Tia Dalma (2024)

This article is about the voodoo priestess.You may be looking for the soundtrack theme, "Tia Dalma".

"A touch... of destiny."
―Tia Dalma[src]

Tia Dalma was a beautiful and mysterious soothsayer of the Caribbean. A witch doctor, fortune teller, and a mystic who wields the supernatural power of voodoo-like magic, there was more to her than met the eye. Before she was known as Tia Dalma, she was the sea goddess Calypso, until the First Brethren Court tricked the goddess and imprisoned her into the human body of a mortal woman, with the help of her former lover, Davy Jones.

A woman of power, Tia Dalma resided deep within the bayou swamps of Cuba, in a sprawling wooden shack perched in a treetop by the mouth of the Pantano River. Some believed that judging Tia Dalma by her humble home was a mistake, as she had uncanny powers to foretell the future, to summon up demons, and to look deep into men's souls. She's also able to see into people's heart and mind, know of their destiny, as well as call upon the elements to do her bidding, though her intentions were not always clear. Tia Dalma had devoted her powers to help anyone who needed it. So it was to this mysterious and beautiful mystic that Captain Jack Sparrow occasionally turned to for help, who once provided the infamous pirate with his unique compass. Angelica also had dealings with Tia Dalma, having traded a ring in order to learn the Profane Ritual.

Over the years, the imprisoned Calypso assumed the alias of Tia Dalma. It wasn't until around the War Against Piracy that she gained an opportunity for freedom from her human form. Tia Dalma/Calypso needed all the Pirate Lords in order to assemble the Brethren, so they could release her from her human bonds; and so she resurrected the dead pirate captain Hector Barbossa, tricked him to retrieve Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' Locker and summon a fourth meeting of the Brethren. Despite the Pirate Lords not having an agreement, Barbossa took all the Pieces of Eight, the powerful items that had imprisoned Calypso, and then undid the spell that bound her to mortal flesh. Now free, Calypso's wrath became horrible to behold, having discovered Davy Jones' betrayal. The enraged goddess created a massive maelstrom, where a battle raged at the center of it. And it was in that very battle that Davy Jones' heart was pierced and he died.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Early life
    • 1.2 A Voodoo priestess
    • 1.3 Big problems
    • 1.4 Jack's return
    • 1.5 World's End
    • 1.6 Release of Calypso
  • 2 Personality and traits
  • 3 Equipment and skills
  • 4 Behind the scenes
  • 5 Appearances
    • 5.1 Non-canon appearances
  • 6 Sources
  • 7 See also
  • 8 Notes and references


Early life[]

"No worries, mates! Tia Dalma and I go way back. Thick as thieves. Nigh inseparable we are. Were. Have been. Before."
Jack Sparrow[src]

According to one particular legend,Tia Dalma was originally the sea goddess Calypso. Because she too had mortal blood, Calypso fell in love with a sailor named Davy Jones. She gave him the Flying Dutchman and the sacred task of collecting all the poor souls who died at sea, and ferrying them to the worlds beyond. Because of that love, Davy Jones agreed to set foot on land once every ten years, where Jones would be free to come ashore to be with Calypso. But when Davy Jones came ashore after his ten year duty, Calypso was nowhere to be found, for the seas are fickle and unpredictable, as was the powerful goddess who ruled that domain. And so, unbeknownst to Calypso, Davy Jones plotted with the First Brethren Court where they would tear the rule of the seas away from the sea goddess. Jones showed them how to bind her to human form using Pieces of Eight; and thus the Brethren "captured the Sea Goddess, and bound her in her bones," imprisoning her into the body of a mortal woman.

Her binding tamed the seas and satisfied Jones's desire for vengeance. This entrapment could only be reversed if the Brethren Court reassembled, resubmitted the original nine Pieces of Eight they used to bind her, and burned them.[13] Unaware of the crucial role that her former inamorato, Jones, had played in her imprisonment, Calypso would be under the guise of Tia Dalma during her human sojourn.

A Voodoo priestess[]

"I will show you the way of the dark arts. We begin with a trifle. Look upon it. The learnin' of the doll bein' the learnin' of its construction. Each must make their own."
―Tia Dalma[src]
Tia Dalma (1)

It was said that Tia Dalma had been practicing her ways since the waters were tamed. Let it just be stated that several generations fell under her spell and there are many who could tell interesting tales of their relationships with this enchantress. She appeared to be an eccentric, but her skills in the realm of magic were exceptional.[4] By the 1710s, Tia Dalma was already established on the Pantano River in Cuba,[14] and was renowned to be a great voodoo mystic in the Caribbean.

Little of Tia Dalma's past is known from this point on, save for an association with many pirates and adventurers in the Caribbean. She returned to Jack the eye of Stone-Eyed Sam along with two beads that allowed him to summon the spirit of Montecuhzoma to defeat the phantom Hernán Cortés. Later, during a meeting with the crew of the Barnacle, Dalma professed to have divined something of Sparrow's future, and seemed to be aware that the Chest of Cortés would play a part in his later life. It was during this time that Dalma provided Jack with catnip; the means to return Constance Magliore to her human form, after Dalma herself transformed the girl into a cat.[15] During Jack's quest for the Sun-and-stars amulet, Tia Dalma appeared in the swamps of Louisiana, not far from New Orleans, and spoke with Jack and his crewmember Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III. She advised them to find the golden gem and demanded something that Fitzwilliam lost to be handed over to her as a payment after the adventure.[16]

A few years later, Tia Dalma provided Jack with his compass; a mysterious device that pointed to that which its user truly wanted most.[17]

One day the Pharaoh Taharka from the mystical island of Kerma visited Tia Dalma in her shack, searching for a cure for his ill son, Prince Aniba. Tia Dalma had the cure, but she demanded a payment, and Taharka went to search for it. Taharka finally obtained the cure, but he was soon killed during the rogue pirate attack. The cure was destroyed, and Aniba died.[18] Around the same time, Tia Dalma met the notorious pirate James Sterling.[19]

It was thought that Tia and Jack Sparrow became lovers at some point.[2] During his adult life, Jack would brag about how they go way back as well as being "thick as thieves" and "inseparable." Though he put on a brave face, he was not sure of himself.[1][20] Although they didn't totally brush through their past relationship, Tia Dalma and Jack Sparrow had no plans of rekindling their long-extinguished lovers' flame. Tia Dalma, however, still show quite the amicable affection by accepting favors from the rogue pirate, but not without payment.

Big problems[]

Tia Dalma (2)
"A shadow has been laid upon you, Jack."
"That part I know. What I want to know is how to lay it off.
―Tia Dalma and Jack Sparrow[src]

When the mysterious Shadow Lord threatened to destroy the Brethren Court with his Shadow Army, Tia Dalma sent her zombie, Alex, to steal the Shadow Gold, a mystical elixir of great power in Shadow Lord's possession. The zombie successfully stole the elixir, but instead of giving all the vials to the greatest Pirate Lord as ordered, he gave almost all of them to almost all of the nine Pirate Lords. Tia Dalma summoned Jack to New Orleans, where she gave him one of the vials and instructed him how to find others. She also ordered Alex to join Jack's crew, so he could deliver Jack Tia's telepathic messages. [21] At the end of Jack's quest, Tia teleported onboard the Black Pearl, which was sailing in the Mediterranean Sea. She wasn't pleased when she saw that Jack wasted the last vial, and she furiously disappeared, returning to her shack.[22]

Around the late 1720s, the infamous pirate Jolly Roger formed an army of the undead to exact revenge on Jack Sparrow and make himself ruler of the Caribbean. During that conflict, many pirates came to Tia Dalma, seeking help and advice. She provided them with voodoo dolls and other magical talismans, but for a fair payment, though a bit unusual in the eyes of ordinary men.[23]

Tia Dalma (3)

At some point before Cutler Beckett's war against piracy, Tia Dalma was visited by Angelica, the daughter of the infamous pirate Blackbeard. Angelica made a traded with sorcerer Tia Dalma for the secret of the Profane Ritual, the rules of the Fountain of Youth. In exchange, Angelica gave her a ring, which she received some time earlier from Jack Sparrow, who later spotted the ring on the sorcerer's table and promptly stole it back.[8]

Jack's return[]

"There'll be no knowing, here. We've come for help and we're not leaving without it. I thought I knew you."
"Not so well as I hoped.
Jack Sparrow and Tia Dalma[src]
See Also
Piper McLean

Many years after they last parted ways, Captain Jack Sparrow returned to Tia Dalma in need of her assistance. Due to being pursued across the Caribbean by the dreaded Kraken, Jack planned to find the Dead Man's Chest, and in doing so taking control of Davy Jones's heart, resting within, and ensuring his control over Jones and his terrible leviathan. Upon Jack's at her shack, Tia seemed pleased to see him again, but she appeared more interested in Jack's companion, Will Turner, whose boyish good looks instantly charmed her. She beamed an inviting smile at Will. "You have a touch of destiny about you, William Turner..." she told him; to Will's amazement, that she knew his name, though they had never met before. Tia Dalma continued flirting with Will while touching his face with her hand. Jack, with more than a touch of jealousy, wanted to get straight to business.[1]

"You have a touch of destiny about you, William Turner."
"You know me?"
"You want to know me.
―Tia Dalma and William Turner[src]

A series of trades took place. Knowing the mystic demanded payment, Jack Sparrow gave a cage with Jack the "undead monkey" trapped inside. Tia opened the cage to release the monkey, who ran toward a pair of boots of his old master, Captain Hector Barbossa. She then told Jack and his crew about Davy Jones, in part, while answering Will's question about Jones' Chest and its key. Having told Jack what he wanted to know, and discovering that Jack was marked with the Black Spot, Tia Dalma gave Jack a jar of dirt, so that he would always carry land, where he'd be safe from Jones. At Will Turner's request, Tia Dalma helped them to know where to find Davy Jones' ship, the Flying Dutchman, divined through "reading" crab claws. Jack's crew left the shack to continue their search for the Dead Man's Chest, leaving Dalma alone in her shack—or so they believed.[1]

World's End[]

"Would you do it? Hmmm? What...would you? Hmmm? What would any of you be willing to do? Hmmm? Would you sail to the ends of the eart', and beyond, to fetch back witty Jack and him precious Pearl?"
―Tia Dalma to Jack Sparrow's crew[src]

Jack's crew would soon return to Tia Dalma's shack, but this time without their Captain. Jack had fallen to the Kraken, going down with his ship as the beast dragged the Black Pearl down to Davy Jones' Locker. Tia had apparently foreseen this eventuality, and informed the mourning crew that there was a chance to save Jack. Their journey would take them to World's End, but, though Tia would be joining them on their quest, they would need the leadership of a Captain who knew the waters of World's End. With that, she introduced the resurrected Barbossa to the stunned crew.[1]

Tia Dalma (4)

It appeared that Tia had been responsible, either partly or perhaps completely, for Barbossa's return to the world of the living after Jack shot him in the heart on Isla de Muerta a year earlier. Tia, seemingly more powerful than any of the crew could have guessed, seemed set to lend her mystical aid to the return of Captain Jack Sparrow at World's End.[1]

Tia Dalma sailed with the rest of the crew to Singapore and took part in the fight against Lord Cutler Beckett's men. She went with the group as they sailed to Davy Jones' Locker. As they headed towards Davy Jones' Locker, Tia Dalma approached Will, telling him that a cost must be paid in the end. When they were in the Locker, her power let her command the crabs there to drag the Black Pearl back to the sea. When rescuing Jack from the Locker, Tia Dalma flirts with him and referenced a presumed past romantic relationship. As the group searched for an escape route back to the mortal world, they encountered numerous souls adrift in the water. Tia Dalma then told Pintel and Ragetti the story of Davy Jones and Calypso, specifically the former's duty to ferry souls who died at sea to the other side. While caressing her locket, she reminisced that Jones was once human. When they saw Weatherby Swann among the souls of the deceased, she stated he was at peace, meaning there was no way to bring him back with them to the world of the living.[13]

Later on, as the Black Pearl reached Shipwreck Island, Tia Dalma reminded Barbossa of her powers by gripping his hand and temporarily turning it skeletal. She warned him that it was only by her power that he was alive again and that he must fulfill their agreement to release her. However, Barbossa responded by reminding Tia Dalma why she really resurrected him and why they brought Sparrow back from the Locker - to release Calypso from the mystic's mortal form. Barbossa then ordered Pintel and Ragetti to take Tia Dalma/Calypso to the brig. While the Fourth Brethren Court convened at Shipwreck Cove, Tia Dalma/Calypso remained in the brig. There, she briefly conversed with Davy Jones, now aware of the intention to release the goddess from her human form, despite the agreement he made with the First Court to imprison her forever, an agreement which she was still unaware of. However, though the Fourth Court decided not to release Calypso, Barbossa decided to do so anyway, having been able to steal all nine Pieces of Eight.[13]

Release of Calypso[]

As the battle between the East India Trading Company and the pirates approached, Tia Dalma/Calypso restrained by ropes was brought on the main deck to be released. As part of an incantation, Barbossa burned the Pieces of Eight and, with the assistance of Ragetti, spoke the words, "Calypso, I release you from your human bonds" as a lover would. Before Calypso could change into another shape, Will Turner revealed the name of the one who truly betrayed her by telling the First Brethren Court how to bind her: Davy Jones.[13]

Tia Dalma (5)

Enraged by this knowledge, Calypso, still in her Tia Dalma form, began to change; she grew and became several stories tall in a matter of moments. As she grew, some of the ropes that were restraining her snapped and her low cut dress ripped in several places, exposing a lot of skin and leaving her in a much skimpier outfit. Once she stopped growing, she looked down at the pirates. Barbossa approached and knelt before her, so did the crew. She listened to Barbossa about fulfilling their agreement and to use her powers to aid the pirates. There was a moment of silence as Calypso smiled about the supplication. She then cried out in her native tongue in a deep voice, "Malfaiteur en tombeau, crochir l'esplanade, dans l'fond d'l'eau!", French for "Across all the seas, find the path to he who wrongfully entombed me!". Calypso then appeared to crumble. She broke free from the ropes and transformed herself into thousands of small crabs that engulfed the ship and fled into the sea, and were gone.[13]

Calypso showed her wrath by summoning a maelstrom and striking the sea with lightning and rain. She also gave "favorable winds" to both the pirates and the EITC Armada, thus enticing both sides to do battle. After Davy Jones was defeated, the maelstrom vanished and the weather was calm again.[13]

"And what fate have you planned for your captors?"
"The Brethren Court? All of them, the last thing they will learn in this life...is how cruel I can be. And what of your fate, Davy Jones?"
"My heart will always belong to you.
Davy Jones and Tia Dalma[src]

Personality and traits[]

Tia Dalma (6)
"Tia Dalma, out and about, eh? You add an agreeable sense of the macabre to any delirium."
Jack Sparrow to Tia Dalma[src]

A mystic with an eye keener than any pirate's,[5] there was more to Tia Dalma than met the eye. She was a mysterious witch doctor and fortune teller who was able to see into people's heart and mind. Tia Dalma was a practitioner of voodoo,[12][9] a hoodoo priestess with fathomless powers.[4] She was also very touched with the elements; a very powerful woman who was able to call upon the elements to do her bidding as well, though not many quite knew what her true intentions were.[2] Tia Dalma resided in a tumbledown shack perched in a treetop above the swamps of the Cypress Forest at the mouth of the Pantano River. Some believed that judging Tia Dalma by her humble home was a mistake, as she had uncanny powers to foretell the future, to summon up demons, and to look deep into men's souls. So it was to this mysterious and beautiful mystic that Jack Sparrow occasionally turned to for help.[12] Among her other traits, Tia Dalma was known to barter. She helped Jack Sparrow in his search for the Dead Man's Chest, using her crab claws to scry the location of the Flying Dutchman, and then joined on the journey to the Land of the Dead. Hector Barbossa was one of the few who knew that none other than Tia Dalma was the human incarnation of the goddess, Calypso. Barbossa persuaded Tia Dalma to join on the voyage to World's End, although it was so he could enact his scheme and release Calypso—fulfilling the deal that he made with her after she brought him back from the dead.

On her face, Tia Dalma had delicate patterns accentuating her hypnotic eyes.[12] She has black teeth and blue lips, and has her hair in dreadlocks. She also wears a low cut dress that shows her cleavage and bare shoulders, and has a penchant for going barefoot.[24][25][26] Tia Dalma's shack teemed with jars of weird objects, many of which used for her powerful incantations, including an iron-bound jar hanging from a rafter, filled with dozens of staring eyeballs. From a silver chain, usually worn around Tia Dalma's neck, hung a curious pendant, a magic necklace. Though the crab-shaped pendant was tarnished and has dulled with age, a mysterious face was still visible.[12]

Tia Dalma was an extremely seductive creature who cast an enticing but tangled net.[4] She had a natural talent for being playful, flirty, and sensual. It was implied that there was a romance between Tia Dalma and Jack Sparrow,[2] in which the two became lovers at some point in the latter's life. When Jack's crew visited Tia Dalma's shack, Sparrow bragged about how they go way back as well as being "thick as thieves" and "inseparable." Though he put on a brave face, he was not sure of himself.[1][20] Later, during the quest to rescue Jack from Davy Jones' Locker, Tia mentioned how Jack "enjoyed it at the time" as a way of convincing the pirate to let the mystic join his crew.[13] Although they didn't totally brush through their past relationship, Tia Dalma and Jack Sparrow had no plans of rekindling their long-extinguished lovers' flame. Tia Dalma, however, still show quite the amicable affection by accepting favors from the infamous pirate as well as her willingness to help out seafarers, though not without payment. Although, as soon as Will Turner entered her shack, his boyish good looks charmed Tia Dalma as she beamed an inviting smile at him and started flirting with him also. Jack Sparrow flattered himself that the grin was for him, but was shocked when his old sweetheart ignored him, and later touched Will's face with her hand flirtatiously.

As a mysterious Caribbean soothsayer, Tia Dalma also liked talking in riddles, perhaps so others could solve them. Tia spoke with a thick West Indian accent, and all her "th"'s come out as "d"'s. Her language is Jamaican Patois, so she often uses grammatically West African syntactical phrases, such as, "him carve out him heart."

Equipment and skills[]

"She has power. Real power. She's no one I'd want to cross."
Jack Sparrow on Tia Dalma[src]

Tia Dalma appeared to be an eccentric, but her skills in the realm of magic were exceptional. She could scry (although it was thought inexplicable that she used crab claws for this purpose) and could see through the cloud in a man's mind to his past and his future. She also possessed the ability to return the dead to life, as evidenced by having brought back Captain Barbossa to help navigate the weird and haunted shores at World's End to rescue Captain Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones's Locker. She was also fluent in making zombies, the undead beings who served their master without question. Her charms did not always effect good fortune, although her abilities were unquestionable.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Tia Dalma would first be mentioned through the 2006 reference book Pirates of the Caribbean: The Visual Guide[10] before making her first appearance in the junior novelization for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.[5] Naomie Harris portrayed the character in Dead Man's Chest and At World's End.[1][13] Julienne Buescher voiced Tia Dalma in the At World's End video game adaptation.[9]
  • When asked about what led to Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio naming Tia Dalma, Rossio wrote on Wordplay, "At the time my girlfriend was a terribly pretty black woman from Puerto Rico who spoke Puerto Rican Spanish, a variation of the Spanish language. She referred to her aunt as 'Tia', as in 'Tia Benita', and I always liked how that sounded, it felt affectionate, the same way it does in our language when we say, 'Auntie Em', etc. If I recall correctly, we wanted a rhythm quality to the name, so we needed something ending in 'a' (creating the ah) sound. Something like Dama, which meant woman. I believe that Dalma just popped into one of our heads and sounded right. (Ted might have a different memory or logic.)" Once they had the name, they looked up potential meanings. In Arabic, "Dalma" is a feminine name that means "dark beauty" or "darkness of the night", which Rossio believed turned out to be "perfect" as speaking the name felt "appropriately mysterious".[27]
  • The makeup process which Naomie Harris needed to perform in order to create the costume of Tia Dalma deserved just twenty minutes. The makeup, according to Harris herself, was really light as it was sort of black and smudged lips and black tribal markings, in addition to other elements were like red eyes, a gold wig and false teeth, with the latter making her teeth to look busted.[2]
  • In Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio's screenplay draft for At World's End, Pintel calls Tia Dalma "Missus Fish".[28] However, it was written as "Mrs. Fish" in the subtitles for the various home video releases and Disney+.
  • In Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio's screenplay of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Tia Dalma was referenced twice. On the main deck of the Queen Anne's Revenge, Jack Sparrow has "a simple gold RING with a BLACK STONE" that Jack pilfered from Tia Dalma's shack in Dead Man's Chest, which he gives to Angelica, who said she had to trade it to learn the "rules of the Fountain" known as the profane ritual. Later, as Jack and Angelica discuss the ritual, the latter grabs a snake and wields it at Jack before saying, (a la Tia Dalma) "All da years dat dey have lived, and they could have lived, if fate'd been kinder."[29] Although Tia Dalma was not directly referenced in the final cut of the film, her backstory with Angelica would still be mentioned in other media, notably Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual Guide.[8] Among fan speculations, Terry Rossio stated the more certain point that Angelica had traded the ring to Tia Dalma prior to Dead Man's Chest, so that it would be there for Jack to steal, which means that Angelica was plotting an assault on the Fountain for some time.[30]
"I don't know, because I got a call from someone on the production team while they were filming and they asked me to do some lines -- some Tia Dalma lines -- for Penelope Cruz. They said that in this one she references her. I haven't seen it to know if she does those lines or not, but I recorded them for her. So I don't know. I thought my character is referenced, which could mean she comes back in 5 but I don't know."
Naomie Harris on her possible Pirates return[src]
  • Around the release of On Stranger Tides in 2011, Naomie Harris stated that she was asked to record some Tia Dalma lines that would be said in in the film by Penélope Cruz, who portrayed Angelica, and considered a possibile return in the then-untitled fifth film due to this reference.[31] Screenwriter Terry Rossio was possibly unaware of this, however, as he said in retrospective that he doesn't see how Harris could have been given lines for a character she didn't play.[32]
  • Tia Dalma's name is an anagram of Dalmatia, a region whose coast was a haven for pirates when it was known as the Roman province of Illyricum, and prior to that, the pirate kingdom of Illyria, ruled at one time by the pirate Queen Teuta.[citation needed]
  • "Malfaiteur en Tombeau, Crochir l'Esplanade, Dans l'Fond d'l'eau!", the phrase Calypso yells out when she is freed from her bonds, roughly translates to "Across all the seas, find the path to he who wrongfully entombed me!"[citation needed]
  • Tia Dalma appears in the video game Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned.[citation needed] But, since that game was cancelled, it is unknown if Dalma's appearance in the game is canon or not.
  • Tia Dalma's habit of going barefoot is also mentioned in the non-canon novel series Kingdom Keepers, and is a plot point in one of the novels, The Insider.[citation needed]


Non-canon appearances[]


See also[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 June 2006 - Pirates of the Caribbean: Interview with Noamie Harris at blackfilm.com
  3. 3.0 3.1 POTC2 Presskit
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 The Pirates' Guidelines, p. 98
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (junior novelization), p. 65
  6. Tia Dalma | Pirates of the Caribbean
  7. Bring Me That Horizon: The Making of Pirates of the Caribbean, p. 86
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual Guide, p. 51
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (video game)
  10. 10.0 10.1 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Visual Guide
  11. Dead Man's Chest.pdf Michael J. Ricciardi - Copywriter (June 1, 2006) (backup link)
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Complete Visual Guide, pp. 58-59: "Tia Dalma's Shack"
  13. 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 13.15 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
  14. http://disney.go.com/pirates/#/lore_locations
  15. Jack Sparrow: The Sword of Cortés
  16. Jack Sparrow: City of Gold
  17. The Price of Freedom, Chapter 1: "Fair Winds and Black Shipss"
  18. The Price of Freedom, Chapter 11: "Pirates and Rogues"
  19. http://www.gamesradar.com/xbox360/pirates-of-the-caribbean-armada-of-the-damned/preview/pirates-of-the-caribbean-armada-of-the-damned/a-2010021015547254082/g-2009052710535776009
  20. 20.0 20.1 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Complete Visual Guide, pp. 56-57: "The Bayou"
  21. Legends of the Brethren Court: The Caribbean
  22. Legends of the Brethren Court: Day of the Shadow
  23. Pirates of the Caribbean Online
  24. Pirati dei Caraibi Magazine
  25. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (comic)
  26. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (comic)
  27. Wordplayer.com: SCRIPTS Message Board: Re: Tia Dalma Name Origin?, posted by Terry Rossio (February 1, 2024)
  28. Wordplayer.com: PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD'S END by Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio
  29. Wordplayer.com: PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES by Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio
  30. Terry Rossio on Angelica's Spanish convent and Jack's Ring in P2
  31. Naomie Harris on the Incredible True Story Behind Her New Film (and Her Possible Pirates Return)
  32. 2020 Interview with Terry Rossio

Motley Crew
Captain: Jack Sparrow
HMS Interceptor
AnamariaCottonCotton's ParrotCrimpDuncanJoshamee GibbsKursar
LadbrocMartyMatelotMoisesQuartettoTearlachWill Turner

Captain: Joshamee Gibbs
HMS Interceptor/Black Pearl
AnamariaCottonCotton's ParrotCrimpDuncanKursarLadbroc
MartyMatelotMoisesQuartettoElizabeth SwannTearlachWill Turner

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
AnamariaCottonCotton's ParrotCrimpDuncanJoshamee GibbsLadbroc

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
CottonCotton's ParrotCrimpDuncanJoshamee GibbsHo-KwanJack the MonkeyLeechLejonMartyMatelotMoises

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
CottonCotton's ParrotJoshamee GibbsJack the MonkeyLejonMartyPintelRagettiWilliam Turner Jr.

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
CottonCotton's ParrotCrippled manJames NorringtonJoshamee GibbsIrish manJack the MonkeyLejonMartyPintelRagettiElizabeth SwannSkinny manSweepyVery old manWilliam Turner Jr.

Captain: Hector Barbossa
Hai Peng
CottonCotton's ParrotTia DalmaJoshamee GibbsTai HuangJack the Monkey
MartyPintelRagettiElizabeth SwannWill Turner

Captains: Jack Sparrow / Hector Barbossa
Black Pearl
CottonCotton's ParrotTia DalmaJoshamee GibbsTai HuangJack the Monkey
MartyPintelRagettiElizabeth SwannWill Turner

Captain: Hector Barbossa
Black Pearl
CottonCotton's ParrotJack the MonkeyMartyMullroyMurtoggPintelRagetti

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Dying Gull
BollardCrembleJoshamee GibbsMartyPikeScrum

Captain: Joshamee Gibbs
Dying Gull

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Dying Gull
BollardCrembleJoshamee GibbsMartyPikeScrumCarina SmythHenry Turner

Captains: Jack Sparrow / Hector Barbossa
Black Pearl
BollardCrembleJoshamee GibbsJack the MonkeyMartyMullroyMurtoggPikeScrumCarina SmythHenry Turner

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
BollardCrembleJoshamee GibbsJack the MonkeyMartyMullroyMurtoggPikeScrum
Tia Dalma (2024)


Did Tia Dalma like Jack Sparrow? ›

Tia Dalma is portrayed as an ally to Jack Sparrow, trading with him, aiding in his rescue, and occasionally flirting. It is implied they shared a romantic history.

What does Tia Dalma say when she becomes Calypso? ›

After Calypso is set free, she says (roughly translated from French): “Across the seas, find the path to He, who wrongfully entombed me”, pretty much calling for the death of Davy Jones.

What happened to Tia Dalma? ›

Tia Dalma becomes giant, ready to be released from her human form. When the Pieces of Eight are burned, Tia grows into Calypso.

Why did Tia Dalma give Jack a jar of dirt? ›

User(s) Tia Dalma gives Captain Jack Sparrow a jar of dirt so that he will always be near land and safe from Davy Jones. She explained that, as Davy Jones was unable to set foot on land but once every decade, Jack would carry land with him at all times.

Why couldn't Tia Dalma bring Jack back? ›

Whereas, most who died were allowed to have their souls move on to some form of afterlife, Davy Jones' Locker acted as a form of purgatory. This is why Tia Dalma couldn't bring Jack Sparrow back to life–like she did with Hector Barbossa–as his soul was trapped within the Locker.

Who was in love with Jack Sparrow? ›

Elizabeth Swann

During the climax of Dead Man's Chest, Elizabeth acting interested in Jack allows him to kiss her on board the Pearl — only for Elizabeth to cuff him to the ship in the process, sacrificing Jack to the Kraken to save herself and the crew.

What did Tia Dalma whisper to Sora? ›

Tia Dalma : [in Sora's thoughts] Use that key to free me, Sora, and you have my most certain promise, all the power on the sea you ever wish for be yours.

Why did Davy Jones hate Calypso? ›

Believing Calypso had betrayed him, a heartbroken and enraged Davy Jones turned the Pirate Brethren against her, saying that if she were removed from the world, they would be able to claim the seas for themselves.

What was the ring Jack Sparrow took from Tia Dalma? ›

The Ring of Thieves, also known as the Stolen Ring, was a gold ring with a dark purple or amethyst stone, most notably in Captain Jack Sparrow's possession. Jack gave this amethyst ring to Angelica during their first romance. In later years, Angelica traded it to Tia Dalma for the secret of the Profane Ritual.

Why was Calypso killed? ›

According to Hyginus, Calypso killed herself because of her love for Odysseus.

Did Tia Dalma resurrect Barbossa? ›

He first debut in The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) as a cursed undead skeleton, where he dies at the end of the film. However, the character is revealed to have been resurrected and brought back from the dead by Tia Dalma by the end of Dead Man's Chest, and has since appeared in an anti-heroic role.

Why does Calypso turn into crabs? ›

As a heathen goddess, Calypso was able to take many forms. But since the crab was attributed as her symbol, most notably by pirates, she chose that form. When Tia Dalma was transformed back into Calypso, she grew to ten times her normal size and crashed to the deck of the Black Pearl as thousands of little crabs.

Why did Calypso create a Maelstrom? ›

After being released from her human form, the goddess Calypso, enraged over Davy Jones's betrayal and the Brethren Court, used her powers to summon a maelstrom. Calypso's maelstrom consisted of an enormous whirlpool topped with a thunderstorm with strong wind, lightning and rain.

Did Jack get his compass from Tia Dalma? ›

Background. As a young boy, Jack would acquire this magical compass from the mystic Tia Dalma for his captain Morgan, then Jack, who was part of his crew, gave Morgan the compass, who would use it in his adventures on the Wicked Wench (the original name of the Black Pearl).

What was unscripted in Pirates of the Caribbean? ›

In Curse Of The Black Pearl, Johnny Depp improvised many of his lines, including the notorious, “Bring me that horizon,” and Jack Sparrow's catch phrase, "Savvy?" 4. Depp and Verbinski have a funny way of describing Jack running away from danger.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.