You Won’t Believe These 10 Millionaire Facts (2024)

What percent of millionaires are self-made — and can you do it yourself? What are the daily habits of successful people, and what financial goals should you have to reach financial independence within your lifetime?

These are all good questions — I think you’ll be surprised by how much the accumulation of wealth isn’t dependent on having some unreachable social status or owning Berkshire Hathaway. There are a lot of myths about millionaires that just need to go away.

As a teacher, I talk to a lot of different students.

The one thing that always surprises me is how much people put themselves down.

“Tim,” they’ll say. “I know I could never be a millionaire; I just want to earn enough to pay off my student loans or to put my kids through college.”

Well, today, I’m going to let you in on a few secrets the financial world knows about millionaires that most “normal people” don’t. Not only are millionaires more common than you’ll ever believe, there are still a huge number of opportunities out there for you to build a true generational wealth of your own.

Don’t believe me? Just take a look at the facts…

Table of Contents

  • 1 Fact #1: Most Millionaires Are Self-Made
  • 2 Fact #2:The Average Millionaire Goes Bankrupt at Least 3.5 Times
  • 3 Fact #3: One Out of Every 11 U.S. Adults Is a Millionaire
  • 4 Fact #4: There Are 1,700 New Millionaires Every Day
  • 5 Fact #5: Half of All Millionaires Are Self-Employed
  • 6 Fact #6: Most Millionaires Are Still Working
  • 7 Fact #7: The Number of U.S. Millionaires Increased 440,000% in 122 Years
  • 8 Fact #8: The Average Millionaire Is 57 Years Old
  • 9 Fact #9: The Average Millionaire Takes 18 Tries To Really Succeed
  • 10 Fact #10: You Probably Haven’t Missed Your Chance
  • 11 Frequently Asked Questions
  • 12 What proportion of millionaires are self-made?
  • 13 What is the rate of self-made billionaires?
  • 14 How many millionaires started with nothing?
  • 15 Are self-made millionaires happier?

Fact #1: Most Millionaires Are Self-Made

Only 21% of millionaires inherited their wealth. The other 79% are self-made millionaires.

You Won’t Believe These 10 Millionaire Facts (1)

So many people tell me that they’ll never get rich because they didn’t come from a wealthy family. Well, guess what? I didn’t either. You don’t have to be Warren Buffett or Jeff Bezos to get ahead in this country.

Wealth inequality and income inequality are real things in this country. But there’s not a big difference between most wealthy people and the average person.

Most of the millionaires out there did it themselves. They didn’t rely on mom or dad to give them a helping hand — they went out and made things happen on their own.

Hell, I got my start with just over $12,000. My best student, Tim Grittani, started with far less than that. All you need is a few thousand dollars to build your first penny stock portfolio — and that’s something that anybody, anywhere, can put together if they’re dedicated enough.

Fact #2:The Average Millionaire Goes Bankrupt at Least 3.5 Times

I love this fact. Businesses use bankruptcy all the time when it suits their financials, and yet we have so much shame when it happens personally.

And I’m not saying that you should go out and file 3-4 bankruptcies to increase your chances of becoming a millionaire — just that you shouldn’t be embarrassed if it happens to you.

It nearly happened to me. Read all about how I made a fortune and nearly lost it all in my book, “An American Hedge Fund.”

You can get it here at no cost.

Be as responsible for your finances as you can, but if you happen to fail, use it as a learning opportunity that makes you better. Just because you’ve failed once doesn’t mean that your millionaire dreams are out of reach.

Fact #3: One Out of Every 11 U.S. Adults Is a Millionaire

This one is pretty crazy too. Being a millionaire seems so rare and unachievable, but the odds are you come across millionaires every day.

They may not be as flashy as me, but they certainly aren’t rare. Millionaires are out there, and they’re quite common. There’s no reason you can’t be a part of that club.

Fact #4: There Are 1,700 New Millionaires Every Day

The same goes for this fact. I’m not sharing this because I want to impress you; instead, I want you to see how attainable the idea of becoming a millionaire really is.

Look at it this way… You’re sitting here, right now, reading this article.

In the time it took you to read this section, one person became a millionaire.

Was it you? Why not? Don’t think it’s unachievable; people are literally doing it more than once EVERY MINUTE. There’s no reason it can’t be you, as long as you’re committed to studying and working hard at your chosen path to riches.

You Won’t Believe These 10 Millionaire Facts (2)

Fact #5: Half of All Millionaires Are Self-Employed

This is another fact I love because it emphasizes the fact that you don’t have to be born into money to become a millionaire. You also don’t have to work your entire life, saving penny after penny in the hopes that — 60 years down the road — your net worth will qualify you for the seven-figure club.

You can take things into your own hands. People do every day. People start their own businesses, they learn stock trading, or they find some other way to build real wealth for themselves.

Really, it’s just up to you to get started.

Fact #6: Most Millionaires Are Still Working

Only 20% of millionaires are retirees. Around 80% still go to work.

I bet you think that, if you became a millionaire, you’d retire to some tropical island somewhere and spend your days sipping fruity drinks by the water.

I’m guessing you’d be wrong.

I’m one of those millionaires that fall into the 80% that’s still working. Believe me, I have enough in my bank accounts that I could shut this website down tomorrow and never work another day in my life.

But as I’ve grown as a trader and entrepreneur, I’ve come to realize that there’s so much more to life than just accumulating wealth. I’m committed to helping others by teaching, and to giving back to the community through my Timothy Sykes Foundation. I never want to stop working because, for me, working means helping others.

I truly hope that one day – hopefully soon – you get to experience the incredible feeling of working on something you care about, even when you don’t have to.

Fact #7: The Number of U.S. Millionaires Increased 440,000% in 122 Years

In the year 1900, there were only 5,000 millionaires in the United States. In 2022, there were more than 22 million.

How cool is that? That’s a 440,000% increase in the number of millionaires in just one country, in just over 100 years. In the 19th century, American millionaires were only the elite…

In the 21st century, U.S. millionaires comprised 8.8% of the adult population!

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that all the good opportunities have dried up; that all the good ideas have been taken. There’s a tremendous amount of opportunity out there — you just have to take it.

Fact #8: The Average Millionaire Is 57 Years Old

On average, millionaires are 57 years old with $2.2 million in assets.

I’m sharing this fact with you as a cautionary tale. It’s fine that most people don’t become millionaires until their late fifties, and $2.2 million in assets is nothing to scoff at.

But wouldn’t you rather have that kind of wealth earlier in life, when you’re better able to enjoy it?

A lot of Baby Boomers reached millionaire status through careful saving and years of work. And that’s great, but I’m advocating a different approach.

Instead of pinching pennies and living a ramen noodle life, look for opportunities to grow a small amount of money quickly — then do that over and over again. Penny stock trading gives you that chance.

You’re never going to earn a 20-40% return on your money investing in blue-chip stocks or “safe” bonds. But me and my students do it every day with penny stocks.

Fact #9: The Average Millionaire Takes 18 Tries To Really Succeed

The average millionaire dibs and dabbles in 17 different businesses, concepts, schemes, enterprises, but doesn’t hit it big until the 18th try.

This is another incredibly powerful fact for me, because I hear from plenty of students who have failed at so many other money-making ideas that they’re convinced they’re doomed to be failures.

Well, guess what? You’re only a failure if you stop trying.

I’m living proof of how true that can be. Back in 2007, I lost $500,000 on a single trade. I didn’t follow the rules I had set for myself, and because I believed in the company itself, I thought I knew better than what the numbers were showing me.

I was wrong, and it sucked. It absolutely sucked. But I came away from the experience a bruised, but better trader. Really, there’s no way I’d be the trader or the teacher I am today without that painful reminder of the importance of risk management.

Again, I’m telling you all of this because I don’t ever want you to give up on your dream of becoming a millionaire. If it takes most people an average of 18 tries before they get things right, what number are you on? How many times have you tried and failed so far?

Those aren’t failures; they’re lessons. And if you’re dedicated enough to the idea of building real wealth for your family, you’ll learn how to extract wisdom from them and use them to get closer to your winning idea.

Fact #10: You Probably Haven’t Missed Your Chance

The average millionaire doesn’t become a millionaire until age 37.

Your chances of becoming a millionaire haven’t passed you by just because you weren’t some tech startup hotshot. And if you’re older already, know that it’s not too late for you to realize your dream as well.

You Won’t Believe These 10 Millionaire Facts (4)

In my Trading Challenge coaching program, I work with everyone from college students, who are setting themselves up to avoid a lifetime of crappy jobs and low pay, to senior citizens, who are using my teachings to help them build the retirement they want — rather than the one they can afford.

It doesn’t matter who you are, when you’re starting, or how much money you’ve got in the bank. If you’re dedicated to studying hard and working your ass off, I can teach you to become a millionaire through penny stock trading.

Join me?

What are YOU doing to reach your goals? Let me know in the comments!

Frequently Asked Questions

What proportion of millionaires are self-made?

A significant majority of millionaires are self-made. According to the book “The Millionaire Next Door,” about 80% of millionaires earned their wealth on their own, rather than inheriting it. This statistic underscores the potential for financial success through personal effort and smart financial strategies.

What is the rate of self-made billionaires?

The rate of self-made billionaires varies globally, but a growing trend shows an increase in self-made billionaires compared to those who inherited their wealth. For example, the Forbes Billionaires List often indicates that a substantial portion of the world’s billionaires made their fortunes through their own entrepreneurial endeavors, investments, and business acumen.

How many millionaires started with nothing?

While exact numbers are hard to pinpoint, a significant portion of millionaires started with little to no financial backing. Success stories abound of individuals who began their journey to wealth from modest beginnings, emphasizing the role of hard work, perseverance, and smart financial decisions in building wealth. This includes many who have made fortunes in areas like penny stock trading, where initial investments can be relatively small.

Are self-made millionaires happier?

Happiness among self-made millionaires can vary widely and depends on individual perspectives and life choices. While financial security can provide a sense of accomplishment and reduce stress related to financial constraints, true happiness often stems from personal fulfillment, relationships, and a sense of purpose. Many self-made millionaires find joy in their achievements, the journey of building their wealth, and the opportunities it provides to pursue their passions and give back to the community.

You Won’t Believe These 10 Millionaire Facts (2024)


You Won’t Believe These 10 Millionaire Facts? ›

There are approximately 22 million households with a net worth of over $1 million, 1.45 million households with a net worth above $10 million, and around 90,000 that have a net worth of at least $50 million.

Did you know facts about millionaires? ›

There are approximately 22 million households with a net worth of over $1 million, 1.45 million households with a net worth above $10 million, and around 90,000 that have a net worth of at least $50 million.

How many millionaires did Dave Ramsey interview? ›

Ramsey told Von about a 2023 Ramsey Solutions survey, which quizzed 10,000 millionaires across the U.S. to find out what they do for work and how they built their wealth.

Is the average millionaire 57 years old? ›

According to data from, the average millionaire is 57 years old, with the world's 100 richest individuals earning their first $1 million at the age of 37 on average.

What percent of 35 year olds are millionaires? ›

Slightly over 20% of families aged 55-74 have net worths above $1 million, while well over 10% of those aged 45-54 and 75 and over millionaires, according to the Fed. Meanwhile, just 1% of those under 35 are millionaires.

What do 90% of millionaires do? ›

Real estate investment has long been a cornerstone of financial success, with approximately 90% of millionaires attributing their wealth in part to real estate holdings. In this article, we delve into the reasons why real estate is a preferred vehicle for creating millionaires and how you can leverage its potential.

What are the 10 things millionaires don't do? ›

The 10 things that millionaires typically avoid spending their money on include credit card debt, lottery tickets, expensive cars, impulse purchases, late fees, designer clothes, groceries and household items, luxury housing, entertainment and leisure, and low-interest savings accounts.

What was Dave Ramsey's GPA? ›

There is no college degree that will make you a millionaire. Did you know Dave Ramsey got a 2.93 GPA in college and he is one of the most successful people in the world financially. We focus on School, College, and degrees.

Do 90% of millionaires make $100,000 a year? ›

Only 31% averaged $100,000 a year over the course of their career,” the study found, “and one-third never made six figures in any single working year of their career.” Just look at the story of former custodian Ronald Read for a perfect example.

What should a 52 year old net worth be? ›

“If I were to give a rough estimate, I'd suggest having at least $500,000 in savings by your 50s and ideally pushing toward a million or more. This should encompass cash, stocks, your 401(k) and any home equity, minus your debts and mortgage.”

What should your net worth be at $50? ›

It's recommended to have a net worth of six-times your annual income at age 50. This figure is based on a popular savings chart from Fidelity. It estimates how much you need to retire by age 67, assuming you'll spend about the same amount in retirement that you do now.

What net worth is considered rich? ›

In the United States, the concept of being rich is often a subject of discussion, curiosity and, sometimes, aspiration. Charles Schwab's 2023 Modern Wealth Survey provides insights into this topic, revealing that the average American equates being wealthy with a net worth of approximately $2.2 million.

What salary is considered rich for a single person? ›

Based on that figure, an annual income of $500,000 or more would make you rich. The Economic Policy Institute uses a different baseline to determine who constitutes the top 1% and the top 5%. For 2021, you're in the top 1% if you earn $819,324 or more each year. The top 5% of income earners make $335,891 per year.

Did you know facts about billionaires? ›

When taking a closer look at the demographics of billionaires globally, about 88 percent were men in 2022. Only about 10 percent of the billionaires worldwide were younger than 50 years old. As of April 2023, 18-year-old Clemente Del Vecchio was the youngest billionaire globally.

What is the IQ of millionaires? ›

What is the average IQ of millionaires? The average IQ of self-made* millionaires is 118. The average IQ of self-made deca-millionaires (over $10M net worth) is 118. The average IQ of self-made* billionaires is 133.

What are some interesting facts about wealth? ›

1.79 billion people (33.8%) have a net worth between 10K and 100K USD. 627 million people (11.8%) have a net worth of between 100K and 1M USD. 62.5 million people (1.2%) of the world has a net worth of over 1 million dollars. The bottom 53.2% of people own 1.1% of the world's wealth ($5.5T).

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Job: Mining Supervisor

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.