The Rule of 72: What It Is and How to Use It in Investing (2025)

Rate of ReturnRule of 72Actual # of YearsDifference (#) of Years

Notice that although it gives an estimate, the Rule of 72 is less precise as rates of return increase.

The Rule of 72 and Natural Logs

The Rule of 72 can estimate compounding periods using natural logarithms. In mathematics, the logarithm is the opposite concept of a power; for example, the opposite of 10³ is log base 10 of 1,000.

Ruleof72=ln(e)=1where:e=2.718281828\begin{aligned} &\text{Rule of 72} = ln(e) = 1\\ &\textbf{where:}\\ &e = 2.718281828\\ \end{aligned}Ruleof72=ln(e)=1where:e=2.718281828

e is a famous irrational number similar to pi. The mostimportantproperty of the numbereis related to the slope of exponential and logarithm functions, and its first few digits are 2.718281828.

The natural logarithm is the amount of time needed to reach a certain level of growth withcontinuous compounding.

The time value of money (TVM) formula is the following:

FutureValue=PV×(1+r)nwhere:PV=PresentValuer=InterestRaten=NumberofTimePeriods\begin{aligned} &\text{Future Value} = PV \times (1+r)^n\\ &\textbf{where:}\\ &PV = \text{Present Value}\\ &r = \text{Interest Rate}\\ &n = \text{Number of Time Periods}\\ \end{aligned}FutureValue=PV×(1+r)nwhere:PV=PresentValuer=InterestRaten=NumberofTimePeriods

To see how long it will take an investment to double, state the future value as 2 and the present value as 1.

2=1×(1+r)n2 = 1 \times (1 + r)^n2=1×(1+r)n

Simplify, and you have the following:

2=(1+r)n2 = (1 + r)^n2=(1+r)n

To remove the exponent on the right-hand side of the equation, take the natural log of each side:

ln(2)=n×ln(1+r)ln(2) = n \times ln(1 + r)ln(2)=n×ln(1+r)

This equation can be simplified again because the natural log of (1 + interest rate) equals the interest rate as the rate getscontinuously closerto zero. In other words, you are left with:

ln(2)=r×nln(2) = r \times nln(2)=r×n

The natural log of 2 is equal to 0.693 and, after dividing both sides by the interest rate, you have:

0.693/r=n0.693/r = n0.693/r=n

By multiplying the numerator and denominator on the left-hand side by 100, you can express each as a percentage. This gives:

69.3/r%=n69.3/r\% = n69.3/r%=n

Read about Investopedia's 10 Rules of Investing by picking up a copy of our special issue print edition.

How to Adjust the Rule of 72 for Higher Accuracy

The Rule of 72 is more accurate if it is adjusted to more closely resemble the compound interest formula—which effectively transforms the Rule of 72 into the Rule of 69.3.

Many investors prefer to use the Rule of 69.3 rather than the Rule of 72. For maximum accuracy—particularly forcontinuous compounding interest rateinstruments—use the Rule of 69.3.

The number 72, however, has many convenient factors including two, three, four, six, and nine. This convenience makes it easier to use the Rule of 72 for a close approximation of compounding periods.

How toCalculate the Rule of 72 Using Matlab

The calculation of the Rule of 72 in Matlab requires running a simple command of "years = 72/return," where the variable "return" is the rate of return on investment and "years" is the result for the Rule of 72. The Rule of 72 is also used to determine how long it takes for money to halve in value for a given rate ofinflation. For example, if the rate of inflation is 4%, a command "years = 72/inflation" where the variable inflation is defined as "inflation = 4" gives 18 years. Matlab, short for matrix laboratory, is a programming platform from MathWorks used for analyzing data and more.

Does the Rule of 72 Work for Stocks?

Stocks do not have a fixed rate of return, so you cannot use the Rule of 72 to determine how long it will take to double your money. However, you still can use it to estimate what kind of average annual return you would need to double your money in a fixed amount of time. Instead of dividing 72 by the rate of return, divide by the number of years you hope it takes to double your money. For example, if you want to double your money in eight years, divide 72 by eight. This tells you that you need an average annual return of 9% to double your money in that time.

What Are 3 Things the Rule of 72 Can Determine?

There are two things the Rule of 72 can tell you reasonably accurately: how many years it will take to double your money and what kind of return you will need to double your money in a fixed period of time. Because you know how long it will take to double your money, it's also easy to figure out how long it would take to quadruple your money. For example, if you can double your money in seven years, you can quadruple it in 14 years by allowing the interest to compound.

Where Is the Rule of 72 Most Accurate?

The Rule of 72 provides only an estimate, but that estimate is most accurate for rates of return between 5% and 10%. Looking at the chart in this article, you can see that the calculations become less precise for rates of return lower or higher than that range.

The Bottom Line

The Rule of 72 is a quick and easy method for determining how long it will take to double an investment, assuming you know the annual rate of return. While it is not precise, it does provide a ballpark figure and is easy to calculate. Investments, such as stocks, do not have a fixed rate of return, but the Rule of 72 still can give you an idea of the kind of return you'd need to double your money in certain amount of time. For example, to double your money in six years, you would need a rate of return of 12%.

The Rule of 72: What It Is and How to Use It in Investing (2025)


The Rule of 72: What It Is and How to Use It in Investing? ›

Let's say that you start with the time frame in mind, hoping an investment will double in value over the next 10 years. Applying the Rule of 72, you simply divide 72 by 10. This says the investment will need to go up 7.2% annually to double in 10 years. You could also start with your expected rate of return in mind.

What is the rule of 72 how is it used for investing? ›

Do you know the Rule of 72? It's an easy way to calculate just how long it's going to take for your money to double. Just take the number 72 and divide it by the interest rate you hope to earn. That number gives you the approximate number of years it will take for your investment to double.

How can you use the rule of 72 to maximize your investments? ›

You divide 72 by your expected annual rate of return. This calculation will help you arrive at the approximate number of years it'll take for your investment to double. Consider this example: 5% Rate of Return: If you're anticipating an average return of 5% on an investment, you'd divide this return into 72.

Why is the rule of 72 useful? ›

The rule of 72 can help you forecast how long it will take for your investments to double. Divide 72 by the annual fixed interest rate to determine the rate at which the money would double. Historical returns on your investment type can help choose a realistic expected return rate, in some cases.

Which answer is the correct calculation for the rule of 72? ›

By using the Rule of 72 formula, your calculation will look like this: 72/6 = 12. This tells you that, at a 6% annual rate of return, you can expect your investment to double in value — to be worth $100,000 — in roughly 12 years.

What is the Rule of 72 and other rules? ›

One simply divides 72 by R to estimate the time in years. For example an interest rate of 8% p.a. gives a doubling time of about 72/8 = 9 years. Alternatively we might ask what interest rate will cause a doubling in 10 years: answer 72/10 = 7.2%.

Does the Rule of 72 tells you how long it will take to double your money? ›

What Is the Rule of 72? The rule of 72 is a shortcut investors can use to determine how long it will take their investment to double based on a fixed annual rate of return. All you do is divide 72 by the fixed rate of return to get the number of years it will take for your initial investment to double.

What is the Rule of 72 useful in calculating quizlet? ›

dividing 72 by the interest rate will show you how long it will take your money to double. How many years it takes an invesment to double, How many years it takes debt to double, The interest rate must earn to double in a time frame, How many times debt or money will double in a period of time.

How can the Rule of 72 be a valuable tool for individual investors and financial planners in estimating the growth potential of investments? ›

Assuming a set rate of interest on the account, the rule of 72 will provide an estimate of how long it would take to double their money in the account. For example, if a savings account has an annual rate of 5%, 72 divided by 5 is 14.4, so the investment would be expected to double in value in 14.4 years.

What is the Rule of 72 in finance quizlet? ›

The number of years it takes for a certain amount to double in value is equal to 72 divided by its annual rate of interest.

Who uses rule of 72? ›

For example, if an investment has an 8% annual rate of return, it would take approximately nine years for it to double in value (72 / 8 = 9). Investors, business owners and financial planners can use the rule of 72 to project return on investment (ROI) for different strategies.

What is the magic number 72? ›

“In wanting to know of any capital, at a given yearly percentage, in how many years it will double adding the interest to the capital, keep as a rule [the number] 72 in mind, which you will always divide by the interest, and what results, in that many years it will be doubled,” wrote Pacioli.

Who created Rule 72? ›

Although Einstein is often credited with discovering the rule of 72, it was more likely discovered by an Italian mathematician named Luca Pacioli in the late 1400s. Pacioli also invented modern accounting.

Does the Rule of 72 really work? ›

The Rule of 72 formula provides a reasonably accurate, but approximate, timeline—reflecting the fact that it's a simplification of a more complex logarithmic equation. To get the exact doubling time, you'd need to do the entire calculation.

How to double $100,000 in a year? ›

Doubling money would require investment into individual stocks, options, cryptocurrency, or high-risk projects. Individual stock investments carry greater risk than diversification over a basket of stocks such as a sector or an index fund.

What is a millionaires best friend ramsey? ›

One awesome thing that you can take advantage of is compound interest. It may sound like an intimidating term, but it really isn't once you know what it means. Here's a little secret: compound interest is a millionaire's best friend. It's really free money.

What is the rule of 72 in finance quizlet? ›

The number of years it takes for a certain amount to double in value is equal to 72 divided by its annual rate of interest.

How many years are needed to double a $100 investment using the rule of 72? ›

To find out how many years it would take for a $100 investment to double at this interest rate, we divide 72 by 6.25. 72 ÷ 6.25 = 11.52 Therefore, it would take approximately 11.52 years for a $100 investment to double when the interest rate is 6.25 percent per year.

What is the 72 hour rule in stocks? ›

The concept of waiting 72 hours before making an investment decision is often referred to as “sleeping on it.” It allows you to gain perspective and distance yourself from the initial emotional impulse that may have led you to consider the investment in the first place.

What is the rule of 70 investing? ›

The Rule of 70 is a calculation that determines how many years it takes for an investment to double in value based on a constant rate of return. Investors use this metric to evaluate various investments, including mutual fund returns and the growth rate for a retirement portfolio.

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