20 Fun Baby Shower Games Your Guests Will Love to Play (2024)

Having a baby is a major milestone that calls for a celebration. A baby showermarks the occasion — and also helps the parent-to-be stock up on essential baby gear.

Of course, there's got to be more to the event than great baby shower gifts,foodand cake. Games are often a big part of a baby shower — not only are they an ideal way to break the ice if some of the guests have never met each other, but they can inspire a whole lot of laughter and fun.

Get inspired by these fun baby shower game ideas; then check out a few tips for prepping your games.

Best baby shower games

Take a look at these crowd-pleasing baby shower activities, includingfree printable baby shower games and games that work well for virtual baby showers.

1. Baby Bingo

Bingo is a classic! And playing it during a baby shower will make present opening fly by and keep guests engaged.

What you'll need:

  • "Baby Shower Bingo" cards (or sheets of grid paper)
  • Pens or pencils

How to play:

Hand out a sheet of paper to each guest. Have them write the name of a gift they think the parent-to-be will receive in each square (or you can also create the sheets ahead of time). As the star of the baby shower opens presents, players will cross off the squares containing the items received. The first person to get a straight line of crossed-off squares calls out "Bingo!" and wins a prize.

2. Baby Photo Guessing Game

This game requires some prep before the event, since you’ll need to ask all your guests to bring along a baby photo. But on the big day, having baby snapshots on hand will encourage guests to mingle. Cutebaby photos can double as party decorations, and it's fun to see what everyone looked like as babies!

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20 Fun Baby Shower Games Your Guests Will Love to Play (1)

35 Creative Baby Shower Themes

20 Fun Baby Shower Games Your Guests Will Love to Play (2)

Baby Shower Etiquette

20 Fun Baby Shower Games Your Guests Will Love to Play (3)

How to Plan a Baby Shower

What you'll need:

  • Baby photos of guests, each assigned a number
  • A way to display the photos, such as a bulletin board, magnet board, table, poster board or cork board
  • Pens and paper

How to play:

Guests bring (or send in advance) a photo of themselves as a baby, which the host numbers and tacks to a cork or poster board. During the event, guests guess who's who. Whoever correctly IDs the most baby photos wins!

3. The Dirty Diaper Game

As a parent, you inevitably spend a lot of time thinking, talking and dealing with the potty— which is why thedirty diaper baby shower game such a classic.If your guests appreciate this type of humor, this game can lead to a lot of laughter. Keep in mind, it’s only chocolate in these diapers!

What you'll need:

  • A variety of mini candy bars
  • Disposable diapers, each assigned a number

How to play:

Get various mini candy bars and slightly melt them. Put each one in a diaper, and write a number on the diaper (keeping a list of which chocolate bar is in each numbered diaper). Guests pass the diapers around and try to guess what kind of candy bar is in them. They can examine the chocolate, smell it and even taste it. Whoever correctly guesses the most candy bars is the winner.

4. Hot Potato Dirty Diaper

Looking for a two-part game? Have guests play the dirty diaper game early on. Then, use those diapers a second time for a spin on hot potato. Thisgame is easy to set up (and you'll be surprised by how frantic guests get to not be left holding onto a "dirty" diaper!).

What you'll need:

  • A "dirty" diaper
  • Timer or music

How to play:

Have guests sit in a circle, then pass the dirty diaper around clockwise. Play a song (make it baby-themed!) or set a timer. When the song ends or the timer goes off, the person who is holding the diaper has lost the game and is out. This game is played in rounds.

5. Guess the Baby Food

This game is not as easy as you might think.Test your guests' tastebuds with this silly, messy game.

What you'll need:

  • Blindfolds
  • Jarred baby food in a variety of flavors, labels removed
  • Spoons
  • Aprons or bibs

How to play:

Have your guests choose a partner and blindfold each other. One partner will be the "feeder" and the other will be the "taster." The feeder dips a spoon into a series of jarred baby foods while the taster tries to guess what each one is — that is, if the feeder can manage to get the spoon into the taster's mouth! The blindfolded taster and feeder can also take turns so that everyone at your baby shower gets to relive those high chair days.

6. My Water Broke!

The race is on to see whose ice cube melts the fastest!You'll have a blast watching the creative tactics guests use to try to get their ice cubes to melt.

What you'll need:

  • Ice cube trays
  • Little plastic babies (found at some craft stores or online)
  • Cups (to serve drinks and ice cubes)

How to play:

Before the baby shower, put a tiny plastic baby in each slot of an ice cube tray, fill with water and freeze. The babies will be frozen inside the ice cubes. At the shower, each guest gets one baby ice cube in their drink. The first person to have their ice cube melt shouts out, "My water broke!" and wins.

7. Down the Hatch

There's something comical about adults using a baby bottle. This baby shower game will prompt giggles from your guests.And chugging a baby bottle isn't as easy as babies make it look!

What you'll need:

  • A baby bottle for each guest, including nipples
  • Beverages to fill each bottle

How to play:

Fill baby bottles with your beverage of choice, and have guests race to drink the liquid as quickly as they can through the nipple. The first guest with an empty bottle wins! (Tip: Whip up a batch of this baby shower punch.)

8. Baby Guessing Game

As the due date approaches, the parents-to-be will be eager to imagine how their baby will look and act. Encourage this dreaming —and get guests involved — with this future-looking baby shower game.

What you'll need:

  • Answer sheets (find free printables online, or make your own by simply listing out 10 to 20 attributes— such as eyes, nose, hair, height— and columns for each parent)
  • Pens or pencils

How to play:

Before the baby shower, ask the mom-to-be to fill out a printable answer sheet listing the physical features (like eye color, height or athleticism) and personality traits (such as sense of humor, intelligence and creativity) she'd like your baby to get from herself and the ones she'd like the baby to get from her partner. At the shower, provide guests with blank answer sheets, and have them guess what the mom-to-be picked. Compare answers — whoever has the most correct wins!

9. The Celebrity Baby Name Game

Celebrities tend to give babies names that are unexpected, like colors (Blue) and objects (Apple). There are some celebs who are almost more famous for the names they gave their babies than anything else! With this game, you’ll test guests' know-how of celebrity baby names.Plus, this blend of pop culture and parenthood will be entertaining for all guests, whether or not they have children.

What you'll need:

  • A list of celebrity baby names
  • Paper
  • Pens or pencils

How to play:

Pass out lists with the celebrity parents in one column and the uniquely named babies in the other and see how many your guests can match up.

20 Fun Baby Shower Games Your Guests Will Love to Play (7)

10. Lullaby Name That Tune

Guests can show off their musical and acting skills while reliving one of their favorite games from elementary school. If you encourage your guests to get creative with the lullabies, you'll have a fun karaoke roster of songs everyone can sing along to.

What you'll need:

  • A list of lullabies
  • Paper
  • Pens
  • 2 bowls

How to play:

Have guests write their favoritelullabies on strips of paper. (Or write out a list yourself ahead of time.) Divide guests into teams, and give each team a bowl with half the strips of paper. Team members take turns humming or acting out each lullaby to get their teammates to guess the tune. The first team to empty their bowl wins.

11. Name the Baby Animals

Did you know baby foxes are called kits? Or baby tigers are whelps? This sweet shower game will test your guests' knowledge of (baby) animal trivia.Plus, looking at pictures of baby animals is always fun.

What you'll need:

  • A list of animal moms and babies
  • Pens

How to play:

Hand out a printed list of animal names or pictures (cats, dogs, lions, tigers and so on). Ask guests to write what the baby animal is called next to each animal name. Whoever gets the most correct wins!

12. Diaper Motivational Messages

Middle-of-the-night diaper changes can be brutal, thanks to both the frequency and the complexity of having to wipe poop in the dark. More than one parent has found themselves needing fresh pajamas along with their baby. This game adds some joy to these late-night moments andwill keep the new parents smiling for weeks after the shower has ended.

What you'll need:

  • A basket of clean, newdiapers
  • Sharpies or glow-in-the-dark markers

How to play:

Help the parents-to-be cope with late-night diaper changes by having guests write funny or motivating messages on new diapers. (Make sure to tell guests to only write on the outside!)Guests will love coming up with sweet ("You got this!") or silly ("It's poo-thirty a.m., do you know where your baby is?") messages for this DIY baby shower gift.

13. Blindfolded Baby Changing

Think changing a baby is easy? This game reveals the challenges in this task that new parents will soon take on — possibly as many as 12 times a day! This game is particularly great for multi-generational showers or grandma showers.

What you'll need:

  • 1 to 2 baby dolls with clothes
  • Stack of infant diapers
  • 1 to 2 blindfolds

How to play:

Set out baby dolls and infant diapers. One at a time, blindfold your guests and challenge them to undress the baby, put on the diaper and get it dressed again. Whoever does it the fastest wins a prize. You can also have two guests race each other — fastest one wins!

14. Play-Doh Babies

Rediscover one of the tactile joys of childhood with this baby shower game where guests sculpt babies from modeling clay.Creative types will have a blast sculpting and even if they're not feeling artistic, it’s still fun to see the babies you end up with.

What you'll need:

  • 12 or more tubs of colored Play-Doh (or a similar type of modeling clay)

How to play:

Ask guests if they know how babies are made. Before they can get too graphic, stop them and tell them they're going to "make a baby" right now … and then pull out a bag of Play-Doh. Divide them into teams or let each person work alone, hand out cans of Play-Doh and let them go wild. The mom-to-be picks her favorite as the winner.

15. "Pregnancy Brain" Memory Game

Chalk it up to hormones or the busyness of prepping to be a parent, butforgetfulness is a common pregnancy symptom. This is a game anyone can play, regardless of age or physical ability, and everyone loves a good memory challenge.

What you'll need:

  • A variety of small baby items
  • A tray
  • A towel
  • Paper
  • Pens

How to play:

Set up a tray with 10 to 15 baby items (for example, a pacifier, a bottle, a bib, nipple covers, a thermometer, baby bath, rubber duck or nail clippers). Cover the tray with a towel and carry it into the room. Remove the towel, and give guests 15 seconds to look at it. Then move the tray to another room and give everyone one minute to write down as many items as they can remember.

The person who gets the most correct wins a prize, and the mom-to-be gets to keep all the items. Another variation: Show the tray for 10 seconds, take it away and remove one item. Bring the tray back and see who can figure out which item is missing.

16. Don't Say the Word "Baby"

During a baby shower, all everyone wants to talk about is babies. But with this game, the word on everyone's lips becomes off limits.Guests will have fun skirting the word "baby" with synonyms, and being extra attentive to what everyone says.

What you'll need:

  • A safety pin or clothespin for each guest

How to play:

As guests arrive, hand everyone a safety pin or clothespin to attach to their shirt. Explain that they cannot say the word "baby." If they say it to someone, that person will claim their clothespin or safety pin. Whoever has the most safety pins or clothespins at the end of the shower is the winner!

17. Baby Item Scavenger Hunt

Send guests on a hunt to find everyday items with this game thatwill get everyone up and moving.

What you'll need:

  • A printable list of clues about various common baby items

How to play:

There are a few different ways to send guests on a baby shower scavenger hunt. You can hide 10 (or more) of a single baby item (like a onesie, pacifier or bottle) throughout the party space. If you play this way, whoever finds the most will win. Or, hide several different items, handing guests a list of all the items to find.

18. Guess the Cravings

This game is a fun way to find out who knows the mom-to-be (and her recent pregnancy cravings) best!

What you'll need:

  • Paper
  • Pens

How to play:

The mom-to-be will lead the way on this one, so make sure she's prepped and excited for this game. Have her describe cravings she's been having without naming the actual food. For example, she might say, "It's cold and sweet!" if she's had a hankering for ice cream. Guests can keep track of how many they guess correctly using pen and paper.

19. Guess How Long

Here's another game that helps keep guests involved as the mom-to-be opens up her presents.

What you'll need:

  • Timer

How to play:

Set a timer for a certain amount of time (such as five minutes) as the guest of honor is opening up presents. The winner is the person whose gift is being opened when the timer goes off. You can continue repeating the timer until all the presents have been opened.

20. The Price Is Right

In this spin on the game show classic, guests share their best guesses for how much various baby items cost.Guessing the prices is a whole lot of fun (and can prompt a lot of laughter when guesses are way off).

What you'll need:

  • A list of everyday baby items (crib, diapers, bottles, onesies)
  • Pens or pencils

How to play:

Before guests arrive, print a list of baby items and look up the average price for each item online. On the printable, ask guests to write down their best guesses for how much each item costs. Whoever gets the closest to the price (without going over) wins.

20 Fun Baby Shower Games Your Guests Will Love to Play (8)

How many games should you play at a baby shower?

There's no set number of games to play at a baby shower. Instead, think in terms of how long you want guests to stay. For a longer shower, more games can help fill the time and provide opportunities for guests to mingle, while one or two games would be plenty for a shorter event.

When planning out your baby shower games, you might also keep the following in mind:

  • Prep more games than you need.When in doubt, plan several games. If guests don't seem in the mood to play them, you can always scrap the idea, but it's nice to have them at the ready.
  • Consider the attendees.Think about who will be at the shower to plan games that appeal to everyone. For example, are guests from different generations? Are you having a coed shower?
  • Keep in mind how — and when — the games are played.Some activities are designed to be played while presents are opened, others last the duration of the event and still other games take just a few minutes to complete.

While it's certainly not a must-have, giving out small prizes to the winners can help guests feel excited to participate. You can also use prizes or baby shower favorsas a way to enhance thebaby shower's theme, if there is one.But there's no need to break the bank!If you want to entice with prizes, some inexpensive ones could include:

  • Seed packets
  • Small potted succulent
  • Mini bottles of bubble bath
  • Hand lotion
  • Little picture frames
  • Inexpensive gift cards
  • Chocolate bars
  • Bags of candy

20 Fun Baby Shower Games Your Guests Will Love to Play (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.