The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS SATURDAY APRIL 10 1948 7 NORTHAMPTON MARRIED THIS MONTH COURT INES Co WET DRIVERS (National jthutoj MllS EMIL llEltOt'LV Clark at SPECIAL COURT ami SESSION ENDS WEST BROOKIELD tiofis St A (t'onlinnert rom It fa nie quit because could Lu is Monday orde just a ram ag Mi: tn in he with antasoniata GILBERTVILLE a i niotLer HATIELD a Tapin foot is Un the case the of be the school also Capitol Iboom I around my An expert operator can cancel the a modern electric cancellin the face back nt tumor tu the mnnrs the slim slipped in my lay not ree betwett with Holy be in ir first and and Ih is utl ('oinnumi drafti' i by his House Anderson walked his assailants and tap the back said signifj ttS a 9 Sc" immediately work on lions ot painter sculptor ceramist weaver jewler and cabinetmaker In the local group were Alice Cybulski Irene Maciorowski Evelyn Cackowski and Nancy Holley I after the second doing okay when felt a sharp pain I couldn't move of Colombia to Shaky Regime rich Will pres with th) be I on The major purpose of to let more peopl know health nurses ran help be healthier and to stress To show how nf rous Isvtli Stave cm 5 would like point out that agreed to sclcit Suu Iqes by of Jlumnanmi CONWAY ILL (Continued rom 1) SCHOOL BOARD W'opiimieil rom ID due Greek of Athens especially its gaiety living ore coatributed pastries to be sold This siv are already th "im trustecs' 5e 5lks Helen ot Jij St East lianipt on Intelligence Agency had given the State Department any advance warn ing of the possibility of an outbreak in Colombia Meanwhile the Peruvian delegation reportedly has offered Lima as a site for continuing the conference Dut there was disposition among some delegates to continue to meet in lombia it at all possible CILRERTVILLE KIES John Carroll of School St has turned home from a visit with Mr and Mrs Henry Hitter at their heme in North Haven Conn i The Arthur Brainerd family re turned this week end to resume living tn the late rank Clark's home Greenwich Rd their make shift living conditions in Whitinsville not being satisfactory Mr Brainerd ore the fac ulty at Whitinsville High School will spend week ends here Edward principal of Hard wick High School Miss Helen Bratt ot the high school faculty and Mrs George Brogden of Main St served as judges at the Lucy Rice speaking contest at Bane High School last evening Rev Albert Altenhern pastor Community Church will preach at the Sunday morning service at 1015 a'in The following Sunday will be observed as Grange Sunday and the speaker will be the nationally known Grange executive Charles Gardner whose topic will be Our selves" The Spring rally of the Greenwich Union of Young Societies will be held in the West Brookfield Congregational Church on Sunday the ISth with afternoon and evening sessions a supper served and able speakers to be enjoyed The Hardwick church choir will have re freshments and a social gathering fol lowing choir practice at the parsonage on Tuesday night Rev Robert Hodgen pastor of the Gilbertville Congregational Church has chosen tor his Sunday morning sermon topic Ec BI SAYS CRIME Uaintiuuci! rom 15 UM Student Stopped On King St are IS SMITH COLLEGE ((t'otUt twill froij St President Holds HATIELD BRIES The drill team of the Hatfield Jun ior Drum corps held an outdoor prac tice session this morning on the Cen ter school field Tomorrow after noon at 2 at the Town Hall there will be a meeting ot all committees named to work on the summer drum ccrps con vention which will again be held here under auspices ot the Drum Corps Association 1 Hatfield's quota in the cancer con trol drive now under way is 5313 ac cording to announcement by the Hampshire county committee Miss Mary Belden ot Bradstreet and Miss Ann Kennedy of Main St went to Boston today on the 4 traveling with the Hampshire county delegation Hatfield 4 mem bers will cooperate in the county cookie Monday helping to raise funds for a orafts buildln? at the 4 ramp in Goshen I A daughter was born tu Sir and Mrs Marshall Jr of 1st at Dio'kluson Hospital Thursday Grandparents are Mr am! Mrs John Waskte wicz of Hatfield and Mr an Mrs Marshall Sr of Whately Members of ellowship of Hatfield Congregations! Church wilt go tn Northampton tomorrow night to ba guests of the Young uruni of flie irst Congre gationa! Church there ire Chief Michael Yarrows to day Issued a reminder to residents that permits must 1e obtained for al outdoor fires These Permits may be secured from the chief i DRAT PLANNED (jixiit in in Eroni 118 Mart In fl iti? ly and Van urn told surprise! repot ters that had call'd the sudd it meeting of 11 a to ARABS STORM (l'ontii)uei! rom Page $5 14 GERMANS tf'mitin iied rom Si mass murder called humanity" jre their were leaders of Nazi which followed the into occupied coua at home and Miss Arlene on the staff Memorial Hospital CHILD LEESContinued rom ace 1) Plea Changed Driving Case iled to Conclude demeanor Sitting REVENGE PUTS (Continued rom 15 Will' nit he mf battery charge uuaints Chester Cybulski Hadley was dismissed after Site complainant Sstcllre also of lladky file i are accord in satisfaction The alleged assault took ire Si udicy March Tr lops the I' Justice bj Presiding Michael and his John Speight of Dothan Ala and Richard Dixon of Ek WORLD WAR I Co a i it rom School and the broadcasting on a recent Worcester program word that the thrteo an! McRevej ord received second disposition He wav at a HiydenviiiPs by Williamsburg complaints irons the action taken at which time re elected by a Esses St by bullet which At Spring condition ss The West Brookfie! 1 Men's Club has elected the following officers Stank Kelley: vice iTisident Raymond A Clark sec retary Lawrence Cobb treasurer Clarence Iymren i Mrs Janet rew former leader lot the Girl Scout troop announce pre liminary steps are being taken ts re organize the troop in this tovvn All scouts are asked to be in uniform at the Town Hall Monday night at LIO to attend a court of honor and pro gram of entertainment i Miss Anna of the Junior High group have Ioys and Richard Parker prize for their historical program Jits Mary Charpentier of Brookline silent nurse and house mother for the freshman class at Radcliffe Jis the guest ot her son in law and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Stanley Camp Wickabnag Ragge Mid the operators ourt action BOGOTA QUIET in ni'l rom Page IS also expired this year moved to Northampton of Mrs Reginald White winter at the in Shelburne SOLDIER WOUNDED rom S) CRAZED MOTHER med ramt J) member of campaign being waged titered States to a sure tlie he backed cut ilid ttes in general election rate ihii riiiiin of Joint Sch ol ire curing all pi titions and against the re o'bction of Mr Luker school super inteniknt not lat than Saturday April If Miy I also request you as chairman of you: respective cimimit ti to be responsible for making these petitions available for study and pen t'i discussion to al! three mem bers of your board so that on April 25 19 IS pm ns chairman may lead and comment upon interpretation of positions 1 fore the joint ses sion tike place rt 3 superinti nd nt's fficc letter is laing sent tn hairman the separate school i mittens and t' Mr linker our nt superintendent nf schools the reiptosr am! insist nee I hairman district that he present This meeting ms April will callcl by the chairman for I of April 3 lltuker was not ijority tde the son's th' inibanl to cal! go into the tOn KvM gt Holmes the persons bureau tra 'ked "town Sluc'i which cropped up as the jmsed Whrn tu ap' a tih ry gen afied liis Ire pol i Sfuichinsoss drunkenness they have splint in North Dana Hardwick Mr overseas veteran of 3n ymjses the dashed tap nrs 4hloody wene "breathing but A note was found 'fledrotms WAtnitig 't'olice but not to note also Job! wnero Mr insurance policies were Sou Sid Edited L'v Stick liman re porter ami 11 Lei ler of th English department at Smith Cui the fir issue the hew publica tion ill contain po ms by Robert rost of Amherst William Kos Benet associate editor of the Saliu day Review of Literature David Mor ton Amherst poet and Grace Hag lt Conklin formerly of the mith Col ls ce faculty as Well as contributions by Mr Gillman and ohter Jocl ts The magazine will appear snunthiy and will have a circulation of apro imitely rang nut in tauram in quick succession The shut 3iit Seymour in She back dropped him in his tracks The olid otiut hit Jeasup in the foot the third pierced Miss Johnson's Jessup and Miss John'ouwere sitting in a booth at the time Aller the shooting Anderson ranmt of th restaurant climbed our a fence aS he rear of the Miluer Hotel and raced down erry St At the corner of Main and erry Sts ran into William Corevrau and Joseph Janczck andshouted: just shot a man! These guys are after The officers seized the frenzied An derson and after disarming him sent fo" a patrol car which took him to headquarters Anderson told police that he did not mean to kill anybody just wanted to show those young fellows they had to respect po lice quoted Anderson as saying COAL STRIKE before noon tha Hag ans troops held the village Jewish capture of Kast'l yesterday along ith Der Yassin two miles west I Jerusalem in the Judean Hills was believed to have set the stage for ix pening the Tt 1 A vivJet usalem Highway ti Jewish foot convoys astel which has "hanged hands three times in the past week was re ported half destroyed by the furious tithting with only of its 49 houses shill standing Northampton April 10 Arrested early today in this city two men one a student at the University of Massa chusetts were arraigned in District Court today on charges of drunken driving and drunkenness Wayman Peterson 29 wno liv sc at Chadbourne Hall at UM pleaded guilty to both charges but Judge Har ry Jekanowski said that owing 'o the previous good record of the student he would allow a plea of nolo on the operating charge and filed the drunkenness complaint Peterson was given until Monday to pay a $50 line Police said he had been driving er ratically on King St Leonard Russell 27 of IS Coo lidge Ave city also pleaded guilty to both complaints and was fined a total of $65 He was arrested when the panel truck he was driving nu anotner car on Strong 1 ant is ith the tanfl this charging fiis rifle going Adelman "I went and I was and fell back and there for about a half hour lot of people crowded but nobody tried io help me found out later that friend Alfrcda E'ins a 19 yenr old Austrian girl was held prisoner foi ls hours by the Russians they took the bullet out they found it was a dum dum job I guess why it made such a big a in pre war 15 YE AR HUNT 8) WILLIAMSBURG Williamsburg April 10 Lewis Black were? tu a "i caliber returned tu Oak ofMhe met him They went aMinilM' that gv inent will be reminJ within hoVH over out oversy which Hospital with little toe tin ft shattered by bullet hut condition good Donald Seyreicur hit in leit thigh lodged ire ids buttocks field Hospital where his All of the principals are Negroes Although Anderson Ss accused ofhoating Miss Johnson and Jessup Judice charged him only with assault ing Sejniuur tlie most set iousiy in jur of the trio Anderson told police that while he ivh nt an Oak St dance late last night a dtunken man picked a quar ret with him He left he said antas he walked along Oak St a gang of five young men suddenly jumped They knocked hint gtousid and kicked him ire and stomach he claimed Enraged Anderson room and procured tomatic pistol and St where lie saw'hi had assaulted into Georji Ristiiirant on Dwiyht St and he followed over to one ot ping hint ois cantly "I'm Time shots JOHN CLIORD INED OR DUMPING RUBBISH Northampton April 9 John Clif ford of this city was fined $19 by Judge Harry Jeknowski in District Court today after he pleaded guilty 'o violating a city ordinance The rd off Health had com plained that Clifford dumped ruboish in the meadows on the 3rd on prop erty owned by Samuel August Edward iCote of North Alams admitted drunkenness rend distrubring the peacp and Imd the cases comm le rhe'ICtls foi arrested early today convalescent hotne police wh' received two nurses In assault and the Pan re lie the visiting Yoseni and the Grand Canyon irs I Law wn front Dickinson Hospital 2 94': The guard IsRull Russian soldi" ame pe the nn'it will Bo wo: within hoars iftei tow's irtin sold Martin said lie had been sriatlv concerned over "the prolonged stop page" of mine production II said it was disrupting the economy ind interfering with this country's f'treiun aid program Martin revealed that he had pro posed to Van Hora and Lewis replace the member of who has resigned Lewis chairman the three tiutes Tlv gr ment to nptioint Eridaes is tustii was reai hod in surprise in eting this morning the office wnose term and vih'D h13 The burial wna died during the home of her daughter 'uviuili 11V I alls tooK place this afternoon at 2 in tillage Hill Cemetery with Rev Grant Chandler pastor of Wjj liamsburg Congregatmnaj church oN Sic mting Tim annual mother and IUghtr buiquet of the Haydenville Ladies Aid Society which was to hv been hclj on Thursday win be held on day because of the sped! twn nwrt by a monl gram Book cyvcww sx 4 a Eastham pton At the bunday morning servico rf the Williamsburg Congregational Chincu Rev Grant Chandler will preach on "They Say The Pilgrim ehowship will meet Sunday nt the Chandler home on South Pt with the Cumningtore young people provul of lion As Ami riean activities subcommittee the bill would make Conmiunist Barty bi twigs subject criminal conspiracy prvsi mnioti It also would cu? sharply A juries of parties to funds for Williamsburg Congregational Church was this week at a ti'ffci' hour held Thursday morn ing re: the home of Mrs Murray Graves of South St Sixteen people intended and $6 was realized our teen of thos attending agreed to hold pairies their homes jnvitin Vd ioO a A 'not fSOJl it will lap hold similar parties remav ried and moved Mrs Morse wh has childr is row miu Morse Assistant retary Norman Ar mour in Bogota reported to that jveryonc was in "good shape but I The State Department was in frequent communication with Mar shall although by a circuitous route At least 35 government buildings were set ablaze The assassin himself was beaten to death stripped naked and dragged to the presidential palace of Bresident Mariano Ospina Berez a conservative He was left lying tn the street before the palace In Congress meanwhile Rep Clar ence Brown (R O) demanded a House stamps on about 7000 letters an hour investigation of the situation He by using wanted to know whether the Central machine Northampton April The misdemeandor session of Superior Court ended today as rancis Adams 27 of 49 Cherry Pt Easthampton ore trial for dangerous driving oiv are ap peal from a district Court Demal to Plead nolo Judge inest Iobs: The Adams had be adjudged Jan 3 and was fined $59 in All those sentenced deattre were found guilty ofcrimes against indictmesit They "special groups'! German armies tries of Europe Dr A Chapin medical ex aminer said that he did not Investi gate Mr death after talk ing to the physician Mr Conway's physician held that the im mediate cause of his death was a heart ailment Mr Conway apparent ly had been in good health before he was stricken after attending the local dinner The company Mr Conway founded 2ia years ago was manufacturer of mattresses custom built to conform with their size and weight He held a number patents mi the idea He recently had donated a specially built bed for Conrad urrows the'Hampden over eight feet in height Mr Conway built double beds each side of which was especially adapted to its proportions Mr ConwayJ born in Westfield and living in this city 17 year attended Westfield schools and graduated from the Bentley School of Business Bos ton He had been employed at the Cortland Grinding Wheel Co Chester and later became associated with the Spring Bed Co He leaves his wife the former Lou jise O'Connor three sons Joseph Jr George Robert two daughters Mary Louise Claire ail at home thfcc brothers Thomas William both of Westfield Ralph A of Hempstead I two sisters Mrs Agnes Myers Miss Alice Conway be th of Westfield Ha was a member of Hdy Name Church and the Tuesday Club and lived at It Kimberlv Ave The funeral will be at Byron's fu neral home Monday at 7015 solemn high mass of requiem at Name Church at It Burial will Michael's Cemetery Wells of Hie Water Department will meet with interested townspeople at the farm nn South St tomor row at 2 to go to the watershed and view the sropose! sites for the jiew dam which is called fur article 1 wf special town meeting to be held Thursday evening at ilt the Town Hal! Moderator John Breguet has reap pointed io the town finance commit tee Mrs Car! Rustemeycr and Don ald Outhusr ivho" terms expired this year and has appointed Albert Crone SO the place John Meehan will be served at 3 committee of men with Ray Lee as chairman and the pro wil! include a talk "Story Dolls" by Miss May Wj Jier id return to or tlie court actions was in critical condition from shock exposure cuts and bruirs after her Wanderings Sheriff Monagha said the fcir! bad 'told him she ran away rather than C'nduri the gony imprisornient SSnd beatings ire a little room i it the home of her stepmother Mrs Kath arine Enbtnks Dickey said the ciil Mm She had been imprisoned in the room T'ith locked doors and heavs furni ture piled against th wnuov Mice iJast November Beterly Ann told the sheriff that She shoved aside the furniture while stepmother was nwiy and had fled She said she used Girl lore Ire make re shelter of stocks trush until a "snake as big as scared her nwny Mrs Morse is div rrel from father who took tlti' of eiwht children ts Mississippi the ntl five I'Acrt Harold tor wage price and rationing controls Wolcott ai! it is unnecessary to More controls until tire effects of for eign ai ami military spending are d' teruanod The presidential advisers I took a view of the GOB tax ut Communists Hep Iliciiarii wift House ap eontroi legisla un 29 Mocks sirottml trucks and tai 1s Embassy about 19 a and mlms jcnsonreeS ire their fat'll ordered! us get nff the street buddy started to argue with theRussian and grabljed the Russian ly ilhe shoulder "yell Another tunning across the street buddy was having troubles first Russiare by that time new Russian who ire had re bayonet fixed Hd lifted it as though tower fi! rtI prostitution alias' listed Informants wait! was the giil fiird of 'Ij 'e £ye! Willie" One of these police that "Ono "Syed Willi" was dead and so was his girl friend Holmes scan bed grave yards looking always for the head stone that might ar the name: Mrs Janet McEvers or are dias inally he found it Jn the suincBras the name Mimt in alias Th fingerprints on the death certificate were positive poof Mrs McEvers disappeared 15 years ago Whi'e she ivas ledlands (CalA Consoitatory of Mu sic SJk: was miii'M an! a at the time Her husband died in prison ratiiji in 1911! re University Oregon ttt: Lnt nest in line for the inheritance 11:13 he lie ad'leii th it VISIT ART MUSEUM Hatfield April 10 Members of the interior decorating class of the Smith Academy household arts department accompanied by their instructor Mrs Mary Spokowski Cand incipa! John Jakobck visited the Museum of ine Arts in Springfield this week to inspect the fam ous Thorno collection of period rooms in miniature which has been displayed but once before in New England at the Boston Museum of ine Arts The world famous col lection consists of 31 interiors rang ing all the way from a Jacobean hall to a group ot four modern rooms and has been described as house projected into the realm of highest art with every bit of design furniture and decoration done exactly to fit the diminutive proportions that are measured in inches rather than in In the collection can be seen the practical application ot fine and of the Board of Selectmen and Robertallicd arts revealing the contribu who ls fr Ployed for the past year at the Mar unez community Hospital mid Stanford University Hospital rancisco CH left Tuesday to turn nr home in Hayden vilte will travel by a'Jto through eoutnwestern states 4i' a i lev and will come from Iowa Miss Metz daughtir Mrs rente O'Brien of Haydenville qratiuate itt Ju ne at of whom who Thio Project HI continue from now until Jul Mrs0 Murray Graves as chahsnsn Mrs Iauri Ilonka as secre taryB anl Mrs Merritt as pub cLiairman Miss Irene Metz SMITH COLLEGE TEA TO BENEIT GREEKS Northampton Apri! 3h The Smith College Relief Committee earned more than $509 from a tea given recently at the home of Bresident Heibcrt Davjs for the benefit of Greek relief was announced today Credit for the succcsi of the tea students at the University who embroidered tapestry for she tea and added to and ulor Greek families the Atlantic seaboard Students were warm'd that Stctions are jeopardizing syt'ni Which extremely Shens in many out Shat from a library administration point view any smw hoi of protecting the eolb i tioj: would take Sims to work mist and easily Rbvirian remind" students also important irsu Under the ieti at rhe rhnitls Imay mot only fill their reeds a well its th origin title iKiv) hut they nay contire ise fre iright of from a wealth of ma Serini Miss declare! uno gains jvi litmry last? bren lth of knowj dg and Shs Wility to fin I nt for I'Keself library iio shelves are open to the pubhe she contitned be AopeS that the shelves hero 6ept for aetmlly and 'S'Orks may remain as tlmy are aiany ars to i ad fuR enough and hon' st igli sntsuse a great SPECIAL MEANING TO PUBLIC HEALTH WEEK Mitfi" id April Observance National Public Health Nursing Week scheduled fro is April 11 17 lias a special significance its Hatfield rhis year as the community has mnly this year joined ihe thousands ot cities and towns throughout the nation car rying ois a program ot public health nursing The project started here ob 2 with Sirs Godek as visiting siurse is already well under way with mote lesidints cadi week becoming awaje ct llw program and its benefits your public health nntse help your community" is the slogan for the week according to Mrs Hnry Labboe president of the local or ganization the week is how public everyone to the fact that those rursos need the support and cooperation of all if they are to di the best possible jobs in their communities Besides giving or demonstrating bedside care the nurses teach good health practices and keep on the alert io prevent the spread ot infections The local association aims to bo an active unit in the community Public health nursing hero had its start through sponsorship of tlie Hatfield Community fund another new project in tow in 194S under chairmanship of Gordon A Woodward HERBERT THAYER 91 CARPENTER DIES Northampton April Herbert Thayer 91 of 42 Monroe St this city died at his home today after a brief illness A native of Chesterfield Mr Thayer had lived in Northampton for o9 years and had been a carpen ter He retired 20 years ago He was the son of Edward and Emaline (Til jell) Thayer or a number of ears treasurer the Carpenter's Union Mr Thayer was also a mem ber of tlie Knights of Bythias Hamp shire Lodge 9S New England Order of Protection and an Honorary mem ber of the Northampton Grange He leaves two daughters the Misses Mil dred and Christine Thayer at home The funeral will be held at the New ell funeral home Monday at 2 with an organ prelude at 130 Rev Ross Hicks pastor of the Methodist Church will officiate and burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery riends may call at the funeral home Sunday from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 CHURCH WILL DECIDE ON TREE REMOVAL "West Brookfield April Tlie an nua! meeting the irst Parish win he held at Congregational Chapel Tuesday evening at 730 Are article will be included tu see what action will be taken concerning the removal of fouv elm tries at Quaboag Bark wh'ch interfere with ball games Tiu park was willed irst in the early years of town to le used ns a recreation yruiind (to be enjoyed by tlie public with a pro viso that It was not tu be defaced Many years ago a similar request was mads by baseball players and at this time voters sanctioned the re moval Tin terms the will were reviewed and nu action was taken Richard Houlihan is the repre sentative of the faction favoring the removal of the trees to meet with the parish committee on question Many working for recreation feel the trees removed in a Proper manner would not be in the nature of defac ing the park but a movemeat for bet terment of youth BUSSES NOW GET (Continued rom i) foot per second thereby taking 'about ono and one quarter minutes for the largest busses whose length is 35 feet A total of 5S busses passed 1 through the washer the first day The fleet numbers 217 busses This makes it possible to wash the entire fleet at least once each week Clean comfortable isses is one of the basic customer promo tion activities of a progressive transit operation Mr Oltsch stated this morning is only one of the many efforts we are making to con vince the public that mass transportation is the solution to the present day traffic he said lief before she cutild reach pair of targe scissor he ifpoPd awl calle polio Det ts gt nnis Cavaire'izh said appsruHtly the rei'ithir hi planned Commit lie red'hd that sl' 3ad an uraMe nuMy" and feared Shat her child would from name dise a Sirs Morris was committed to Nor wich Htato for vatlon The sht fthr told h1 and his son jlrejd wih atoy traiin List night and then kr it to 3ay their prayers going to hod A liar wife com iplained thit it was too ht in theouse and Morris wont du'vn to the cellar to adjust the futnsw on ir he and upon the ho" was early this uiorn Jr L' wis nt rnce crHed a ting of itho iruxiii tom'trow tuorninc ret In si He said be considered it 2 murders four and robberies finds that there was slight ire serious crime 19 17 the first drop since days The rate is still very high how ever a real reduction will not recording to Edgar Hoover head until more adults recognize their responsibility to youth and thrir ae sponsibility as citizens these dreys of uncertainty the American people must he said if we are to be strong internally very effort must be directed toward making the people of this nation law abd ins BLACKMER COUPLE MARRIED 25 YEARS Gilbertville April 9 Mr and Mrs Lorenzo Blackmer Greenwich Rd will observe tomorrow their 25th wel ding anniversary They will attend a family dinner party in Worcester at noon and will keep opt house from 4 to 6 at tlieir home on Green wich Rd Married In Dana their married life Wheelwright and DIuckmer an World War 1 is a past officer the John Weir Bost American Legion and is active in the Hardwick Pod ami Gun riub or many years (he has been employed in the Highway Department Mrs Blackmer the form er Ruth Thresher is prominent in Hardwick Grange and community af fairs The couple have three children Lorenzo Jr a World War II veteran and John Blackmer Worcester gdty entt He was perator of tayi that was involved in a five car eotlis on Main St Easthampton ijil yesterday a jury admitted Lawrence A White 2 of SS Douglas Springfield of dangerous driving He was alleged to have forced a at tkboro Vt snan's car off th high way on Routes 5 and 10 in West Hat field several weeks ago He had ai plealed a $5' fine imposed in District Court after JSo was found of I the complaint gillmanwilTedit POETRY MAGAZINE No: tlwmpton April A new mag entitled Northampton will appear ore the ssewsstands sti party reeti' ir mail subsidies Chairmen Horner usm JR Micli of the Senate igatins Committee an 1 Styles es ult 8JJ ot the Apptopria Committee sreid they intend to into subsidies granted by the Aeri'bautics Board Bridges said want's to find out if the board is ying favorites with rtiire airlines fheir Sr 'x 3nsBE''' A 'Vv 'VI Mfc Nt vv 12 "Mr A A ca till IM EKEZ GREENIELD EASTHAMPTON 1 Woman Admits Drunken Driving Hinsdale Visitor ined $50 No oot Brakes On Vehicle Grccnficd April Olga Curies 30 of Hinsdale i District Court this morning pleaded guilty to operating under the influence and a $o0 fine was imposed She was arrested last night when police re ceived a report that her car had been operated erratically south on the Lernardston Rd At about 915 her car the registration number of which had been taken was found halted near beacon St and police aid the lefend ant was found to be under the in flutiBce Mt th rnic Det TimesL burn fiaij the rar had j) foot brakes and could be stopped only by pulling up ))P emergency brake MONSON PARKED AUTOMOBILE CRASHES INTO DINER Greenfield April tp W(S injured at 1129 st night when a ear parked in front of Nick am! Icstaurant jumped the curb and crashed into the building lice said the car wa parked bv Carroll ak Colrain Rd who went into Nick and Al's leaving jIcb ard Gagnon 5 Conway Kt in he ear with the motor running Mr Gacnon who police said bad no IL 1110 controls and th car uddcnly shot up over the curb and of the front bL LT rr ind knirkinff 'Htt the gtass Uieks bPtwecra Nick ajd As iram r'pair Uilliam Huchreitj investigated KLKS INSTALL MONhtY GreenfieM Apm Alton 11 lir SW I istr Iodgre of EIkp tniJ hig uffwers will install the ticwly lctedfficers Of the Greenfield lt nrte? 1 at Wi'l Ceremonies rrid jnst iika cWted rut to sue a 7 1144 A a ii lri bicreuso num moo ortin tooting lew Jjm wa SERVICES SCHEDULED BY MONSON CHURCHES oa the 10:29 wr In tlie Congregational Church binday hool will me at fi: i tjung win meet ja the par son age rt 7 rre At irst Universalis Chuah VvarI McKinney will jeeaclt 1 1 in ret the 10:20 seniee At 9:15 the elmret school worship cl3seeg wiU be The Clntrch contribute pan of the program the 10:30 worship nIt HfVic All Thiiur 1 hit reiMAA a i dtjnn I' smsing and broadcast will be field at Guests from West Watrrn will Lev Alfred ORrbn pafP the Methodist Church announced student cnversny school ology will speak ore "The A4U41 i service At thv Uie rtjtfo viill isptak on nv MOXSON ERlErS G'inle11 chairman of? Cross drive an thret was secured faring cent 'rive The quota a SRUu for Wiks Holland and Brimfield and this town The Quaboag orest Protection As sociation will hold its annual me tine in Monson on the 15th A mpp be served at 7:00 in Methodic Church fire chief at Bradley bielcl will show ircving pictures an! speak on The American Club will meet Sunday afiernoon in tlj club rooms on Bijss at 3 co jm HAZARDVILLE MISS IRENE BOUDREAU WEDS MR ALKOWSKI Hazardville Conn April Miss Irene Margaret Boudreau laughter of Mr rend Sirs Joseph Roudrau of oak st became the bride rf Henry Bet alkowski son of Mr and Mrs Walter alkowski Main st Scitico this morning at St Bernard's Church Rev John Brennan pet formed the ceremony and celebrated nuptial mass Mrs George Ryan was soloist aii'I Airs John Babbitt lay wedding iiiusjc Miss Doris Boudreau was Iwy maid nf honor and the bridesl maids were Miss Ann Malyski Miss Albina Kozikowskt and Betty al kowlskt Attendants were Chester alkowski Leon alkowski and Wai ter alkowski Edward alkowski served his brother as best man Ihs in ide who was given in mar ilago by her father a gown white satin lace trimmed with fitted bodice sweetheart neckline long sleeves with full skirt and train her fingertip veil was caught to a tiara of beads She carried a prayer book with marking roses cuhids and stephonitis Iler maid of honor wore a similar style gown of pale green taffet and tiara of American Beauty soses with matching )ouquet The bridesmaids wore gowns of orchid taffeta and car ried bouquets ot yellow ro es A reception for 150 guests followed at Enfield Inn The groom is a grad uate Enfield High School and was in service overseas for two years and is employed at and Whitney in East Hartford After a wedding trip the couple ill reside with the bride's parents Sunday School will meet at 10 The annual Spring meet ing of the Brookfield Association of Congregational Churches will be held in Dudley on Sunday May 2 begin ning at 3 More details will be given Inter Masses on Sunday in St Aloysius Church will be at 730 S45 and 1030 a ni Evening devotions will be at 7 COMMITTEE PLANS DINNER OR COUCHON Easthampton April 10 On tho 25th the Conscil St Pierre of the St Jean de Baptiste Society will honor George Ccuchon who has served for 25 years as officer ot tho council nt a ban quet and social Many officers from the general council and from neigh boring councils will attend Henry Goguen president general of the St Jean de Baptiste Society of America will initiate 50 new members for the Ictal council assisted by the degree team of Counsel! Louis de ranco of Willimansett Tho following compose tho com mittee on arrangements: Morrill Campbell chairman Emile Lussier co chairman Homer Dufault master ceremonies: Mrs Arthur Stuart sec secretary Miss Lucille Lussier flssio tant secretary Mis Emile Lussier music Miss Ju lith Vanasse Mts Afcf rill Mrs Hititiiicie bah of ceremonies Mrs Arthur Stuart elix Arthur Boucher ant Adelorl Arnold tickets The affair in open to public Tick ts may ba secured from memlters of the Coir inittee from the Southieift rlothintf store Main St or from Gsjne'si drug store on Pleasant St RED SONNTAG 25 INJURED AT ASPINOOK Easthampton April re! Sonn tag 25 Cottage st was injured yesterday morning at the Aspinooh L'lant whn he wa caught between a loading jlatforni an the body of tru Mr Sonntag had jumped off the running board of tho truck floi realizing that the truck Lody protiu! farther than tho running board He may have received a fractured pel vis II' was attended by Dr Herman and is now a patient at tho Cooley Dickinson Hospital where hirs condition is ported as satisfactory XTays have been taken to deU'iUline the extent of his injuries MISS JANET AIVRE SEATED AS POMONA Easthainpfon April At tlej nu ting ot Easthampton Grange thin wook ire Memorial Hail Miss Janet aivre was in tailed as Pomona Siu will seme for tho remainder of tho jer hc was in daiied by Mrs Mid UH Asquith re past master with Mix Donald Warnock ns Chaplain Miss Luth Buczaia was emblem hearer Mrs Pan! regalia l'iarer anij Miss Alice Taylor marshall The first degree was conf rred efi lass candidates by the regular of ficers with Ma Itutart L'mlerwood in the ehair second degree waa conferred by a nu n's team con sisting following! Master Jz pointe overseer lecturer Micka chap lain Bene Daniels steward I Micka assistant steward Hot rt Un du wood 1 idy assistant steward mond Warnock: Linirtis Burt: Ores Ju kic Hcal' Dtfvisl Richardson Mi Ali Taylor spots agricultutil i'rens and lefirslminta consisting of popcorn and apples weict served und tho icction Misn Katherine Root A rehearsal for next dgrsea will be held on 19ih The degrfor will bo conferred on the 20tl and 'hfs will inspection by ed of Whately Mrs Knfrel Root his named chair man refer slum nts MB MILLIE OTIEEHVY i'rnfi' id April Mrs Nellie Sheehan of fill Grove St died yester day afternoon at her She wasp tie widow cf Edward Wicehan and lived ith her diughtcr Mis Mary A Sheehan a teach' at the Conway St School Mrs Sheehan was a native coming to this country al re young ghl BcsM'S her daughter she leaves tinea Sons Edward Jgiwrcni rent Janus and John if Washington I also several grandchildren uneral services are ire charge tin Eulinan ivnertU home 31KS "riniMET IiIiMiON North cnplon April 10 Mrs EriAs Z' Yoimg Dragon the last vlvlng charter member of the St Anne S)Hty of Saerf! 'rt Chun I) died ret Conley Dickinson Hospital hitf 1 morning aftr a long illness She wafi horn in this city daughter of ant Eleanor (Guertin) Young leaves vo Hu tor and Horace Dragon of this citj two daughters Mrs Lydia Brody of West Hartford Conn mid Mrs 1 il'rcnlero of thirl ity four sist rs Mrs Napoleon Longtin of iorencr Mrs Antonio Bo gan and Mrs George liabc of this city ami Mrs Iiavid Dunn of Holyoke and a bro' her rancis Young of thin city The funeral will hld at thA home 51 inn St Munday it 8L) followed by a requiem high mass el Sacred Heart Church al Burial will le in S' Mirj'w Cemetery J'rlendt may at th i' ibnce tonight front 7 Itf an Sunday from i tn 6 and to 10 Ml L11V1M North mipton April Milss MtTV Sull'v of 159 Crescent St died at Cooley Dickinson Hospital today after a I 'tig illness Born in Ireland she was the daughter of Michre' and Abbe (Shea! Sullivan rend hd Jive! In this city most of her life flit! three ist Mrs James Ly ons of this city Mrs Daniel Drelcy Ct Westfield and Mrs Ik nnis Moran I7J Inland and re broths Michael van als in Ireland The funeral wit! bo 14 at the Alierent funeral liomd Monday at 815 followed by a roqulcrt high iss In St Mary's Church at Burial will bs in St Mary'a Cemetery MRS JliYl UNERAL Northampton Aptil 10 The funeral of Mrs Bernard yere Lre'c st Sumner Ave lorence was heli at Ahearn funeral this morn ing with a requiem high mass follow ing in Annunciation Church Rev Robert Sullivan of St Cathedral In Springfield officiated at the mass Honorary bearers from the Ladies Auxiliary AOIf were Mrs Alicia Aubry Mrs Mary Welsh Mrs Gertrude Curtin Miss Elizabeth Bur kett and Miss Agnes The bearers were Robert Doyle Robert Joyce Thomas Ryan John Jojcr Dennis and Edward Sullivan Burin) was in St Cemetery with Sullivan assisting Rev John reni In the committal service You can have 40 different flushoju with an ordinary deck of 52 cards lu poker I.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.