What is the opposite of early answer? (2024)

What is the opposite of early answer?

Opposite words for early are ' belated , late, delayed, overdue, late in the day, tardy, behind time, unpunctual, behindhand.

(Video) Opposite words in English | opposite words for preschoolers | Educational video | Antonym for kids
What is the opposite of start answer?

Start means 'to begin something' the opposite being finish meaning 'to complete something'.

(Video) 1000 Opposite Words in English | Antonym Words List | Common Opposites
(English Study Here)
What is the opposite of easy answer?

Difficult : The word 'difficult' means something which requires a lot of efforts, labour, or pain to be done. Something which is not easy or cannot be done smoothly. Example: That was a difficult exam.

(Video) What is the Opposite of Opposite? | SPD Q&A #013
(Super Planet Dolan)
What is the opposite of down answer?

'Up' is the antonym/opposite of 'down.

(Video) 1000 Opposite Words in English | Antonym Words List | Common Opposites
(ABC Learning English)
What is the opposite of beginning or start?

One opposite of both beginning and start is end.

(Video) Antonyms || Opposite words || English Most Important Antonyms
(Ignited Minds- Junior)
What is the opposite of start?

Opposite of to begin from a particular point in time. end. finish. stop. complete.

(Video) Answer ka opposite | opposite of answer | antonyms of answer | answer ka ulta
(Indian spoken english)
What is the opposite of difficult answer?

Answer: the opposite word of difficult is easy or simple.

(Video) Opposite word of Answer | Answer ka opposite kya hota hai | Antonyms of answer
(Meaning of names)
What is the opposite of hard answer?

If hard = difficult, then the opposite is EASY.

(Video) Opposite Words /Antonyms /100 Common Opposite Words
(Let's learn with me)
What is the opposite of best answer?

Worst” is the closest antonym of the word “best”. Some of the following might be appropriate too: least.

(Video) Daily Use Opposite Word Meaning
(English Fun Guru)
What is the opposite of fat?

The antonyms for fat can be thin, weak, slim, etc.

(Video) Opposite Words With Sentences, Basic Opposite Antonym Words and Example Sentences
(English Grammar Here)

What is the opposite of love?

The opposite of love is indifference.

(Video) Opposite Words|| Antonyms|| English Grammar|| Opposites
(Ignited Minds- Junior)
What is the opposite of 0?

Since the opposite of 0 is 0 (which is neither positive nor negative), then 0 = 0. The number 0 is the only number that is its own opposite.

What is the opposite of early answer? (2024)
What is the opposite black?

Black is the color that's perceived where there is an absence of light. As a property of materials, this means that all wavelengths of light are absorbed. The opposite of black is white, as white is what humans perceive when confronted with all wavelengths of light at the same time.

What is the opposite difficult?

The opposite word for "difficult" is "easy."

What is the opposite of day animal?

Animals with the opposite schedule are said to be nocturnal, which means they're active at night and sleep in the daytime.

What is the opposite of beautiful?

The opposite of beautiful is ugly. Hence, the option 'a' is the correct answer. Note: The word ugly has several meanings.

What is the opposite feeling of hate?

Hatred is often associated with intense feelings of anger, contempt, and disgust. Hatred is sometimes seen as the opposite of love.

Does beginning mean first?

The beginning is the first part or section of something, or the place where it starts.

What is the opposite of earlier?

“Earlier" seems to call for an opposite “latelier", but such is not an English word. Since the opposite of 'early' is 'late', we can more easily accept 'earlier' has opposite in 'later'.

What is the opposite of morning?

The opposite meaning of "morning" is "evening". Morning refers to the period of time between dawn and noon, while evening refers to the period of time between sunset and bedtime.

What is the opposite of read?

The opposite of "read" is "unread." Clayton Emery.

What is the opposite of clever?

The antonyms for clever are a fool, stupid, dumb, stupid, goofy, silly, etc.

What is a difficult person called?

troublesome. trying. hellacious. pick-and-shovel. stubborn.

What is the opposite answer of everything?

'Nothing' is an indefinite pronoun that means 'not a single thing' and is the opposite of 'everything'.

What are opposites grade 1?

Opposites are pairs of words that have different meanings (e.g., big/little, fast/ slow, happy/sad). These words are part of Basic Concepts.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Last Updated: 13/07/2024

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.