry Diamond Pittsburgh.

Monday. Wednesday and Fridav apply 1104 Island from 7 to 9 p. u. and to transact such other business as may come before the meeting. FIDELITY MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF William H.

Pengra. Interment at Oakhill Cemetery, Battle Creek, Mich. JANITOR for Church Experienced, should be familiar with boib-r; good opportunity Market Action In Commodities By the Associated Press Major commodity futures mar PENNSYLVANIA. PLOWMAN On Monday, March 20, 1945. Clerks, Guards, Washers Laubdry.

Millwrights, Welder, Laboratory 1 Assistants, Mechanical Inspectors, Power Plant. Operators, Clerks General Officej Electrical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers. Instrument Mechanics, Training instructors Electrical Mechanics. Layout Fabrication Man, Transportation to job site reimbursed. Excellent Reoreatioti ft Shopping facilities.

Living quarters for workers available. If you are qualified, see our representative. E. M. Garner Th tt tor steady lifetime connection.

MA. 9100, H. COFSKY. Secretary. Sealed Proposals kets were irregular.

at the home of his son, Edward, Galitzen, David C. Plowman, in his 99th year. Friends received at the Eaton Funeral Home. 378 Maryland Oakmont. from Tuesday evening until 3:30 Wednesday afternoon, when services will be held.

Interment Mt. Hope Cemetery. ew York cotton closed 30 cents OFFICIAL Turtle Creek School Creek Borough. The Turtle Creek LABORERS and helpers for all departments. Rapid up-grading: convenient location; best working conditions: permanent postwar jobs.

Casting and rolling brass for ammunition, C. G. Hussey ft Co. 2S5Q Second Ave. LABORERS 50 wanted! Unskilled for war work.

Annlv nfin. ahoes, 242 Fifth Avenue, SALES Girls For men's furr ft' boys' clothing sod fiirnish'Rt- ai-le coimters Rni children's wear. Part and P-Otis experience preferred M'lt appearing, pleasing Spear Wood rl f. SA LESGI LS For ru If i departments. No exrrienee Good salary snd roinmis' dally, p-2.

Sun Drug Co, Kr't Pittoburch. SA'CeKGIR I Fo--1 g-s rid Anply Sun Drug snd Wilkinshurg. or Market SALESLAriY Interesting mrirr'fi an with sales ability. Ccmpi'ie tt partment sell trig foods. vdmm expanding food company.

Jnet 'ion F': BAKERY Workers Men and boys for inside bakery work. Experience not required. Daylight hours. Steady employment with overtime, in a staple industry. National Biscuit Employment Office, 8425 Penn Ave.

East Liberty. BARBER Steady man; good hours, good wages. Call or appear at Charlie's Barber Shop, Midland, Pa. Phone 375. BAKER Day turn, steady.

gx5 wag- Apply Manhattan Bakerv, 600 Evans St McKeesport. McKeesport 4389. BAKERY Workers Experienced cake mix-eiv Rhea's Bakery, 441 Market St. School Board will receive sealed bids for Employment Service, 526.5.16 Penn Avenue a bale lower to 15 cents higher, and wool tops were 1 cent lower furnishing 5,000 square feet or more of -nisnurgn. xnose In easentiil industry F'RAGER March 27, 1945, Marilyn, infant asphalt tile.

Specifications may be received on apnlication to the office of the FARM couple for country home, 30" miles t.o.r triuvanizins 5515 Butler Pittsburgh. supervising principal. 519 Penn Turtle Creek. All bids must be in the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph J.

Prager of Berry Hill Road. Glenshaw. Friends received at the Mclntyre Funeral Home, 644 Butler Etna. Services Thursday at 2:30 p. m.

nom f-insourgn. 4. room house, modern conveniences, furnished or unfurnished, no to .1 of a cent a pound higher. Chicago wheat was up to of a cent a bushel, corn closed i to of a cent lower, oats were to of a cent higher, and rye closed unchanged to li hands of the Secretary of the School Board by 8:00 p. April 13, 1945.

The Board LABORERS Unskilled. Apply employment office, open daily; Sundav 10 a. m. to 2 P. m.

I.ewtff a. rw, "wvinra i or ennoren; food wages; reserves the right to reject any or all bids. DunuinKitnps. 1,1. Wheeling Steel Bond Issue Is Soon Sold New York, March 27.

(Special) Kuhn, Loeb Company announced today books have been closed on a new issue of first mortgage sinking fund 34 per cent bonds. Series of Wheeling Steel Corp. The bonds mature March 1, 1970, and were priced at 103 per cent and accrued interest. Net proceeds from the sale of the bonds will be matched with other funds to retire, at 102 i per cent and accrued interest, principal amount of bonds currently outstanding. Livestock Quotations Pittsburgh Brinkman.

Wood A Beck furnish the following quotations: Cattle ReceiDts light, market steady. Good to choice dry feds, rood fat steers. $15.50 5 16.25: medium to good, 1.200 to 1.30O pounds, $14.500 15.25; tidy, 1 050 to 1.150 pounds, $16.00 3 16 75; fair. POO to 1.100 pounds. $12.000 14.S0; common, 700 to 900 pounds.

$5. GO'S 10.50: common to eood fat bulls, 14.00; comtccc to good fat cows, $3. 00 12 00; heifers. 700 to 1.10O pounds. $7 00 15.00.

Hoes Receipts Hpht. market active at steady prices. Prime heavy hops. 15.15: heavy mixed. 220 to 250 average, $15.10 515.15: prime, 10 to 200 average, $15.1015.15: best.

160 to ISO average. 13.15: good. 120 ho 150 aver-ase. $14.50 15.00: pigs, as to quality, $13. 50n 14.25: common to good roughs.

$12.50 14.40: eiags. S8.50fll2.00. Sheet) Receipts 3 double-deck loads. Market strong on all best fat grades sheep and lambs, other grades steady. Spring lambs steadv.

Prime wethers, $10.00 10.50: good mixed, $8.80 9.50: fair mixed twes and wethers, culls and common. culls to choice lambs. $7.008 17.25: choice clipped lambs. choice chirped wethers, $10 00; spring lambs. $17.00 25.00.

Calves Supolv licht. market steady. Veal calves. $17 50'S 18.40; heavy and medium calves. $6.00 316 00.

James A. Stewart, Secretary, 1003 Maple BARBER Shop Long established, East Liberty District, for sale at cost of fixtures; other business. Post -Gazette. G-931. jniiuKii.

rtorters ni Division of Blaw-Knox Groveton, Pa 81. Phone FE. 33U dally. Coraopoiis 20. Sunday.

Turtle Creek, Pa, Honsekeeping women, cleaners, and scrub- THE PITTSBURGH ft LAKE ERIE RAIL of a cent higher. BARBER wanted for Friday and Saturday in Wilkin-sburg CH. 5425. nent position. Excellent wary 1 mission.

Phone Elsie Pellfrr. AT room 1631, or write Bhx I)-SM. T-1' zette. iino" eery, west Perm Hospital, ROAD COMPANY will receive bids for miscellaneous car and locomotive forgings ROWE Of 355 Hazel drive, Mt Lebanon, on Sunday, March 25, 1945, at 5:50 p.m., Margaret Johnson, wife of Claude N. Rowe; mother of Pfc, Robert C.

and Corp. Edward N. Rowe. Friends received at the B. Laughlin Funeral Home, 3310 W.

Liberty South Hills, where services will be held on Wednesday, March 28, at 7:30 p. m. JHackensack and Ridgefield Park (N. papers please copy.) LABORERS mill helpers, no experience necessary; steady employment. U.

8. E. S. referral required. Apply Crucible Steel Co.

of America. Midland, Pa. BARBER wanted; good guarantee, good job. 504 Liberty Ave. under Series Contract No.

1 1945. Sealed bids must be submitted to undersigned bv twelve o'clock noon. April 11, 1945. The TREND OF STAPLE PRICES New York, March 27. The Associated Press weighted wholesale prices index of 35 commodities today was $108.37: previous day, 108.40; week ago.

$108 37' month ago, 108.34; year ago, 107.12. 1945 1944 194.1 ioii! Pie experiences, in coats and Baits, full or part time. Seasonal employment. Apply Empjoyment Office. Frank Sfder.

SALES Persons Tratoingln-" salesmanship LABORERS wanted Immediately. lOOr war work. Apply McDowell Mfg 301 Stanton Millvale. BARBER Steady, $35 and commission; also part time barber. MO.

7463. BARBER wanted, steady work! Apply 532 Fourth Avenue, city. rigrtt. is reserved to reject any and all bids, S. F.

Schaefer, Purchasing Agent, Room 104. Pittsburgh Lake Erie Termi SECRETARIAL posHlon-Wu." fe encd diiHanbone opera tor. Fff Vogan between 9 a. m. -'i 5 with Machinery 8V)fj i ni-East End.

8ECRETA RY w-' ographer, permanent positnT. ployment Office, Frank -1f SEWERST'thoroughly "I't -grade uit nrfl r--. Legal Notices nal Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. luciuiauuiKing-, lmmeaiaie Apply Employment Office, Tenth 103.22 los.sf 108.73 107 54 108.15 106.03 103 43 SEALED BIDS The Chalfant Roroiurf, rnKir, viimoei oros. 95.54 Machinist wanted, union.

Apply Post-Gazette Composing Room. MACHINIST Full or part any available time. Critical in-dustry. Call Tarentum 736. Harvey M.

Aronson. Attorney, 210S Law and Finance Building. Pittsburgh, Pa. No. 1266 of 1945.

Notice that letter. U926 average equals 100) wanted Apply at once. Good CHICAGO GRAIN FtTl RES testamentary on the estate of Bernard J. BOILER repairmen, must have Pittsburgh stationary engineer license. Applv Employment Office.

Oliver Iron Steel Corporation. South 11th and Muriel Southside, Pittsburgh. BOYS 16 to-lsTTor fountain work.eve"-nings. Apply either to 201 East Ohio St Northside or Sun Drug, 505 Market Pittsburgh. 0372 Bleaay on- vaPllol Cleaners, HO WALLPAPER Bales Some "i 'evrU'riXM Hat Gown Simp, Tiv McDonald, deceased, late of McKees Rocks, Allegheny County, having been granted, all persona indebted to said estate 1 1 I iHigh.

Low. (Close. iClose, Apply Employment office, Seventh Floor SHOWROOM sales' rf facturcr scientific inst rumen f. School District will receive sealed bids for the washing of all the interior walls and ceilings of tfce school building. Cleaning supplier and equipment to be furnished by bidder.

For appointment to see building call the secretary. Valley 1696. All bids must be the hands of the secretary before 7:00 p. m. Thursday.

April 12, 1945. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. H. P. KAREIS.

Secretary, 206 Falrview Avenue, East Pittsburgh. Wheat: 1 win make payment and those having apparatus, college rhemis'rv nr Mav MAN to take over insurance dehit. Legal reserve company; 20 and 20 times contract. No experience necessary. Apply 9:30 m-MAN or strong boy forTtorerwTm! Apply Hospital, 4S0O Friendship Ave.

MAN wanted for eeneral work nlanTin? 13 claims win present them to Paul Baker, Help Wanted Womei" 90 W. Prospect Street. Ingram, and Eliza Julv Sept. 1 TIf 11 BOYS 16 to is. for fountain work, evenings.

Apply either to 201 East Ohio Northside. or Sun Drug, 505 Market Pittsburgh. fc Commission has ruled that all women in this area not beth McDonald, 2315 Fremont Place Beechview, Pittsburgh, Executors. Dec. trees, in country.

Steady job. Box Corn: -fay laboratory experience. I i-ner 711 Forbes St. RTENOGP.APHIIRS- -'r-'fl Ktnnera. Applv Kmpkyment Heini l(i2 rrogrees stenographer's hii'" nent rqieninrts wish vancemenf.

Joseph Home office, seventh essential activity may be only by other essential employers and must have W. A. Seifert and Reed, Smith, Shaw McClay. Attorneys, 747 Union Trust ost-Gazette. JUiy BOYS 16-17, for light factory work.

Standard Caa S55 California Ave. at Penna. R. Northside. MECHANICAL Engineer lxrwrincfd de Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.

No. 376 of 1945. Sept. Notice that letters testamentary on the Dec. sign and development of machinery used in sheet metal fabrication.

Work consists NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will receive sealed proposals through the Secretary of Property and Supplies at his offices in the Capitol Building. Harrisburg Pennsylvania, until 2.00 o'clock p. (Eastern War Time). April 4. 1945, which will be publicly opened and read at that estate of Chanca W.

Heppenstail, de Oats: :i.s i i.6H VI-56 si. 55 51 V1.50V1.52 il.5H4 4111 1.07 il.07107 l.OSHil.OSVl 0414 1 04 1.5 il. 03H 102. -R3H -63V' .55 I .55 i .551, .1 .32 Si I .63" .1 -33V -52V .53 1 I 1.1(5 1.17V -14 VI-ISi l.lfSU 1.13 ii .1.10 1.12 2 1.07V l.7Si'1.05'1.07H 1.07 il.06 '1. 07 ti ot oeveioptng both processes and eouio Mav enr or Availabilty.

A JOB with women, Federal Enameling ft stamp! ing Thompson McKises Rocks ACCOITNTS receivable "a nd post war opportunity. Toyad Corporat'on 5O01 Baum Boulevard, MU. OMO STENOGRAPHERS ment. Apply C. A.

Bianchl, H. H. Robert- BOY Permanent. Possibilities for advancement. Automotive Warehouse.

Apply 6142 Liberty Ave. BOY Hours 1 p. m. to 8 p. m.

Bring working certificate. Apply 2nd floor, Post-Gazette Bldg. ceased, tate of Pittsburgh, Allegheny Cortnty, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate wil Imake payment and those having claims will present them employment. Apply. Kaufman" I )n kjo.

Amoridge, pa. July Sept. Dec. merit Office, tenth floor. Jir.Sfcf.AGJSKS In and hnv.

to Robert Bole Heppenstail, 4620 Hatfield 8TEN OG A I'll II for with working certificates asccepted. Ap- Rye: ASSISTANT jMrKev, ana jreopies-fiitsourgn rust tuom- May ki urvo island, East llEht r.lnihl KfepT July ira jrersonnei unice. pny, jourtn Avenue ant wood Street, Pittsburgh, Executors. ment of real estate nortunity to lenrn the C. C.

M'-Kailir. merre. Bldg. ('O. r.i-i jiat-MAiNiu Helpers Apply Greyhound Sept.

Dec. BOOT Black Strand Shoe Repair. 1921 Murray Squirrel Hill. HA. 4807.

BUS and Stock Boys I th!" wi rktrT permits for full-time work. Apply McCann A Ferry and Diamond Downtown, Pittsburgh. ume tor tne following projects: I. Alterations and Additions to Infirmary, Pennsylvania Oral School for the Deaf. Scranton, Lackawanna Countv, Pennsylvania.

II. Electrical Construction of Service Lines and Wiring of Farm Buildings. Danville State Hospital, Montour County, Pennsylvania, Plans, specifications and proposal forms Barley; STENOGRAPHERS. T'-r- unes, iinw California Northside. MEN for parttime-light factory- work essential industry, 5 p.

to 10 p. May 1.P9U 1.07 1.07 l.OBii 'i pers. cashiers Jmmeiiia' July i.os' i.03n oiVi.oi Vi.03w ruirnurgn wstrproof 2537 Penn ployment, willing to Apply Empiojment OftJ', vrooo opportunity Specialty CompKny 3001 Boul-vard of Allies. AUTOMATIC -r lWh" VOU that grs you earn ings now and after the war. Fort Duquesne Laundry, 129 Fortieih fit BAKERY furnished: free insure nce- vic- andgLvnr! Ave.

and Lynn Way, Hnmcwwd, a years' experience. fiirv CHICAGO. March 27 'WFA1 Salable hogs. 7.000 head: total. 11.000 head: aeiive.

fully steady: good and choice barrows and gilts, 140 pounds up at $14 75 ceilinc; good and choice sows at $14.00: complete clearance; shippers took 1.000 head. Salable cattle, 9.500 head: total, 9.500 head; salable calves, 1.000 head: total, l.OOrt head: fed steers and yearlings, Including yearling heifers, fully steady early hut closed 10c to 15c lower: medium grades both classes less active than Monday; top steers. best heifers, $16 50. with choice to prime mixed offer, ings up to $17.50: most steers $14.75 to $16.75: cows, strong; bulls, weak: veaiers, fully steady; cutter cows. $9.25 down: trictly good beef cows to $15.25: practical outside heavv sausage bulls, $13.00: heavy beef bulls.

$14.00: veaiers. $16.50 down. Gimtjel Bros, CHTCACO CASH GRAIN not exceeding two (2) complete sets, may William E. Miher. Attorney, S04 Union Bank Building.

Pittsburgh, Pa, No. 1257 of 1945. Notice that ancillary letters of administration on the estate of Frank A. Merrick. deceased.

late of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims wil! present them to The Union Trust Comnanv of Pittsburgh, Ancillary Administrator, Fifth Avenue and Grant Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. Wheat, none. Corn. none.

Oats. none. Barley, nominal: Malting. Sl.20Sl.39ii ewurea ny prospective bidders bv to the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Department of Prooertv and STREET Car Oj'Mi'-'f $1.10 per hour, A 'lis to 40 years of age. in driving vehicles feed, $1.05 51.18.

BUS boys, dishwashers, elevator operators. Apply Hotel William Penn Employment Office, 9-4 week days. BCTCHERforTetaUst week, time and one half after 4 hours Please phone Miss Kuhn for appointment Vugs. St3pPiT HE. 590O n1- S30 week.

Call 13 person at Beck's Service Station. Cochran Road and Academy Mt. Lebanon. Supplies, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, depos NEW VORK COTTON MARKET Monday through Fndsv. i MEN Wanted by Dupont for esentil war ZZ tLPe'pwaUrJ J' 'tin8 work, rood pay; advancement opportunities; hoising and rooms available; trans-portation paid.

Openings for unskilled workers. Men to train as operators no previous experience needed; good pay while learning. DuPont representative will in. terview aj ilicanta at the U. 8 Employ.

Pa. WMC haa granted topiatfonal priority J1 ways System, 436 S'-xtn A'. May Pittsburgh. A LESWOM A Licensed July qualifications. Permanent posit on.

Loot-t on Carniegie district. state iige, education, experience, religion. open High Low Close Ch'ge ..22.00 22.05 21.95 21.95 Off 21,73 21.65 21.65 Off .03 ..21.0 21.18 21.09 21.13 Up .01 21,07 2.99 21.02 Uncb. .20.91 20.25 20. 90 20.92 Un .01 Oct.

Dec. rmuranre sjIeswtn'. vr iting me amount stated below, which deposit will be refunded only upon the receipt of a bona fide bid: and return of the plans and specifications In good order within ten (10) days after the opening of bids; otherwise the deposit will be forfeited. Plans and specifications may fee reviewed free of charge at the offices of the department located at Harrisburg. Each proposal must be accompanied by P' PltI- Salable sheep.

12.000 head; total, lS.OOOjMar. time for apfxjin! Gazette. CARBURETOR and ignition msn, good saiary. Don, the Carburetor Man. 18th Street at Mt Oliver Street HE.

9747 Middling, spot, "22. 29c. off Nominal. tBid. TYPIbff Shop, Room 205, Nixon TheatA merit for girl? v.w CHIPFERS -Expenencea and graduates: gry-d salary.

Dei hustings. utvMton of 62nd 6u lwrence- lurts. elevator nnirtnri a certified check, bank cashier's check get paid for romp-' liees; group jn'O'-inee, vs- Bead; market weak to tower: mostiy 15e to 25c off: good to choice fed wooled Western lambs, top, on four cars Colorado; load lots mixed medium to choice lambs, 18.50; deck medium nd good. $15 75: a few native ewes, $9.50 down: eiEht decks common and medium. 115-pound wheat pastured ewes.

SS.50; deck 92-pound shearing lambs, $15.00. CHICAGO EGO FrTCRES Sales Open High Low Close Clo-se Mar. 0 35,10 3.10 Apr. 0 "38. 10 tSS.10 ror persr.riHl irio-rvew Harry Bowyti, Attorney at Law.

1206 Law ft Finance Building, Pittsburgh. Fa. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Assembly of June 28. 1917. P.

L. 645, and its amendments and supplements, of intention to file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, and in the office of. the Protiionotary of the Court of Common Pica of Allegheny County, on Monday, the 2nd day of April. 1945, a Certificate for the conduct of a business an Allegheny County, Pennsri-vama. tinder th assumed or fictitious name, style or designation of Ross Fuei Company, with its principal place of business at 1410 Fifth Pittsburgh.

Pa The names and addresses of ail persons owning or interested in said business are-F. M. Ross. 621 Miry'-and Pittsbursh Pa Artron- T. Rofs.

4000 Brownsville Road. Pittsburgh. Pa. CHIPPERS on steel billets, hourly rate and ext. Jones 12 era-nays.

BUS Eirls. lannrirv r- Oct. 45S 41.05 41.60 40.90 41.25 41.20 or trust company treasurer's check, drawn to the order of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, tn the amount stated below: Cost of Proposal Proposal One Set Guaranty I. Scrantor. Inflrraarv 50 fcoo.no cirntij umpioymenT.

u. S. referral required. Greyhound i r-rl ior worn our Lawrencevilie warehouse, full or part time. Part time shifts, night or day.

Apply to Employment Office Yiial Av'' an1 Way, Homewood Pa 'rPnhoTise work. Carrtck Greenhouse. Becks Run Carrick. CA. 4914.

years older needed Pikesl MEN and Boys For food i.a battle of food. D.nlrf room! Bid. tNomraal. See Me CM a il "'r TYriSTK Some Cetsil, opportunity 1r h'v zzi 11 oiei jscflenley, BUS Girls Whrte'. Home i TYPISTS General c.eri.

nl. Donahoes. 242 Fifth Avenue II. Danville Service Lines 2.50 500.00 America, Midland, Pa. COLLECTOR Peajtant, part man regularly employed afternoon or night Experience unnecessary.

Pav averages S1.00 per fcour. Periodical. 505 Wabash Bldg. CO. 9315.

BCTCHERJCTtE8'-for--worl, Fifhve Donshoes, 242 CKrrtis OIL PRICES Bradford Bradford (National Transit! 3.75 Pennsylvania (Southwest, Pa.) 3.40 Pennsylvania (Eureka 1 334 Pennsylvania (Buckeye) 3 3,1 Corning 1.66 KINPAIX FILES FOR STOCK The Kendall Company, Walpole, filed with the SEC a registration statement covering 40,000 shares of Series A. 14.50 cumulative preferred stock, bo par value. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept or re'ect anv part of iw bid M. WOOLWORTH. Secretary c-f Property and Supplied.

stenographers; full tm-e preferred, but not Co Wood Creet. r'-i-i TYPIST Zx el'ent scienttous worker. Air-'- Rav Dr: 23 tt BUS Girls WhiTI rTifr; 1 in res- COLORED Porters See Mr. Donahoe 242 Fifth Avenue. S.V anay to cars.

J. Helns 1082 Prop-ess Nortiuide, fcowwptSburg from Boggi BuhU.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.